Application module: Geometric model 2d 3D relationship ISO/TS 10303-1404:2018-11(E)

Cover page
Table of contents
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
    3.1 Terms and definitions
    3.2 Abbreviated terms

4 Information requirements
   4.1 Required AM ARMs
   4.2 ARM entity definitions
5 Module interpreted model
   5.1 Mapping specification
   5.2 MIM EXPRESS short listing
     5.2.1 MIM entity definitions

A MIM short names
B Information object registration
E Computer interpretable listings
F Change history

5.2 MIM EXPRESS short listing

This clause specifies the EXPRESS schema derived from the mapping table. It uses elements from the common resources or from other application modules and defines the EXPRESS constructs that are specific to this part of ISO 10303.

This clause constitutes the Module Interpreted Module (MIM) of the application module.

This clause also specifies the modifications that apply to the constructs imported from the common resources.

The following restrictions apply to the use, in this schema, of constructs defined in common resources or in application modules:

Short names of entities defined in this schema are described in Annex A. Unambiguous identification of this schema is defined in Annex B.

EXPRESS specification:

SCHEMA Geometric_model_2d_3d_relationship_mim;

USE FROM Contextual_shape_positioning_mim;    --  ISO/TS 10303-1027

USE FROM Geometric_model_relationship_mim;    --  ISO/TS 10303-1403

REFERENCE FROM support_resource_schema    --  ISO 10303-41

REFERENCE FROM representation_schema    --  ISO 10303-43

NOTE 1   The schemas referenced above are specified in the following part of ISO 10303:

Contextual_shape_positioning_mim ISO/TS 10303-1027
Geometric_model_relationship_mim ISO/TS 10303-1403
support_resource_schema ISO 10303-41
representation_schema ISO 10303-43

NOTE 2   See Annex D, Figures D.1and D.2 for a graphical representation of this schema.

5.2.1 MIM entity definitions

This subclause specifies the MIM entities for this module. The MIM entities and definitions are specified below. axis_placement_2d_3d_mapping   EXPRESS-G

An axis_placement_2d_3d_mapping is a type of item_defined_transformation that implements the ARM concept of Axis_placement_2d_3d_mapping.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY axis_placement_2d_3d_mapping
  SUBTYPE OF (item_defined_transformation);
  SELF\item_defined_transformation.transform_item_1 : axis2_placement_2d;
  SELF\item_defined_transformation.transform_item_2 : axis2_placement_3d;

Attribute definitions:

transform_item_1: an attribute inherited from the item_defined_transformation shall be redeclared as the axis2_placement_2d for the axis_placement_2d_3d_mapping.

transform_item_2: an attribute inherited from the item_defined_transformation shall be redeclared as the axis2_placement_3d for the axis_placement_2d_3d_mapping. coordinated_geometric_relationship_with_2d_3d_placement_transformation   EXPRESS-G

A coordinated_geometric_relationship_with_2d_3d_placement_transformation is a type of shape_representation_relationship and a type of representation_relationship_with_transformation that implements the ARM concept of Coordinated_geometric_relationship_with_2d_3d_placement_transformation.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY coordinated_geometric_relationship_with_2d_3d_placement_transformation
  SUBTYPE OF (shape_representation_relationship, representation_relationship_with_transformation);
  SELF\representation_relationship_with_transformation.transformation_operator : axis_placement_2d_3d_mapping;
  WR1: acyclic_representation_relationship(SELF, [SELF\representation_relationship.rep_2], 'REPRESENTATION_SCHEMA.'+'REPRESENTATION');

Attribute definitions:

transformation_operator: an attribute inherited from the representation_relationship_with_transformation shall be redeclared as the axis_placement_2d_3d_mapping for the coordinated_geometric_relationship_with_2d_3d_placement_transformation.

Formal propositions:

WR1: The coordinated_geometric_relationship_with_2d_3d_placement_transformation shall not participate in cycles.

WR2: A coordinated_geometric_relationship_with_2d_3d_placement_transformation shall not be a definitional_representation_relationship.

END_SCHEMA;  -- Geometric_model_2d_3d_relationship_mim

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