Application module: Information rights | ISO/TS 10303-1241:2019(E) © ISO |
ISO 10303 is an International Standard for the computer-interpretable representation of product information and for the exchange of product data. The objective is to provide a neutral mechanism capable of describing products throughout their life cycle. This mechanism is suitable not only for neutral file exchange, but also as a basis for implementing and sharing product databases, and as a basis for retention and archiving.
This part of ISO 10303 specifies an application module for the representation of rights concerning the access and use of information. That is, it records the right of a person or organization to use information in a certain way, or for a certain purpose. These rights include ownership of copyright, ownership of intellectual property or a grant to use information, perhaps restricted to a particular contract. Rights over personal data are not considered.
The recording of usage rights is important in collaborative work, such as a shared data environment. A shared data environment may contain product information from several companies, with only the Prime Contractor having the information rights to see all of it.
The module allows the recording of a particular right, the historical act of granting that right to an organization, perhaps under a particular contract, and the assignment of that right to particular data items. The granting of the right can be approved in general, or only for specific items of data. The latter would be used where special permission is needed for a particular data item. Under this module, rights cannot be granted to a general class of item, and this would need an extension to the current module. The module supports both the recording of the currently available rights and the history of granting rights.
Rights are always defined within a legal framework. It is incumbent on users of this model to ensure that the legal framework is in place under which the rights are interpreted, and to ensure that the use and interpretation of rights are well defined.
Clause 1 defines the scope of the application module and summarizes the functionality and data covered. Clause 3 lists the words defined in this part of ISO 10303 and gives pointers to words defined elsewhere. The information requirements of the application are specified in Clause 4 using terminology appropriate to the application. A graphical representation of the information requirements, referred to as the application reference model, is given in Annex C. Resource constructs are interpreted to meet the information requirements. This interpretation produces the module interpreted model (MIM). This interpretation, given in 5.1, shows the correspondence between the information requirements and the MIM. The short listing of the MIM specifies the interface to the resources and is given in 5.2. A graphical representation of the short listing of the MIM is given in Annex D.
In ISO 10303, the same English language words can be used to refer to an object in the real world or concept, and as the name of an EXPRESS data type that represents this object or concept.
The following typographical convention is used to distinguish between these. If a word or phrase occurs in the same typeface as narrative text, the referent is the object or concept. If the word or phrase occurs in a bold typeface or as a hyperlink, the referent is the EXPRESS data type.
The name of an EXPRESS data type can be used to refer to the data type itself, or to an instance of the data type. The distinction between these uses is normally clear from the context. If there is a likelihood of ambiguity, either the phrase "entity data type" or "instance(s) of" is included in the text.
Double quotation marks " " denote quoted text. Single quotation marks ' ' denote particular text string values.
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