Application module:
Product data management |
ISO/TS 10303-1231:2019(E)
Annex F
Change history
This annex documents the history of technical modifications made to
ISO/TS 10303-1231.
The second
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
This second edition of this part of ISO 10303 incorporates the modifications to the first edition listed below.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been removed:
USE FROM Activity_arm;
USE FROM Activity_method_arm;
USE FROM Approval_arm;
USE FROM Certification_arm;
USE FROM Class_arm;
USE FROM Classification_assignment_arm;
USE FROM Configuration_item_arm;
USE FROM Contract_arm;
USE FROM Date_time_arm;
USE FROM Date_time_assignment_arm;
USE FROM Document_assignment_arm;
USE FROM Document_structure_arm;
USE FROM Effectivity_arm;
USE FROM Event_arm;
USE FROM Event_assignment_arm;
USE FROM External_item_identification_assignment_arm;
USE FROM External_model_arm;
USE FROM File_identification_arm;
USE FROM Foundation_representation_arm;
USE FROM Identification_assignment_arm;
USE FROM Independent_property_arm;
USE FROM Management_resource_information_arm;
USE FROM Measure_representation_arm;
USE FROM Multi_linguism_arm;
USE FROM Name_assignment_arm;
USE FROM Person_organization_arm;
USE FROM Person_organization_assignment_arm;
USE FROM Product_categorization_arm;
USE FROM Product_concept_identification_arm;
USE FROM Product_identification_arm;
USE FROM Product_replacement_arm;
USE FROM Product_version_arm;
USE FROM Product_version_relationship_arm;
USE FROM Product_view_definition_arm;
USE FROM Product_view_definition_relationship_arm;
USE FROM Project_arm;
USE FROM Property_assignment_arm;
USE FROM Security_classification_arm;
USE FROM Shape_property_assignment_arm;
USE FROM Single_part_representation_arm;
USE FROM Value_with_unit_arm;
USE FROM Work_request_arm.
The following MIM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been modified:
In addition, modifications have been made to the mapping specification,
the MIM schema and the EXPRESS-G diagrams to reflect and be consistent with the modifications of the ARM.
The third
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
This third edition of this part of ISO 10303 incorporates the modifications to the second edition listed below.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been added:
Assembly_component_relationship added to all select lists containing View_definition_relationship.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been removed:
USE FROM Assembly_structure_arm;
Product_category from all select lists.
In addition, modifications have been made to the mapping specification,
and the EXPRESS-G diagrams to reflect and be consistent with the modifications of the ARM.
The fourth
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
Updated bibliography.
The fifth
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been modified:
- TYPE pdm_activity_item;
- TYPE pdm_affected_item_select;
- TYPE pdm_approval_item;
- TYPE pdm_certification_item;
- TYPE pdm_classification_item;
- TYPE pdm_date_or_date_time_item;
- TYPE pdm_documented_element_select;
- TYPE pdm_effectivity_item;
- TYPE pdm_event_item;
- TYPE pdm_external_class_assigned_name_select;
- TYPE pdm_identification_item;
- TYPE pdm_project_item;
- TYPE pdm_security_classification_item;
- TYPE pdm_string_select.
In addition, modifications have been made to the mapping specification,
the MIM schema and the EXPRESS-G diagrams to reflect and be consistent
with the modifications of the ARM.
The following changes have been made to the ARM to MIM mapping:
- Attribute_translation_assignment
- Security_classification_assignment
- Language_indication
- Applied_activity_assignment
- Effectivity_assignment
- Ineffectivity_assignment
- Affected_items_assignment
- Classification_assignment
The following MIM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been modified:
- TYPE pdm_action_items;
- TYPE pdm_action_request_item;
- TYPE pdm_approval_item;
- TYPE pdm_attribute_language_item;
- TYPE pdm_certification_item;
- TYPE pdm_classification_item;
- TYPE pdm_date_and_time_item;
- TYPE pdm_date_item;
- TYPE pdm_document_reference_item;
- TYPE pdm_effectivity_item;
- TYPE pdm_event_occurrence_item;
- TYPE pdm_external_class_name_item;
- TYPE pdm_identification_item;
- TYPE pdm_multi_language_attribute_item;
- TYPE pdm_organization_item;
- TYPE pdm_person_and_organization_item;
- TYPE pdm_project_item;
- TYPE pdm_security_classification_item;
- TYPE pdm_time_interval_item.
This sixth
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
Updated Express-G diagrams
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