Application module: Primitive solids ISO/TS 10303-1791:2019(E)

Cover page
Table of contents
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
    3.1 Terms and definitions
    3.2 Abbreviated terms

4 Information requirements
   4.1 Required AM ARM
   4.2 ARM entity definitions
   4.3 ARM subtype constraint definition
5 Module interpreted model
   5.1 Mapping specification
   5.2 MIM EXPRESS short listing

A MIM short names
B Information object registration
E Computer interpretable listings
F Change history

4 Information requirements

This clause specifies the information requirements for the Primitive solids application module. The information requirements are specified as the Application Reference Model (ARM) of this application module.

NOTE 1  A graphical representation of the information requirements is given in Annex C.

NOTE 2  The mapping specification is specified in 5.1. It shows how the information requirements are met by using common resources and constructs defined or imported in the MIM schema of this application module.

This clause defines the information requirements to which implementations shall conform using the EXPRESS language as defined in ISO 10303-11. The following begins the Primitive_solids_arm schema and identifies the necessary external references.

EXPRESS specification:

SCHEMA Primitive_solids_arm;

4.1 Required AM ARM

The following EXPRESS interface statement specifies the elements imported from the ARM of another application module.

EXPRESS specification:

USE FROM Basic_geometry_arm;    --  ISO/TS 10303-1652

NOTE 1   The schemas referenced above are specified in the following part of ISO 10303:

Basic_geometry_arm ISO/TS 10303-1652

NOTE 2   See Annex C, Figures C.1and C.2 for a graphical representation of this schema.

4.2 ARM entity definitions

This subclause specifies the ARM entities for this module. Each ARM application entity is an atomic element that embodies a unique application concept and contains attributes specifying the data elements of the entity. The ARM entities and definitions are specified below.

4.2.1 Boolean_result   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Boolean_result is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element which is the result of a regularised operation on two solids to create a new solid. Valid operations are regularised union, regularised intersection, and regularised difference.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Boolean_result
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.2 Box_domain   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Box_domain is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element which is an orthogonal box oriented parallel to the axes of the geometric coordinate system which may be used to limit the domain of a half_space_solid. The box_domain is specified by the point at the corner of the box with minimum coordinates, and the lengths of the sides measured in the directions of the coordinate axes.e normals shall point into the same subset.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Box_domain
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.3 Boxed_half_space   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Boxed_half_space is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element that is trimmed by a surrounding rectangular box. The box has its edges parallel to the coordinate axes of the geometric coordinate system.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Boxed_half_space
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.4 Circular_cone   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Circular_cone is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element that is a solid in the shape of a circular cone which may be truncated. It is defined by an axis, a point on the axis, the semi-angle of the cone, and a distance giving the location in the negative direction along the axis from the point to the base of the cone. In addition, a radius is given, which, if nonzero, gives the size and location of a truncated face of the cone. The description of Circular_cone is incomplete. Reference right_circular_cone for the complete definition.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Circular_cone
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.5 Circular_cylinder   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Circular_cylinder is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element that is a solid in the form of a cylinder of finite height. It is defined by an axis point at the centre of one planar circular face, an axis, a height, and a radius. The faces are perpendicular to the axis and are circular discs with the specified radius. The height is the distance from the first circular face centre in the positive direction of the axis to the second circular face centre. The description of Circular_cylinder is incomplete. Reference right_circular_cylinder for the complete definition.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Circular_cylinder
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.6 Convex_hexahedron   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Convex_hexahedron is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element primitive with 8 vertices and 6 four-sided faces. It is defined by the 8 points which locate the vertices.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Convex_hexahedron
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.7 Csg_solid   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Csg_solid is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element which is a solid represented as a CSG model defined by a collection of so-called primitive solids, combined using regularised Boolean operations.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Csg_solid
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.8 Cyclide_segment_solid   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Cyclide_segment_solid is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element which is a partial Dupin cyclide solid (see dupin_cyclide_surface). This solid has two planar circular faces that in general have different radii and different normal directions. Around the boundary of each of these faces the curved surface of the solid is tangent to a right circular cone. In the following definition the semi-vertex angle of the cone is in each case specified with respect to the outward normal to its corresponding circular face.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Cyclide_segment_solid
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.9 Eccentric_cone   EXPRESS-GMapping table

An Eccentric_cone is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element which is a CSG primitive that is a generalisation of the right_circular_cone. The eccentric_cone may have an elliptic cross section and may have a central axis which is not perpendicular to the base.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Eccentric_cone
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.10 Ellipsoid   EXPRESS-GMapping table

An Ellipsoid is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element which is a type of CSG primitive in the form of a solid ellipsoid. It is defined by its location and orientation and by the lengths of the three semi-axes.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Ellipsoid
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.11 Extruded_face_solid   EXPRESS-GMapping table

An Extruded_face_solid is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element that is a solid defined by sweeping a planar face_surface. The direction of translation is defined by a direction, and the length of the translation is defined by a distance. The planar face may have holes which will sweep into holes in the solid.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Extruded_face_solid
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.12 Faceted_primitive   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Faceted_primitive is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element which is a type of CSG primitive with planar faces. It is defined by a list of four or more points which locate the vertices. These points shall not be coplanar.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Faceted_primitive
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.13 Half_space_solid   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Half_space_solid is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element which is defined by the half space which is the regular subset of the domain which lies on one side of an unbounded surface. The domain is limited by an orthogonal box in the boxed_half_space subtype. The side of the surface which is in the half space is determined by the surface normals and the agreement flag. If the agreement flag is TRUE, then the subset is the one the normals point away from. If the agreement flag is FALSE, then the subset is the one the normals point into. For a valid half_space_solid, the surface shall divide the domain into exactly two subsets. Also, within the domain the surface shall be manifold and all the surface normals shall point into the same subset.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Half_space_solid
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.14 Rectangular_block   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Rectangular_block is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element that is a solid in the form of a rectangular block. It is defined by its position and the lengths of its edges.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Rectangular_block
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.15 Rectangular_pyramid   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Rectangular_pyramid is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element which is a solid pyramid with a rectangular base. The apex of the pyramid is directly above the centre point of the base. The rectangular_pyramid is specified by its position, which provides a placement coordinate system, its length, depth, and height.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Rectangular_pyramid
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.16 Revolved_face_solid   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Revolved_face_solid is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element which is a solid of revolution formed by revolving a planar face about an axis. The axis shall be in the plane of the face and the axis shall not intersect the interior of the face. The planar face may have holes which will sweep into holes in the solid. The direction of revolution is clockwise when viewed along the axis in the positive direction.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Revolved_face_solid
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.17 Right_angular_wedge   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Right_angular_wedge is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element which can be envisioned as the result of intersecting a block with a plane perpendicular to one of its faces. It is defined with a location and local coordinate system.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Right_angular_wedge
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.18 Solid_replica   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Solid_replica is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element which is a copy of another solid at a new location.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Solid_replica
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.19 Sphere   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Sphere is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element that is a solid in the form of a sphere. It is defined by a central point and a radius.

EXPRESS specification:

  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.20 Tetrahedron   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Tetrahedron is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element with 4 vertices and 4 triangular faces. It is defined by the four points which locate the vertices. These points shall not be coplanar.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY Tetrahedron
  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.2.21 Torus   EXPRESS-GMapping table

A Torus is a type of Detailed_geometric_model_element that is a solid in the form of a torus. It is defined by a central axis and two radii.

EXPRESS specification:

  SUBTYPE OF (Detailed_geometric_model_element);

4.3 ARM subtype constraint definition

This subclause specifies the ARM subtype constraint for this module. The subtype constraint places a constraint on the possible super-type / subtype instantiations. The ARM subtype constraint and definition is specified below.

4.3.1 ps_detailed_geometric_model_element_subtypes   EXPRESS-GMapping table

The ps_detailed_geometric_model_element_subtypes constraint specifies a constraint that applies to instances of subtypes of Detailed_geometric_model_element.

EXPRESS specification:

SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT ps_detailed_geometric_model_element_subtypes FOR Detailed_geometric_model_element;
  ONEOF (Boolean_result,

END_SCHEMA;  -- Primitive_solids_arm

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