The RoseSurface class is the root of a series of support
classes that represent different mathematical surfaces and provides a
consistent interface to evaluate and solve the surface. A surface can
be thought of as a function of U and V parameters that returns a value
in XYZ-space. This is an abstract base class, and instances are
created from IFC and STEP geometry by the respective mesher
These bit flags are used internally to identify the bounding state of
the UV parameters and also by
the resolveEdgeCrossing() function.
virtual int eval(
double xyz[3],
const double uv[2]
int eval(
double xyz[3],
double u,
double v
The eval() function evaluates the surface at a given u,v
parameter. The parameters may be specified as either an array, or
individually. This value is placed into the xyz array.
This function returns 1 (true) on success. If there was an error,
it returns 0.
virtual int evalNormal(
double n[3],
const double uv[2]
int evalNormal(
double n[3],
double u,
double v
The evalNormal() function function evaluates the direction
of the surface normal at a given U,V parameter. The parameters may be
specified as either an array, or individually. This value is placed
into the n array. The function returns 1 if it was able to
evaulaute the normat at the given point, 0 otherwise.
virtual double getMaxU();
The getMaxU() function function returns the maximal U
parameter the function can accept, or ROSE_NULL_REAL the
U parameter in unbounded on the high end.
virtual double getMaxV();
The getMaxV() function function returns the maximal V
parameter the function can accept, or ROSE_NULL_REAL the V
parameter in unbounded on the high end.
virtual double getMinU();
The getMinU() function returns the mininal U parameter the
function can accept, or ROSE_NULL_REAL the U parameter in
unbounded on the low end.
virtual double getMinV();
The getMinV() function function returns the mininal V
parameter the function can accept, or ROSE_NULL_REAL the V
parameter in unbounded on the low end.
The getSingularityUV() function get the UV values for a
singularity on the surface. In most cases, this is implied by the
edge, however for cones, we have an unbounded V value, but still have
a singularity at a particular location.
virtual int hasMaxU();
The hasMaxU() function function returns true if the U
parameter is bounded at the high end.
virtual int hasMaxV();
The hasMaxV() function function returns true if the V
parameter is bounded at the high end.
virtual int hasMinU();
The hasMinU() function returns true if the U parameter is
bounded at the low end.
virtual int hasMinV()
The hasMinV() function function returns true if the V
parameter is bounded at the low end.
virtual int isPeriodicU();
The isPeriodicU() function returns 1 of the surface is
periodic in the U direction.
virtual int isPeriodicV();
The isPeriodicV() function returns 1 of the surface is
periodic in the V direction.
virtual int isSingularity(
unsigned edge,
double tol=0;
The isSingularity() function determine if the given edge of
UV space is a singularity. A singularity on a surface is a point the
is determined by a single of the one of the U,V parameters.
The resolveEdgeCrossing() function determine which edges are
crossed when traveling from one point to. This function returns a bit
indicating the edges that were crossed.