Application module:
Layered interconnect simple template |
ISO/TS 10303-1718:2018-11(E)
Annex F
Change history
This annex documents the history of technical modifications made to
ISO/TS 10303-1718.
The second
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been added:
- USE_FROM Part_template_shape_with_parameters_arm;
- REFERENCE_FROM Characterizable_object_arm(bag_to_set);
- REFERENCE_FROM Requirement_decomposition_arm(get_rvd);
- TYPE land_connection_zone_class;
- TYPE land_template_terminal_class;
- TYPE list_external_identification_item;
- TYPE list_usage_concept;
- TYPE ptswp_ptsm_definition;
- TYPE ptswp_template_shape_model_context;
- ENTITY Blind_passage_template;
- ENTITY Closed_path_area_with_parameters;
- ENTITY Component_termination_passage_template;
- ENTITY Component_termination_passage_template_interface_terminal;
- ENTITY Component_termination_passage_template_join_terminal;
- ENTITY Component_termination_passage_template_terminal;
- ENTITY Connection_zone_in_layout_template;
- ENTITY Continuous_template;
- ENTITY Counterbore_passage_template;
- ENTITY Countersunk_passage_template;
- ENTITY Default_attachment_size_based_land_physical_template;
- ENTITY Default_passage_based_land_physical_template;
- ENTITY Default_plated_passage_based_land_physical_template;
- ENTITY Default_unsupported_passage_based_land_physical_template;
- ENTITY Electrical_isolation_removal_template;
- ENTITY Hatch_area_template;
- ENTITY Hatch_line_element;
- ENTITY Inter_stratum_feature_template;
- ENTITY Land_physical_template;
- ENTITY Land_template_interface_terminal;
- ENTITY Land_template_join_terminal;
- ENTITY Land_template_terminal;
- ENTITY Material_removal_feature_template;
- ENTITY Plated_passage_template_shape_model;
- ENTITY Single_stratum_continuous_template;
- ENTITY Single_stratum_template;
- ENTITY Stratum_feature_template;
- ENTITY Tile_area_template;
- ENTITY Unsupported_passage_template;
- ENTITY Via_template;
- ENTITY Via_template_terminal;
- SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT list_shape_feature_subtypes;
- SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT list_template_definition_subtypes;
- RULE unique_land_physical_template;
- FUNCTION get_electrical_conductivity;
- FUNCTION list_get_zone_name.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been modified:
- ENTITY Fill_area_template;
- ENTITY Part_text_template;
- ENTITY Planar_closed_path_shape_model_with_parameters;
- ENTITY Planar_path_shape_model_with_parameters;
- ENTITY Teardrop_template.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been removed:
- TYPE extend_or_chord_2_extend_or_truncate_or_round (which has been moved to the module constructive_solid_geometry_2d);
- TYPE extend_or_truncate (which has been moved to the module constructive_solid_geometry_2d);
- TYPE inter_stratum_feature_template_subtypes;
- TYPE square_or_round (which has been moved to the module constructive_solid_geometry_2d);
- TYPE text_alignment (which has been moved to the module text_appearance);
- ENTITY Closed_curve_style_parameters (which has been moved to the module constructive_solid_geometry_2d);
- ENTITY Curve_style_parameters (which has been moved to the module constructive_solid_geometry_2d);
- ENTITY Curve_style_parameters_with_ends (which has been moved to the module constructive_solid_geometry_2d);
- SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT pte_shape_feature_subtypes;
- SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT pte_template_definition_subtypes;
- FUNCTION pte_get_zone_name.
In addition, modifications have been made to the mapping specification,
the MIM schema and the EXPRESS-G diagrams to reflect and be consistent
with the modifications of the ARM.
The third
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been added:
- REFERENCE_FROM Support_resource_arm(bag_to_set).
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been removed:
- REFERENCE_FROM Characterizable_object_arm(bag_to_set).
In addition, modifications have been made to the mapping specification,
the MIM schema and the EXPRESS-G diagrams to reflect and be consistent
with the modifications of the ARM.
The fourth
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been added:
- TYPE list_requirement_assignment_item;
- TYPE measure_orientation.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been modified:
- ENTITY Blind_passage_template;
- ENTITY Component_termination_passage_template_terminal;
- ENTITY Default_attachment_size_based_land_physical_template;
- ENTITY Land_template_interface_terminal;
- ENTITY Land_template_terminal;
- ENTITY Teardrop_template;
- ENTITY Via_template_terminal;
- SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT list_shape_feature_subtypes.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been removed:
- FUNCTION get_electrical_conductivity.
In addition, modifications have been made to the mapping specification,
the MIM schema and the EXPRESS-G diagrams to reflect and be consistent
with the modifications of the ARM.
The fifth
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been modified:
- ENTITY Default_attachment_size_based_land_physical_template.
In addition, modifications have been made to the mapping specification,
the MIM schema and the EXPRESS-G diagrams to reflect and be consistent
with the modifications of the ARM.
The mappings of
Inter_stratum_feature_edge_segment_template.end_vertex and of
were changed.
This sixth
edition of this part of ISO 10303
the modifications to the
edition listed below.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been added:
- SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT lisp_shape_element_subtypes.
The following ARM EXPRESS declarations and interface specifications have been modified:
- TYPE list_external_identification_item;
- TYPE list_requirement_assignment_item;
- TYPE list_usage_concept;
- ENTITY Component_termination_passage_template;
- ENTITY Component_termination_passage_template_terminal;
- ENTITY Connection_zone_in_layout_template;
- ENTITY Default_attachment_size_based_land_physical_template;
- ENTITY Land_physical_template;
- ENTITY Land_template_interface_terminal;
- ENTITY Land_template_terminal;
- ENTITY Via_template;
- ENTITY Via_template_terminal.
In addition, modifications have been made to the mapping specification,
the MIM schema and the EXPRESS-G diagrams to reflect and be consistent
with the modifications of the ARM.
The following changes have been made to the ARM to MIM mapping:
- Connection_zone_in_layout_template mapping updated
- Component_termination_passage_template_terminal mapping updated
- Land_template_interface_terminal mapping updated
- Land_template_terminal mapping updated
- Via_template_terminal mapping updated
- Plated_passage_template_shape_model mapping updated
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