Application module: Schematic element ISO/TS 10303-1205:2005(E)

Cover page
Table of contents
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

4 Information requirements
   4.1 Required AM ARMs
   4.2 ARM entity definitions
5 Module interpreted model
   5.1 Mapping specification
   5.2 MIM EXPRESS short listing
     5.2.1 MIM entity definitions

A MIM short names
B Information object registration
E Computer interpretable listings

4 Information requirements

This clause specifies the information requirements for the Schematic element application module. The information requirements are specified as the Application Reference Model (ARM) of this application module.

NOTE 1  A graphical representation of the information requirements is given in Annex C.

NOTE 2  The mapping specification is specified in 5.1. It shows how the information requirements are met by using common resources and constructs defined or imported in the MIM schema of this application module.

The following EXPRESS specification begins the Schematic_element_arm schema and identifies the necessary external references.

EXPRESS specification:

SCHEMA Schematic_element_arm;

4.1 Required AM ARMs

The following EXPRESS interface statements specify the elements imported from the ARMs of other application modules.

EXPRESS specification:

USE FROM Class_arm;    --  ISO/TS 10303-1070

USE FROM Set_theory_arm;    --  ISO/TS 10303-1210

USE FROM Draughting_annotation_arm;    --  ISO/TS 10303-1206

USE FROM Foundation_representation_arm;    --  ISO/TS 10303-1006

NOTE 1   The schemas referenced above are specified in the following part of ISO 10303:

Class_arm ISO/TS 10303-1070
Set_theory_arm ISO/TS 10303-1210
Draughting_annotation_arm ISO/TS 10303-1206
Foundation_representation_arm ISO/TS 10303-1006

NOTE 2   See Annex C, Figures C.1and C.2 for a graphical representation of this schema.

4.2 ARM entity definitions

This subclause specifies the ARM entities for this module. Each ARM application entity is an atomic element that embodies a unique application concept and contains attributes specifying the data elements of the entity. The ARM entities and definitions are specified below.

4.2.1 Composition_of_schematic_element_occurrence   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Composition_of_schematic_element_occurrence is a relationship between two instances of Schematic_element_occurrence (whole and part) that indicates the part is a part of the whole.

NOTE    A composite Schematic_element_occurrence can be a drawing layer.

EXAMPLE 1   In Figure 1, the specification of the annotation that stands for the bolted connection '4506-A-N1' (i.e. the bolted connection 'N1' within unit '4506-A' is a Schematic_element_occurrence. The specification of the annotation that stands for '4506-A' is a Schematic_element_occurrence.

The relationship between:

is a Composition_of_schematic_element_occurrence.

EXAMPLE 2   In Figure 1, the specification of the annotations that stands for units '4506-A' and '4506-B' are two instances of Schematic_element_occurrence. The specification of the set of annotation that stands for the '4506-input_system', which consists of both units, is also a Schematic_element_occurrence.

The relationship between:

is a Composition_of_schematic_element_occurrence.

Figure 1 —  Schematic element definition and occurrence

Figure 1 —  Schematic element definition and occurrence

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Composition_of_schematic_element_occurrence;
  part : Schematic_element_occurrence;
  whole : Schematic_element_occurrence;

Attribute definitions:

part: a Schematic_element_occurrence that is a part of the whole.

whole: a Schematic_element_occurrence that contains the part.

4.2.2 Connection_of_schematic_element_occurrence   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Connection_of_schematic_element_occurrence is a relationship between two instances of Schematic_element_occurrence that indicates one is connected to the other.

A connection of schematic elements means that the juxtaposition of the two schematic elements on the schematic drawing is intended to indicate that the things symbolized by the schematic elements are connected.

NOTE 1   An application program may deduce the existence of connections between the things symbolized by schematic elements, such as products or activities, from the existence of connections between schematic elements. However, the operation of such a program is not defined by this part of ISO 10303.

NOTE 2   An application program may maintain connections between schematic elements by 'rubber banding' of some schematic elements, when drag operations are carried out upon other schematic elements. However, the operation of such a program is not defined by this part of ISO 10303.

EXAMPLE 1   In Figure 2, the bolted connection N1 is symbolized by the Schematic_element_occurrence that is two parallel lines (shown in blue). The pipe that runs from the bolted connection to the reducer is a Schematic_element_occurrence that is a single line (shown in red).

The relationship between:

that indicates one symbol is connected to the other, is a Connection_of_schematic_element_occurrence.

EXAMPLE 2   In Figure 2, the reducer is symbolized by the Schematic_element_occurrence that is trapezium of lines (shown in purple). The pipe that runs from the bolted connection to the reducer is a Schematic_element_occurrence that is a single line (shown in red).

The relationship between:

that indicates one symbol is connected to the other, is a Connection_of_schematic_element_occurrence.

Figure 2 —  Schematic element connection

Figure 2 —  Schematic element connection

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Connection_of_schematic_element_occurrence;
  side_1 : Schematic_element_occurrence;
  side_2 : Schematic_element_occurrence;

Attribute definitions:

side_1: a Schematic_element_occurrence that is connected to side_2.

side_2: a Schematic_element_occurrence that is connected to side_1.

4.2.3 Definition_of_schematic_element_occurrence   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Definition_of_schematic_element_occurrence indicates that a Schematic_element_occurrence is a subset of a Schematic_element.

The subset relationship indicates the nature of the Schematic_element_occurrence.

EXAMPLE 1   In Figure 1, the specification of the annotation that stands for a bolted connection is a Schematic_element_definition. The specification of the annotation that stands for bolted connection '06-N1' within 'unit type 06' is a Schematic_element_occurrence.

The relationship between:

is a Definition_of_schematic_element_occurrence.

EXAMPLE 2   In Figure 1, the specification of the annotation that stands for 'unit type 06' is a Schematic_element_definition. The specification of the annotation that stands for unit '4506-A' within 'system 4500' is a Schematic_element_occurrence.

The relationship between:

is a Definition_of_schematic_element_occurrence.

EXAMPLE 3   In Figure 1, the specification of the annotation that stands for bolted connection '06-N1' within 'unit type 06' is a Schematic_element_occurrence. The specification of the annotation that stands for bolted connection '4506-A-N1' (i.e. the bolted connection 'N1' within unit '4506-A' is a Schematic_element_occurrence

The relationship between:

is a Definition_of_schematic_element_occurrence.

EXAMPLE 4   The Definition_of_schematic_element_occurrence relationships illustrated in the previous examples form the tree structure shown in Figure 3.

In this figure, the red arrow denote instances of Definition_of_schematic_element_occurrence; the blue arrows denote instances of Usage_of_schematic_element_occurrence; and the green arrows denote instances of Composition_of_schematic_element_occurrence.

Figure 3 —  Schematic element definition tree

Figure 3 —  Schematic element definition tree

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Definition_of_schematic_element_occurrence
  SUBTYPE OF (Subset);
  SELF\Subset.subset : Schematic_element_occurrence;
  SELF\Subset.superset : Schematic_element_definition;

Attribute definitions:

subset: a Schematic_element_occurrence that is defined by the superset.

superset: a Schematic_element_definition that defines the subset.

4.2.4 Derivation_of_schematic_element_definition   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Derivation_of_schematic_element_definition is a relationship between two instances of Schematic_element_definition (base and derived), that indicates the derived is obtained from the base by a geometric transformation.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Derivation_of_schematic_element_definition;
  base : Schematic_element_definition;
  derived : Implicit_schematic_element_definition;

Attribute definitions:

base: a Schematic_element_definition that is input to the geometric transformation to give the derived.

derived: a Implicit_schematic_element_definition that is obtained from the base by the geometric transformation.

4.2.5 Explicit_schematic_element_definition   EXPRESS-GMapping table

An Explicit_schematic_element_definition is a Schematic_element_definition that is defined by direct reference to a detailed specification of the patches of colour, shading or texture.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Explicit_schematic_element_definition
  SUBTYPE OF (Schematic_element_definition);
  explicit_parts : SET[1:?] OF Draughting_annotation_occurrence;

Attribute definitions:

explicit_parts: the instances of Draughting_annotation_occurrence that are the Schematic_element_definition.

4.2.6 Implicit_schematic_element_definition   EXPRESS-GMapping table

An Implicit_schematic_element_definition is a Schematic_element_definition that is:

For an assembled Implicit_schematic_element_definition, each component Schematic_element_occurrence is referenced and placed within the whole by an instance of Usage_of_schematic_element_occurrence.

For a derived Implicit_schematic_element_definition, the base Schematic_element_definition is referenced by an instance of Derivation_of_schematic_element_definition.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Implicit_schematic_element_definition
  SUBTYPE OF (Schematic_element_definition);

4.2.7 Schematic_element   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Schematic_element is a specification for a planar two dimensional surface of colour, shading or texture with a neglectible thickness in the third dimension. A Schematic_element can be associated with the thing that is stands for.

A Schematic_element is a class which has individual realisations as ink on paper or as glowing pixels on a screen as members.

NOTE    A schematic element can be specified by:

An schematic element can also be an assembly of schematic elements of different types.

EXAMPLE 1   The P&ID for the cooling water system of Much Binding B is a single schematic element.

This schematic element is an assembly of other schematic elements.

EXAMPLE 2   A electrical schematic layer for Much Binding B is a single schematic element.

This layer can be superimposed on the Much Binding B plot plan (another schematic element), and viewed in combination with it.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Schematic_element
  ABSTRACT SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF (Schematic_element_definition,
  SUBTYPE OF (Class, Representation);

4.2.8 Schematic_element_definition   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Schematic_element_definition is a Schematic_element that is defined solely by what it is, and not by a particular usage within another Schematic_element.

A usage of a Schematic_element_definition is a Schematic_element_occurrence, which has a subset relationship with the Schematic_element_definition.

EXAMPLE 1   In Figure 1, the specification of the annotation that stands for a bolted connection is a Schematic_element_definition. The specification of the annotation that stands for the suction side bolted connection 'N1' within a 'unit type 06' is a Schematic_element_occurrence.

EXAMPLE 2   In Figure 1, the specification of the annotation that stands for a 'unit type 06' is a Schematic_element_definition. The specification of the annotation that stands for the unit '4506-A' within 'system 4500' is a Schematic_element_occurrence.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Schematic_element_definition
  ABSTRACT SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF (Explicit_schematic_element_definition,
  SUBTYPE OF (Schematic_element);

4.2.9 Schematic_element_occurrence   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Schematic_element_occurence is a Schematic_element that is defined by a particular usage within another Schematic_element.

A Schematic_element_occurrence is a usage of a Schematic_element_definition, with which it has a subset relationship.

EXAMPLE 1   In Figure 1, the specification of the annotation that stands for a bolted connection is a Schematic_element_definition. The specification of the annotation that stands for the suction side bolted connection 'N1' within a 'unit type 06' is a Schematic_element_occurrence.

EXAMPLE 2   In Figure 1, the specification of the annotation that stands for a 'unit type 06' is a Schematic_element_definition. The specification of the annotation that stands for the unit '4506-A' within 'system 4500' is a Schematic_element_occurrence.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Schematic_element_occurrence
  SUBTYPE OF (Schematic_element);

4.2.10 Usage_of_schematic_element_occurrence   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Usage_of_schematic_element_occurrence is a relationship between:

that specifies the position and orientation of the part with respect to the whole.

EXAMPLE 1   In Figure 1, the specification of the annotation that stands for the suction side bolted connection '06-N1' within a 'unit type 06' is a Schematic_element_occurrence. The specification of the annotation that stands for a 'unit type 06' is a Schematic_element_definition.

The relationship between:

is a Usage_of_schematic_element_occurrence.

EXAMPLE 2   In Figure 1, the specification of the annotation that stands for the unit '4506-A' is a Schematic_element_occurrence. The specification of the annotation that stands for a 'system 4500' is a Schematic_element_definition.

The relationship between:

is a Usage_of_schematic_element_occurrence.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Usage_of_schematic_element_occurrence;
  part : Schematic_element_occurrence;
  whole : Implicit_schematic_element_definition;

Attribute definitions:

part: a Schematic_element_occurrence that has a particular position and orientation within the whole.

whole: an Implicit_schematic_element_definition that contains the part.

END_SCHEMA;  -- Schematic_element_arm

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