Application module:
Fabrication technology |
ISO/TS 10303-1670:2018-11(E)
Annex F
Change history
This annex documents the history of technical modifications made to
ISO/TS 10303-1670.
The second
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been added:
- USE_FROM Part_template_arm;
- REFERENCE_FROM Characterizable_object_arm(bag_to_set);
- TYPE ft_classification_item;
- TYPE ft_external_identification_item;
- TYPE ft_terminus_condition;
- TYPE ft_value_select;
- TYPE predefined_design_layer_purpose;
- TYPE up_or_down;
- ENTITY Allocated_passage_minimum_annular_ring;
- ENTITY Copy_stratum_technology_occurrence_relationship;
- ENTITY Derived_stratum_technology_occurrence_relationship;
- ENTITY Design_stack_model;
- ENTITY Equivalent_stackup_model_definition;
- ENTITY Equivalent_sub_stack_definition;
- ENTITY Footprint_library_stratum_technology;
- ENTITY Impedance_measurement_setup_requirement;
- ENTITY Impedance_requirement;
- ENTITY Inverse_copy_stratum_technology_occurrence_relationship;
- ENTITY Local_linear_stack;
- ENTITY Passage_deposition_material_identification;
- ENTITY Passage_filling_material_identification;
- ENTITY Passage_technology_allocation_to_stack_model;
- ENTITY Stratum_sub_stack;
- ENTITY Stratum_surface_technology;
- ENTITY Stratum_technology_mapping_relationship;
- ENTITY Stratum_technology_occurrence_feature_constraint;
- ENTITY Stratum_technology_occurrence_relationship;
- FUNCTION acyclic_equivalent_stackup_model_definition;
- FUNCTION acyclic_stratum_technology_mapping_relationship;
- FUNCTION acyclic_stratum_technology_occurrence_relationship;
- FUNCTION acyclic_stratum_technology_swap_relationship;
- FUNCTION ft_count_unspecified_asto;
- FUNCTION ft_get_terminus;
- FUNCTION sts_vertex_degree_check.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been modified:
- TYPE ft_material_item_select;
- TYPE ft_requirement_assignment_item;
- TYPE predefined_documentation_layer_purpose;
- TYPE stiffness_class;
- ENTITY Default_component_termination_passage_definition;
- ENTITY Default_unsupported_passage_definition;
- ENTITY Default_via_definition;
- ENTITY Design_layer_technology;
- ENTITY Passage_technology;
- ENTITY Stratum_stack_model;
- ENTITY Stratum_technology;
- ENTITY Stratum_technology_occurrence;
- ENTITY Stratum_technology_occurrence_link;
- ENTITY Stratum_technology_occurrence_swap_relationship;
- ENTITY Stratum_technology_swap_relationship;
- FUNCTION get_stack;
- FUNCTION less.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been removed:
- USE_FROM Part_feature_location_arm;
- USE_FROM Part_template_shape_with_parameters_arm;
- USE_FROM Physical_layout_template_arm;
- USE_FROM Requirement_decomposition_arm;
- TYPE ft_shape_feature_subtypes;
- TYPE ft_template_definition_subtypes;
- TYPE land_template_terminal_class;
- TYPE layer_purpose;
- TYPE mt_external_identification_item;
- TYPE mt_usage_concept;
- ENTITY Blind_passage_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Component_termination_passage_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Component_termination_passage_template_interface_terminal (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Component_termination_passage_template_join_terminal (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Component_termination_passage_template_terminal (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Continuous_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Counterbore_passage_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Countersunk_passage_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Default_attachment_size_based_land_physical_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Default_passage_based_land_physical_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Default_plated_passage_based_land_physical_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Default_unsupported_passage_based_land_physical_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Filled_via_template;
- ENTITY Inter_stratum_feature_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Land_physical_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Land_template_interface_terminal (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Land_template_join_terminal (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Land_template_terminal (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Material_removal_feature_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Single_stratum_continuous_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Single_stratum_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Stratum_feature_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Unsupported_passage_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Via_template (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- ENTITY Via_template_terminal (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template);
- FUNCTION get_electrical_conductivity (which has been moved to the module layered_interconnect_simple_template).
In addition, modifications have been made to the mapping specification,
the MIM schema and the EXPRESS-G diagrams to reflect and be consistent
with the modifications of the ARM.
The third
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been added:
- REFERENCE_FROM Support_resource_arm(bag_to_set).
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been removed:
- REFERENCE_FROM Characterizable_object_arm(bag_to_set).
In addition, modifications have been made to the mapping specification,
the MIM schema and the EXPRESS-G diagrams to reflect and be consistent
with the modifications of the ARM.
The fourth
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been added:
- USE_FROM Geometric_tolerance_arm;
- USE_FROM Requirement_decomposition_arm.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been modified:
- TYPE predefined_documentation_layer_purpose;
- ENTITY Stratum_stack_model;
- ENTITY Stratum_surface_technology.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been removed:
- USE_FROM Extended_geometric_tolerance_arm.
In addition, modifications have been made to the mapping specification,
the MIM schema and the EXPRESS-G diagrams to reflect and be consistent
with the modifications of the ARM.
The following MIM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been added:
- USE_FROM Geometric_tolerance_mim;
- USE_FROM Requirement_decomposition_mim.
The following MIM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been removed:
- USE_FROM Extended_geometric_tolerance_mim.
This fifth
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been modified:
- ENTITY Passage_technology;
- ENTITY Stratum_surface_technology;
- ENTITY Stratum_technology.
In addition, modifications have been made to the mapping specification,
the MIM schema and the EXPRESS-G diagrams to reflect and be consistent
with the modifications of the ARM.
The following changes have been made to the ARM to MIM mapping:
- Stratum_surface_technology mapping updated
The following MIM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been modified:
- TYPE ft_document_reference_item.
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