Application module: Package | ISO/TS 10303-1707:2018-11(E) © ISO |
This clause specifies the information requirements for the Package application module. The information requirements are specified as the Application Reference Model (ARM) of this application module.
NOTE 1 A graphical representation of the information requirements is given in Annex C.
NOTE 2 The mapping specification is specified in 5.1. It shows how the information requirements are met by using common resources and constructs defined or imported in the MIM schema of this application module.
This clause defines the information requirements to which implementations shall conform using the EXPRESS language as defined in ISO 10303-11. The following begins the Package_arm schema and identifies the necessary external references.
EXPRESS specification:
SCHEMA Package_arm;
The following EXPRESS interface statements specify the elements imported from the ARMs of other application modules.
EXPRESS specification:
ISO/TS 10303-1654
ISO/TS 10303-1051
ISO/TS 10303-1706
ISO/TS 10303-1712
ISO/TS 10303-1800
NOTE 1 The schemas referenced above are specified in the following part of ISO 10303:
Characteristic_arm ISO/TS 10303-1654 Geometric_tolerance_arm ISO/TS 10303-1051 Non_feature_shape_element_arm ISO/TS 10303-1706 Part_feature_function_arm ISO/TS 10303-1712 Support_resource_arm ISO/TS 10303-1800
NOTE 2 See Annex C, Figures C.1, C.2, C.3and C.4 for a graphical representation of this schema.
This subclause specifies the ARM types for this application module. The ARM types and definitions are specified below.
The interface_plane_or_seating_plane type allows for the designation of the data types Seating_plane, and Interface_plane.
EXPRESS specification:
interface_plane_or_seating_plane =
EXPRESS specification:
mounting_technology_type =
Enumerated item definitions:
surface_mount: specifies that component is surface mount;
through_hole: specifies that component is through hole.
The pa_external_identification_item type is an extension of the external_identification_item type. It adds the data types Package_terminal_template_definition, and Package to the list of alternate data types.
EXPRESS specification:
pa_external_identification_item =
The pa_material_item_select type is an extension of the material_item_select type. It adds the data types Package_body, and Package_terminal_template_definition to the list of alternate data types.
EXPRESS specification:
pa_material_item_select =
A predefined_lead_form lists the predefined classification of the lead form provided by this part of ISO 10303. The form refers to the form as provided by the supplier of the component.
NOTE 1 A externally provided classification scheme may be used to extend the lead form classification over that provided in this version of this part of ISO 10303.
NOTE 2 An integral terminal form is flush with the body of the package surface.
EXAMPLE A straight lead that was altered to support orientation requirements would still be classified as a straight lead since the component manufacturer delived the component with straight leads.
EXPRESS specification:
predefined_lead_form =
Enumerated item definitions:
gull_wing: specifies that the predefined form of the lead is gull wing;
j_lead: specifies that the predefined form of the lead is j lead;
reversed_j_lead: specifies that the predefined form of the lead is reversed j lead;
integral_terminal: specifies that the predefined form of the lead is integral terminal;
undefined: specifies that the predefined form of the lead is undefined;
ball: specifies that the predefined form of the lead is ball;
straight: specifies that the predefined form of the lead is straight.
EXPRESS specification:
seating_plane_intersection_type =
Enumerated item definitions:
surface_intersection: specifies that the surface of the feature indicated is congruent with the seating plane;
through_intersection: specifies that the feature penetrates the seating plane;
does_not_intersect: specifies that the feature does not intersect the seating plane.
This subclause specifies the ARM entities for this module. Each ARM application entity is an atomic element that embodies a unique application concept and contains attributes specifying the data elements of the entity. The ARM entities and definitions are specified below.
A Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition is a type of Connection_zone in which the context is a Part_feature_template_definition. A Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition is included in a template definition to provide an explicit geometric model of the limited areas in the domain of a terminal that are allowed for a valid connection. If the template definition contains no limitations on the connection area of the terminals associated with the template this Application Object shall not be provided.
NOTE 1 In some less detailed templates, the entire point domain for features designated as terminals is considered to be available for connection and the Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition is redundant.
NOTE 2 In the case where the connection area is necessary, the application shall be carefully reviewed to determine the necessity for design instances of the connection area as in most cases, simply using the connection area as a constraint on the allowed location of a joint is sufficient.
NOTE 3 The level of detail included in a template definition may be classified by a user-defined classification system which is supported by this part of ISO 10303 but this part of ISO 10303 does not predefine a classification system for template detail level.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition
SUBTYPE OF (Connection_zone);
SELF\Shape_element.associated_definition : Part_feature_template_definition;
WR1: NOT EXISTS(SELF\Shape_element.element_name);
Attribute definitions:
associated_definition: specifies the role of the Part_feature_template_definition for the Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition.
Formal propositions:
WR1: The element_name shall not be populated.
A Connection_zone_package_interface_plane_relationship is a mechanism to establish a derived relationship declaration between two connection areas using a common plane as the interface declaration. A Connection_zone_package_interface_plane_relationship may be represented in a geometric context for the purpose of deriving a 2D or 3D representation.
EXAMPLE A common application of this is the case where there is a three dimensional model of a terminal where that terminal is cut by a seating plane and it is necessary to derive a two dimensional area of that terminal for layout purposes. In this case, the context for both connection areas would be the same terminal definition but one connection area would be three dimensional and the other connection area would be two dimensional.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Connection_zone_package_interface_plane_relationship;
interface_plane : interface_plane_or_seating_plane;
derived_zone : Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition;
derived_zone_shape_class : STRING;
associated_package_terminal : SET[0:1] OF Package_terminal_template_definition FOR seating_plane_zone;
WR1: derived_zone_shape_class IN ['area','edge'];
Attribute definitions:
interface_plane: specifies the role of the interface_plane_or_seating_plane for the Connection_zone_package_interface_plane_relationship.
derived_zone: specifies the role of the Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition for the Connection_zone_package_interface_plane_relationship.
derived_zone_shape_class: specifies the text that describes the Connection_zone_package_interface_plane_relationship.
associated_package_terminal: an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Connection_zone_package_interface_plane_relationship is dependent on the the existence of the Package_terminal_template_definition that specifies the Connection_zone_package_interface_plane_relationship as its seating_plane_zone. There shall be no more than one Package_terminal_template_definition for a Connection_zone_package_interface_plane_relationship.
Formal propositions:
WR1: The derived_zone_shape_class will be 'area' or 'edge'.
A Guided_wave_terminal is a type of Package_terminal that is explicitly included for the purpose of providing access to the functionality of a Packaged_part using guided waves.
EXAMPLE A Fiber-optic terminal is considered to be a Guided_wave_terminal in this part of ISO 10303 because the signal is launched from the end surface of the terminal.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Guided_wave_terminal
SUBTYPE OF (Package_terminal);
A Package is a type of a Part_usage_view. A Package describes a subset of the physical properties of a component relevant to use of that component in an assembly. Some items are mandatory for any instance of a Package, some items are used for assuring proper orientation and some items are used for analysis. A Package includes no more than one package body and one or more package terminals. A Package includes a seating plane when a mounting technology is specified.
EXAMPLE 1 Figures 1 through 2 illustrate types of Packages and parameters related to Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing supported by this part of ISO 10303. ISO 10303-202 would be used in conjunction with this part of ISO 10303 to define the exchange of the presentation information (i.e., the drawings). This part of ISO 10303 supports the direct application to application exchange of the parametric data illustrated in the drawings.
EXAMPLE 2 Figures 3 through 4 illustrate parameters and features related to Package orientation for assembly purposes supported by this part of ISO 10303. ISO 10303-202 would be used in conjunction with this part of ISO 10303 to define the exchange of the presentation information (i.e., the drawings).
NOTE 1 The location of the Primary_reference_terminal as illustrated in Figure 4 is not constrained by electrical functionality unless there are visually identifiable features that indicate polarity or orientation requirements. The top row in the Figure illustrates three situations where there are no visual features indicating requirements and the selection is arbitrary. The polarized part in the second row in the Figure illustrates a case where there is a visual feature indicating a functional orientation requirement due to the nature of the part.
NOTE 2 When used for a Packaged_part "white box model", the Part_device is installed in the Package and an electrical connection is defined between each terminal on the installed Part_device and one or more terminals on the Package.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Package
SUBTYPE OF (Part_usage_view);
mounting_technology :
maximum_seating_plane_installation_offset :
nominal_mounting_lead_pitch :
nominal_mounting_lead_span :
maximum_body_height_above_seating_plane :
maximum_body_height_below_seating_plane :
body_clearance_above_seating_plane :
body_clearance_below_seating_plane :
maximum_lead_length_below_seating_plane :
least_lead_length_below_seating_plane :
maximum_package_total_vertical_extent : Length_data_element := max_data_element(
cutout_required : LOGICAL := (maximum_body_height_below_seating_plane\Value_with_unit.value_component > 0.0);
maximum_installed_height : Length_data_element := add_data_element(maximum_body_height_above_seating_plane,maximum_seating_plane_installation_offset);
one_orientation_feature : LOGICAL := (SIZEOF(orientation_feature) = 1);
two_orientation_features : LOGICAL := (SIZEOF(orientation_feature) = 2);
three_orientation_features : LOGICAL := (SIZEOF(orientation_feature) = 3);
body : SET[0:1] OF Package_body FOR associated_definition;
package_accesses : SET[0:?] OF Package_terminal FOR associated_definition;
package_polarity_indication : SET[0:1] OF Polarity_indication_feature FOR associated_definition;
orientation_feature : SET[0:3] OF Package_orientation_feature FOR associated_definition;
WR1: NOT (mounting_technology = surface_mount) OR (NOT (EXISTS(maximum_lead_length_below_seating_plane) OR EXISTS(least_lead_length_below_seating_plane)));
WR2: NOT (EXISTS(maximum_lead_length_below_seating_plane)) OR (maximum_lead_length_below_seating_plane\Value_with_unit.value_component
> 0.0);
WR3: NOT (EXISTS(least_lead_length_below_seating_plane)) OR (least_lead_length_below_seating_plane\Value_with_unit.value_component
> 0.0);
WR4: NOT EXISTS(mounting_technology) OR (SIZEOF(package_seating_plane) = 1);
WR6: SIZEOF(QUERY(nt <* package_accesses |
)) = (SIZEOF(package_accesses) - 1);
WR7: SIZEOF(QUERY(nt <* package_accesses |
(SIZEOF(nt\Part_feature.subsequent_feature) = 1)
)) = (SIZEOF(package_accesses) - 1);
WR8: NOT one_orientation_feature OR ('PACKAGE_ARM.PRIMARY_ORIENTATION_FEATURE' IN TYPEOF(orientation_feature[1]));
WR9: NOT two_orientation_features OR ((SIZEOF(QUERY(orf <* orientation_feature |
(SIZEOF(QUERY(orf <* orientation_feature |
WR10: NOT three_orientation_features OR ((SIZEOF(QUERY(orf <* orientation_feature |
(SIZEOF(QUERY(orf <* orientation_feature |
(SIZEOF(QUERY(orf <* orientation_feature |
Attribute definitions:
mounting_technology: specifies a value of mounting_technology_type for the Package. The Surface_mount indicates that the Package_terminals have a Connection_zone that is congruent with the package_seating_plane and through_hole indicates the terminals penetrate the package_seating_plane. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
maximum_seating_plane_installation_offset: specifies the maximum offset of the seating plane installation of the Package. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
nominal_mounting_lead_pitch: specifies the nominal mounting pitch of the Package. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
nominal_mounting_lead_span: specifies the nominal mounting span of the Package. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
maximum_body_height_above_seating_plane: specifies the maximum height of the Package above the seating plane. Since there is no attribute describing the maximum terminal height above the seating plane, this attribute shall be interpreted as the furthest point away from the seating plane of either the body or of any Package_terminal above the seating plane. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
EXAMPLE 3 In the case of package to be mounted in a cutout, there may only be the surface mounted leads protruding above the seating plane.
maximum_body_height_below_seating_plane: specifies the maximum height of the Package below the seating plane. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
body_clearance_above_seating_plane: specifies a Length_tolerance_characteristic that is the minimum length between the body and the Seating_plane. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
body_clearance_below_seating_plane: specifies a Length_tolerance_characteristic that is the minimum length between the body and the Seating_plane. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
maximum_lead_length_below_seating_plane: specifies the maximum lead length below the seating plane. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
least_lead_length_below_seating_plane: specifies the smallest lead length below the seating plane. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
maximum_package_total_vertical_extent: specifies maximum package vertical extent that is a maximum of sum of maximum_body_height_above_seating_plane and maximum_body_height_below_seating_plane, and sum of maximum_body_height_above_seating_plane and maximum_lead_length_below_seating_plane.
cutout_required: specifies a derived value of TRUE or FALSE, depending on the existence of the optional attribute maximum_body_height_below_seating_plane. If the attribute exists, the value is TRUE. If the attribute is no present, the value is FALSE.
maximum_installed_height: specifies the sum of maximum_body_height_above_seating_plane and maximum_seating_plane_installation_offset.
one_orientation_feature: the attribute is TRUE only if the size of orientation_feature is one.
two_orientation_features: the attribute is TRUE only if the size of orientation_feature is two.
three_orientation_features: the attribute is TRUE only if the size of orientation_feature is three.
package_seating_plane: specifies the role of the Seating_plane for the Package. The Seating_plane simulates the mounting surface for the terminals in the case of surface mounted parts and in the case of through-hole technology, an arbitrarily established mounting surface. Terminals are required to approach the Seating_plane from the top, which is the side where the values on the Z axis are positive. Package installation is defined to be only from the top of the Seating_plane in order to reduce orientation errors between two-dimensional and three-dimensional models in this part of ISO 10303.
interface_plane: specifies the role of the Interface_plane for the Package. The Interface_plane simulates the interface surface of an external device. There shall exist zero or more Interface_planes in the role of interface_plane.
NOTE 3 The interface_plane is typically used for connectors, but may be used for modules.
EXAMPLE 4 A use of interface_plane is in the case of a fiber-optic transceiver that is mounted on a PCB but has a right angle connector to interface with a fiber.
body: specifies an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Package is dependent on the existence of the Package_body that specifies the Package as its associated_definition. There shall be no more than one Package_body for a particular Package.
package_accesses: an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Package is dependent on the existence of the Package_terminal that specifies the Package as its associated_definition. There shall be zero or more Package_terminal for a Package.
package_polarity_indication: specifies an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Package is dependent on the existence of the Polarity_indication_feature that specifies the Package as its associated_definition. There shall be no more than one Polarity_indication_feature for a Package in this role.
orientation_feature: specifies an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Package is dependent on the existence of the Package_orientation_feature that specifies the Package as its associated_definition. There shall be no more than three Package_orientation_features for a particular Package.
Formal propositions:
WR1: If mounting_technology is surface_mount, then maximum_lead_length_below_seating_plane and least_lead_length_below_seating_plane shall not be provided.
WR2: If maximum_lead_length_below_seating_plane is provided, then value_component of maximum_lead_length_below_seating_plane shall be greater than zero.
WR3: If least_lead_length_below_seating_plane is provided, then value_component of least_lead_length_below_seating_plane shall be greater than zero.
WR4: If mounting_technology is supplied, then the size of package_seating_plane shall be one.
WR5: The Product refered by of_product of defined_version shall be assigned by Product_category_assignment to at least one Product_category with name 'package'.
WR6: There shall be one Primary_reference_terminal in package_accesses.
WR7: Each member of package_accesses except for one shall specify a precedent_feature.
NOTE 4 Only the Primary_reference_terminal shall not specify a precedent_feature.
WR8: Each member of package_accesses except for one shall specify a subsequent_feature.
NOTE 5 Constraints WR6, WR7 and WR8 exist to support user-defined ordering because this part of ISO 10303 does not predefine an order on the terminals. Data that satisfies the constraints will have the properties of a list with unique entries; the list may have missing entries.
EXAMPLE 5 A BGA definition includes a set of relationships that declare that the terminal labeled "AB1" is earlier in the numbering sequence than "BC2". Some of the grid intersections do not have terminals so the grid has voids.
EXAMPLE 6 A six pin SIP definition has terminals labeled "1" through "6" inclusively.
WR9: If there is one orientation_feature then it shall be a Primary_orientation_feature.
WR10: If there are two orientation_features then one of them shall be a Primary_orientation_feature and the other shall be a Secondary_orientation_feature.
A Package_body is a type of Part_feature that is the encasement used in the realization of a Package. The observer view shall be above the seating plane and shall be higher than the highest point of the Package_body.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Package_body
SUBTYPE OF (Part_feature);
SELF\Part_feature.associated_definition : Package;
body_material : Material_identification FOR items;
<= 1;
<= 1;
<= 1;
Attribute definitions:
associated_definition: an inherited attribute shall be of type Package for the Package_body.
body_material: specifies an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Package_body is dependent on the existence of the Material_identification that specifies the Package_body as its items.
Formal propositions:
WR1: There shall be no more than one Package_body_top_surface refering Package_body as associated_definition.
WR2: There shall be no more than one Package_body_bottom_surface refering Package_body as associated_definition.
WR3: There shall be no more than one Package_body_edge_surface refering Package_body as associated_definition.
WR4: The body_material shall be the Material_identification_with_conductivity_classification.
A Package_body_bottom_surface is a type of Package_body_surface that is not visible from an observer located so as to place the component on a substrate. The Package_body_bottom_surface is visible from the seating plane associated with the Package.
NOTE In typical cases the Package_body_bottom_surface is the surface of the package body closest to the seating plane.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Package_body_bottom_surface
SUBTYPE OF (Package_body_surface);
A Package_body_edge_segment_surface is a type of Package_body_surface. A Package_body_edge_segment_surface is a segment along the edge of the body between the top and bottom surfaces.
EXAMPLE A BGA package may have four or five edge segments depending on whether the location of pin A2 is indicated by a chamfered corner.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Package_body_edge_segment_surface
SUBTYPE OF (Package_body_surface);
composed_surface : Package_body_edge_surface;
start_vertex : Edge_segment_vertex;
end_vertex : Edge_segment_vertex;
WR1: start_vertex :<>: end_vertex;
Attribute definitions:
composed_surface: specifies the Package_body_edge_surface for the Package_body_edge_segment_surface.
start_vertex: specifies the Edge_segment_vertex for the Package_body_edge_segment_surface.
end_vertex: specifies the Edge_segment_vertex for the Package_body_edge_segment_surface.
Formal propositions:
WR1: The start_vertex shall not be the end_vertex.
A Package_body_edge_surface is a type of Package_body_surface. A Package_body_edge_surface is the surface between the top and bottom surfaces.
NOTE The structural model of a package provided in this part of ISO 10303 is not intended to be exhaustive but to provide for coverage of typical needs in physical design, including spacing checks. It is anticipated that if complex shapes are desired, then the three dimensional geometric modeling support provided will be used.
EXAMPLE A usual case for a structural model of a TO-99 case in two dimensions would be that the cross-section of maximum extent would be used to derive the edge segments, because that cross-section is where the orientation tab is located.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Package_body_edge_surface
SUBTYPE OF (Package_body_surface);
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Package_body_surface
OF (ONEOF (Package_body_bottom_surface,
SUBTYPE OF (Part_feature);
associated_package_body : Package_body;
Attribute definitions:
associated_package_body: specifies the role of the Package_body for the Package_body_surface.
A Package_body_top_surface is a type of Package_body_surface that is visible from any observer located so as to place the component on a substrate.
NOTE In typical cases in a three dimensional model, the normal vector of the geometric item representing the Package_body_top_surface is parallel with the normal vector of the geometric item representing the seating plane.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Package_body_top_surface
SUBTYPE OF (Package_body_surface);
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Package_orientation_feature
OF (ONEOF (Primary_orientation_feature,
SUBTYPE OF (Part_feature);
associated_body_vertical_extent :
SET[1:2] OF Package_body_surface;
SELF\Part_feature.associated_definition : Package;
Attribute definitions:
associated_body_vertical_extent: specifies the role of the Package_body_surface for the Package_orientation_feature. There shall exist one or two Package_body_surfaces for a Package_orientation_feature. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
associated_definition: an inherited attribute shall be of type Package for the Package_orientation_feature.
Formal propositions:
WR1: A Package_orientation_feature shall define a Datum_feature.
A Package_terminal is a type of Part_feature and a type of Placed_feature. When the case or package body is used as a terminal, then Package_terminal shall be populated to specify the feature of the Package_body that serves that purpose. The Package_terminal shall be in a sequence, with the initial member being Primary_reference_terminal, and each member that is not a Primary_reference_terminal shall reference the previous member in the sequence using the precedent_feature attribute inherited from Part_feature. The external_connection_zone shall be populated. When the connection area inherited from the supertype of this Application Object is populated, the interpretation shall be that the inherited connection area overrides the external_connection_zone.
NOTE The feature_shape specified by the terminal or mounting feature may be the same feature_shape that is specified by the associated Connection_zone. In this case the whole terminal is the Connection_zone.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Package_terminal
SUBTYPE OF (Part_feature, Placed_feature);
SELF\Placed_feature.definition : Package_terminal_template_definition;
SELF\Part_feature.associated_definition : Package;
feature_shape : SET[1:?] OF Usage_concept_usage_relationship FOR associated_usage;
Attribute definitions:
definition: an inherited attribute shall be of type Package_terminal_template_definition for the Package_terminal.
associated_definition: an inherited attribute shall be of type Package for the Package_terminal.
feature_shape: specifies an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Package_terminal is dependent on the existence of the Usage_concept_usage_relationship that specifies the Package_terminal as its associated_usage. There shall be one or more Usage_concept_usage_relationships for a particular Package_terminal.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Package_terminal_surface_constituent_relationship
SUBTYPE OF (Shape_element_relationship);
SELF\Shape_element_relationship.relating : Package_body_surface;
SELF\Shape_element_relationship.related : Package_terminal;
Attribute definitions:
relating: an inherited attribute shall be of type Package_body_surface for the Package_terminal_surface_constituent_relationship.
related: an inherited attribute shall be of type Package_terminal for the Package_terminal_surface_constituent_relationship.
NOTE 1 The Seating_plane referenced indirectly by this terminal may be in the role of interface_plane for the Package referenced by associated_definition.
EXAMPLE Figure 5 illustrates a cutaway view of a terminal template definition and shows the characteristics related to the definition.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Package_terminal_template_definition
SUBTYPE OF (Part_feature_template_definition);
SELF\Feature_definition_with_connection_area.connection_area RENAMED external_connection_zone :
SET[1:?] OF Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition;
internal_connection_zone :
SET[1:?] OF Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition;
lead_form :
seating_plane_intersection :
terminal_characteristic :
SET[1:?] OF characteristic;
terminal_diametrical_extent :
seating_plane_zone :
mates_with_substrate : BOOLEAN := (EXISTS(seating_plane_zone));
terminal_core_material : SET[0:1] OF Material_identification := bag_to_set(QUERY( temp <* USEDIN(SELF,
'CLASSIFICATION_ASSIGNMENT.' + 'ITEMS') | cla.role = 'terminal core material')) = 1)));
terminal_surface_material : SET[0:1] OF Material_identification := bag_to_set(QUERY( temp <* USEDIN(SELF,
'CLASSIFICATION_ASSIGNMENT.' + 'ITEMS') | cla.role = 'terminal surface material')) = 1)));
external_lead_form : SET[0:1] OF External_source_identification FOR item;
WR1: NOT EXISTS(seating_plane_zone) OR (SIZEOF(QUERY(cz <* external_connection_zone | (seating_plane_zone.derived_zone = cz)))
= 1);
WR2: NOT EXISTS(seating_plane_zone) OR ((seating_plane_intersection = surface_intersection) OR (seating_plane_intersection
= through_intersection));
WR3: NOT ((seating_plane_intersection = does_not_intersect) AND (EXISTS(seating_plane_zone)));
WR4: NOT (SIZEOF(terminal_core_material) = 1) OR
WR5: (SIZEOF(terminal_surface_material) = 1) AND
WR6: (EXISTS (lead_form)) XOR ((SIZEOF(external_lead_form)) = 1);
Attribute definitions:
external_connection_zone: specifies the Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition on the outside surface of the Package_terminal_template_definition. There may be more than one Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition for a Package_terminal_template_definition. The value of this attribute need not be specified. If the source system contains the data, then the external_connection_zone shall be supplied.
internal_connection_zone: specifies the Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition on the inside portion of the Package_terminal_template_definition. There may be more than one Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition in the role of internal_connection_zone. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
lead_form: specifies the predefined_lead_form for the Package_terminal_template_definition. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
seating_plane_intersection: specifies whether or not the shape of the Package_terminal_template_definition intersects the shape of the seating plane to within the tolerance of the geometric context. The values allowed for the attribute are 'surface_intersection', 'through_intersection', 'does_not_intersect'.
NOTE 2 Not all terminals need to intersect the seating plane.
terminal_characteristic: specifies the role of the characteristic for the Package_terminal_template_definition. There shall exist one or more characteristics for the Package_terminal_template_definition. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
terminal_diametrical_extent: specifies the Length_tolerance_characteristic that represents the diameter of a Package_terminal_template_definition. The Length_tolerance_characteristic is the diameter of a circle that circumscribes the cross-sectional shape of the terminal.
seating_plane_zone: specifies the role of the Connection_zone_package_interface_plane_relationship for the Package_terminal_template_definition. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
mates_with_substrate: an attribute's value becomes TRUE only then seating_plane_zone exists and it's interface_plane is package_seating_plane of associated_definition.
terminal_core_material: specifies the role of the Material_identification for the Package_terminal_template_definition core material. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
terminal_surface_material: specifies the role of the Material_identification for the outer surface of the Package_terminal_template_definition surface material.
external_lead_form: an inverse relationship that specifies that the existence of the Package_terminal_template_definition is dependent on the existence of the External_source_identification that specifies the Package_terminal_template_definition as its item. There shall exist not more than one External_source_identification for a Package_terminal_template_definition.
Formal propositions:
WR1: If seating_plane_zone is provided, then it's derived_zone shall be in external_connection_zone.
WR2: If seating_plane_zone is provided, then seating_plane_intersection shall be surface_intersection or through_intersection.
WR3: If seating_plane_zone is provided, then seating_plane_intersection shall not be does_not_intersect.
WR4: If terminal_core_material is provided, it shall be the Material_identification_with_conductivity_classification.
WR5: The terminal_surface_material shall be the Material_identification_with_conductivity_classification.
WR6: The lead_form or the external_lead_form shall be provided but not both.
A Polarity_indication_feature is a type of Part_feature. A Polarity_indication_feature provides visible or tactile means to reduce or eliminate ambiguity of the location of a polarized part in an assembly operation. A Polarity_indication_feature shall not be used to identify orientation features of non-polarized components.
NOTE Other orientation information may be required in addition to the Polarity_indication_feature to totally disambiguate the correct orientation.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Polarity_indication_feature
SUBTYPE OF (Part_feature);
associated_body_vertical_extent :
SET[1:2] OF Package_body_surface;
associated_terminal : Package_terminal;
SELF\Part_feature.associated_definition : Package;
Attribute definitions:
associated_body_vertical_extent: specifies a set of Package_body_surface for the polarity indication feature. There may be one or two Package_body_surface for the Polarity_indication_feature. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
associated_terminal: specifies the Package_terminal for the polarity indication feature.
associated_definition: an inherited attribute shall be of type Package for the Polarity_indication_feature.
A Primary_orientation_feature is a type of Package_orientation_feature. A Primary_orientation_feature is the first orientation feature in the sequence of one to three orientation features associated with the Package.
NOTE A Primary_orientation_feature is not usually also a Primary_reference_terminal.
EXAMPLE 1 Figure 6 illustrates two of the three-dimensional geometric relationships between a component and the printed circuit board it is mounted on. A datum system is included for reference purposes. The Z direction is parallel to the normal of the top surface of the board. Both the top and bottom surface normal vectors are parallel to the normal vectors of the seating plane for the components.
EXAMPLE 2 Figure 7 illustrates two of the two-dimensional geometric relationships between a component and the printed circuit board it is mounted on. A datum system is included for reference purposes.
EXAMPLE 3 Figures 8 through 9 illustrates orientation details for microcircuit packages. In Figures 8 and 9 the bottom surface of the package is the Primary_orientation_feature. The assignment of Datum A indicates this fact.
EXAMPLE 4 Figure 10 illustrates details associated with several variations of an Axial package modification and the associated Seating_plane. In each case , the seating plane orientation with respect to the Axis_placement is constant, while the Package shape orientation changes due to the modification.
EXAMPLE 5 Figure 11 illustrates Primary_reference_terminal assignment and also assignment of Polarity_indication_feature. Knowledge of Polarity_indication_features separate from the orientation feature increases the ability to determine when to use polarity indication symbols on the interconnect substrate for polarized components e.g., polarized capacitors, diodes).
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Primary_orientation_feature
SUBTYPE OF (Package_orientation_feature);
A Primary_reference_terminal is a type of Package_terminal. This terminal is assigned the identifier string that is first in the sequence of package terminal names to be assigned to the part. The Primary_reference_terminal shall not specify a precedent_feature and is the first member of the sequence of Package_terminal. The sort order of the names assigned to the Packaged_terminals is defined by the explicit sequence established by the use of precedent_feature inherited from Part_feature.
EXAMPLE If a value of '1' is available, assigning a value of '2' to this terminal would be prohibited by this part of ISO 10303, due to the possibility of confusion.
NOTE The Primary_reference_terminal is often associated with an orientation feature, but it may not be the orientation feature itself. Usually the Primary_reference_terminal and the Primary_orientation_feature are different part_features.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Primary_reference_terminal
SUBTYPE OF (Package_terminal);
WR1: NOT (EXISTS(SELF\Part_feature.precedent_feature));
Formal propositions:
WR1: The precedent_feature shall not be populated.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Secondary_orientation_feature
SUBTYPE OF (Package_orientation_feature);
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Tertiary_orientation_feature
SUBTYPE OF (Package_orientation_feature);
A Visual_orientation_feature is a type of Part_feature. A Visual_orientation_feature provides visible or tactile means to reduce or eliminate ambiguity of the location of a Primary_reference_terminal in an assembly operation.
NOTE Other orientation information may be required in addition to the Visual_orientation_feature to totally disambiguate the correct orientation.
EXAMPLE A mark on a component implemented with ink or a visible indentation or a formed corner may be used to indicate the fact that pin one of the package is in close proximity to the mark. A vision system or a human operator will use the mark to correctly orient the component.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Visual_orientation_feature
SUBTYPE OF (Part_feature);
associated_body_vertical_extent :
SET[1:2] OF Package_body_surface;
associated_terminal : Package_terminal;
Attribute definitions:
associated_body_vertical_extent: specifies the Package_body_surface for the Visual_orientation_feature. There shall be one or two package_body_surfaces for a Visual_orientation_feature. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
associated_terminal: specifies the Package_terminal for the Visual_orientation_feature.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Wire_terminal
SUBTYPE OF (Package_terminal);
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY Wire_terminal_template_definition
SUBTYPE OF (Package_terminal_template_definition);
SELF\Package_terminal_template_definition.internal_connection_zone : SET[1:?] OF Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition;
wire_terminal_length :
Attribute definitions:
internal_connection_zone: an inherited attribute shall be of type Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition for the Wire_terminal_template_definition. There shall be one or more Connection_zone_in_part_feature_template_definition for the Wire_terminal_template_definition. The internal_connection_zone is mandatory because it locates the end of the wire that is the attachment area on the package body.
wire_terminal_length: specifies the Length_tolerance_characteristic for the length of the Wire_terminal_template_definition. The value of this attribute need not be specified.
This subclause specifies the ARM subtype constraint for this module. The subtype constraint places a constraint on the possible super-type / subtype instantiations. The ARM subtype constraint and definition is specified below.
The part_feature_subtypes constraint specifies a constraint that applies to instances of Part_feature and enforces the rule that its subtypes Package_body, Package_body_surface, Package_orientation_feature, Polarity_indication_feature and Visual_orientation_feature are exclusive.
EXPRESS specification:
SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT part_feature_subtypes FOR Part_feature;
ONEOF (Package_body,
This subclause specifies the ARM functions for this module. The ARM functions and definitions are specified below.
EXPRESS specification:
FUNCTION add_data_element (input1 : Length_data_element; input2 : Length_data_element) : Length_data_element;
Argument definitions:
input1: the first specified Length_data_element.
input2: the second specified Length_data_element.
EXPRESS specification:
FUNCTION max_data_element (input1 : Length_data_element; input2 : Length_data_element) : Length_data_element;
Argument definitions:
input1: the first specified Length_data_element.
input2: the second specified Length_data_element.
END_SCHEMA; -- Package_arm
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