
The rosemath_defs.h header defines library link symbols, plus several common mathematical constants and functions for comparing two floating point values for equality within an epsilon factor. The vector and transformation code also define some constant arrays.

Math Constants

#define ROSE_EPSILON 	1e-15

#define ROSE_PI 	3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511
#define ROSE_PISQ 	9.8690440108935861883449099987615113531369940724079
#define ROSE_1_OVER_PI	0.31830988618379067153776752674502872406891929148091 

#define ROSE_PI_OVER_2	1.570796326794897 
#define ROSE_PI_OVER_180 (ROSE_PI/180.0)  /* 0.01745329252 */
#define ROSE_180_OVER_PI (180.0/ROSE_PI)  /* 57.29577951 */

#define ROSE_E		2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369996
#define ROSE_ESQ	7.38905609893065022723042746057500781318031557055185
#define ROSE_1_OVER_E	0.36787944117144232159552377016146086744581113103177

#define ROSE_SQRT_2	1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537695
#define ROSE_CUBERT_2	1.25992104989487316476721060727822835057025146470151
#define ROSE_SQRT_3	1.73205080756887729352744634150587236694280525381039
#define ROSE_CUBERT_3	1.44224957030740838232163831078010958839186925349935

These macros define mathematical constants for easier reuse. The constants for π, e, and roots are taken from CRC Standard Mathematical Tables, 27th edition. Constants for 180/π and π/180 are from Dwight, Integrals and other Math Data, 4th ed. The precision of the constants is determined by the native floating point representation of the machine, typically around 15 digits.

Some examples are below:

double perimeter = 2.0 * ROSE_PI * radius;
double area = ROSE_PI * radius * radius;

// convert from  radians to degrees
double degrees = rads * ROSE_180_OVER_PI;

// convert from degrees to radians
double rads = degrees * ROSE_PI_OVER_180;

// more general unit conversion function does the same thing
rads = rose_get_measure_as_unit(degrees, roseunit_deg, roseunit_rad);

// some unit vectors at 45 degrees in both 2D and 3D
RoseDirection vec_3d (

RoseDirection2D vec_2d (1.0/ROSE_SQRT_2, 1.0/ROSE_SQRT_2);

Comparison Macros

#define ROSE_FLOAT_IS_EQUAL(a,b) (rose_is_epsilon_equal((a),(b),ROSE_EPSILON))
#define ROSE_FLOAT_NOT_EQUAL(a,b) (!rose_is_epsilon_equal((a),(b),ROSE_EPSILON))

#define ROSE_FLOAT_IS_ZERO(a) 	(rose_is_epsilon_zero((a),ROSE_EPSILON))
#define ROSE_FLOAT_NOT_ZERO(a) 	(rose_is_epsilon_nonzero((a),ROSE_EPSILON))

#define ROSE_FLOAT_IS_NULL(a) 	((a) == ROSE_NULL_REAL)

These macros compare floating point values with a reasonable default epsilon factor. You can do customized comparisons by calling the underlying functions directly. The ROSE_NULL_REAL null value is only equal to itself when testing for equality, and returns false when passed to both is_zero and is_non_zero.

Some examples are below:

double a, b;

if (ROSE_FLOAT_IS_EQUAL(a, 5.0)) {
    printf ("I am five!\n");


   a = 250.99;


int rose_is_epsilon_equal(
	double a, 
	double b, 
	double epsilon

The rose_is_epsilon_equal() function compares two floating point numbers and returns true if they are within an epsilon value of each other. This function always returns false when testing ROSE_NULL_REAL against anything other than null.


int rose_is_epsilon_nonzero(
	double val, 
	double epsilon

The rose_is_epsilon_nonzero() function returns true if a floating point number is an epsilon value or more from zero. This function always returns false when passed ROSE_NULL_REAL.


int rose_is_epsilon_zero(
	double val, 
	double epsilon

The rose_is_epsilon_zero() function returns true if a floating point number is less than an epsilon value from zero. This function always returns false when passed ROSE_NULL_REAL.