The rosemath ROSE Math Library contains extra functions for working with vectors, transforms, meshes, unit conversions, and other operations common to engineering data. There is nothing in here that is specific to an information model (STEP, IFC, CIS/2, DSTV, etc) so it can be used in any program that uses the ROSE library.
- Setup /
Change History
- Constants and Comparisons
- Units
- Transforms (howto)
- Meshes & Facets (howto)
- Bounding Boxes
- Mesh slicing and loop filling
Class Quick List / Function Quick List
- RoseBoundingBox
- RoseBoundingBox2D
- RoseDelaunay2D
- RoseDirection
- RoseDirection2D
- RoseMeasureType (enum)
- RoseMesh
- RoseMeshFace
- RoseMeshFaceAtts
- RoseMeshFaceBuilder
- RoseMeshFaceInfo
- RoseMeshFacet (struct)
- RoseMeshOptions
- RoseMeshTopology
- RoseMeshTopologyVertexCursor
- RoseMeshTopologyWritable
- RoseMeshXMLOpts (struct)
- RosePoint
- RosePoint2D
- RoseProperty
- RoseReal2DArray
- RoseReal3DArray
- RoseSurface
- RoseSurfaceSolver
- RoseUnit (enum)
- RoseUnitSet
- RoseXform
- RoseXform2D