The Process class is used to create advanced manufacturing processes. Ordinary manufacturing processes are created by the APT object. The Process object creates data that is above and beyond that defined in APT programs.
void BlockRawpiece ( System::String^ name, double x, double y, double z, double length, double width, double height );
The BlockRawpiece() function creates a product model containing a rectangular block. Such blocks are not supported across the whole STEP and you are recommended to create an advanced boundary model to represent the block if possible.
- name
- Product name for the new block.
- x, y, z
- Coordinates for center of the block.
- length, width, height
- Dimensions for the length, width and height
Related Functions
- There is a put_placement function in the APT object that will move the block and rotate its axes.
Common Errors
- No open project.
void Boring ( System::Int64 ws_id, double cutting_depth, double dwell_time_bottom, double feed_on_retract, double previous_diameter, System::Boolean spindle_stop_at_bottom, double waiting_x, double waiting_y, double waiting_z, double depth_of_test_cut );
The Boring() function defines a boring operation. For additional details see the ISO 14649 documentation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the operation.
- cutting depth
- In current length units.
- dwell time bottom
- In seconds
- feed_on_retract
- In current federate
- previous diameter
- The diameter of the hole before the boring
- spindle_stop_at_bottom
- Stop the spindle duing the dwell?
- waiting_x, y, z
- Position for the dwell
- depth of test cut
Related Functions
- MultistepDrilling Defines a multi-step drilling operation.
- Tapping Defines a tapping operation.
- Reaming Define a reaming operation.
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the workingstep
void BottomSideFinishMilling ( System::Int64 ws_id, double side_allowance, double bottom_allowance, double radial_depth, double axial_depth );
The BottomSideFinishMilling() function defines parameters for an operation that removes material from the side and bottom of the tool.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the operation.
- side_allowance
- Material to be left on the side
- bottom_allowance
- Material to be left on the bottom
- radial_depth
- How much material is to be cut from the side on each pass.
- axial_depth
- How much material is to be cut from the bottom on each pass.
Related Functions
- BottomSideRoughMilling Defines a bottom and side milling operation.
- PlaneFinishMilling Defines a bottom milling operation.
- PlaneRoughMilling Defines a bottom milling operation.
- SideFinishMilling Defines a side milling operation.
- SideRoughMilling Defines a side milling operation.
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the workingstep
void BottomSideRoughMilling ( System::Int64 ws_id, double side_allowance, double bottom_allowance, double radial_depth, double axial_depth );
The BottomSideRoughMilling() function defines parameters for an operation that removes material from the side and bottom of the tool.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the operation.
- side_allowance
- Material to be left on the side
- bottom_allowance
- Material to be left on the bottom
- radial_depth
- How much material is to be cut from the side on each pass.
- axial_depth
- How much material is to be cut from the bottom on each pass.
Related Functions
- BottomSideFinishMilling Defines a bottom and side milling operation.
- PlaneFinishMilling Defines a bottom milling operation.
- PlaneRoughMilling Defines a bottom milling operation.
- SideFinishMilling Defines a side milling operation.
- SideRoughMilling Defines a side milling operation.
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the workingstep
void ClearancePlane ( System::Int64 ws_id, double z );
The ClearancePlane() function is used for safe tool movements between operations. Any movement above this plane will be safe from collissions.
- ws_id
- The operation
- height
- The height of the plane above the axis of the operation.
Related Functions
- RetractPlane Defines a plane for safe movements within an operation.
Common Errors
- No open project.
void CoolantOn (System::Int64 ws_id); void CoolantOff (System::Int64 ws_id); void CoolantMist (System::Int64 ws_id);
The CoolantOn() function sets the coolant to on for the selected workingstep.
The CoolantOff() function sets the coolant to off for the selected workingstep.
The CoolantMist() function sets the coolant to mist for the selected workingstep.
- ws_id
- The operation
Related Functions
- The APT object has a modal coolant function that will set the coolant to on for any subsequently defined operation.
Common Errors
- No open project.
void CylinderRawpiece ( System::String^ name, double x, double y, double z, double length, double diameter );
The CylinderRawpiece() function creates a product model containing a cylindrical block. Such blocks are not supported across the whole STEP and you are recommended to create an advanced boundary model to represent the cylinder if possible.
- name
- Product name for the new block.
- x, y, z
- Coordinates for center of the block.
- length, width, height
- Dimensions for the length, width and height
Related Functions
- There is a put_placement function in the APT object that will move the block and rotate its axes.
Common Errors
- No open project.
void DrillPointAdd ( System::Int64 ws_id, double x, double y, double z );
The DrillPointAdd() function adds a point to a drilling pattern. For additional details see the ISO 14649 documentation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the drilling operation.
- x, y, z
- New point
Related Functions
- Drilling Defines a drilling operation.
- DrillPointAdd Add a point by making a new workingstep
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the workingstep
void DrillWorkingstepAdd ( System::Int64 ws_id, double x, double y, double z );
The DrillWorkingstepAdd() function adds a point to a drilling pattern by creating a new workingstep to hold that point. The new workingstep will be a copy of the existing workingstep at the new location.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the drilling operation.
- x, y, z
- New point
Related Functions
- Drilling Defines a drilling operation.
- DrillPointAdd Add a point by Adding/Creating a drill pattern
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the workingstep
void Drilling ( System::Int64 ws_id, double cutting_depth, double dwell_time_bottom, double feed_on_retract, double previous_diameter );
The Drilling() function defines a drilling operation. For additional details see the ISO 14649 documentation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the operation.
- cutting depth
- In current length units.
- dwell time bottom
- In seconds
- feed_on_retract
- In current federate
- previous diameter
- The diameter of the hole before the drilling
Related Functions
- Boring Defines a boring operation.
- MultistepDrilling Defines a multi-step drilling operation.
- Tapping Defines a tapping operation.
- Reaming Define a reaming operation.
- DrillingStrategy Additional drilling strategy parameters
- DrillPointAdd Create a drill point by adding to a pattern
- DrillWorkingstepAdd Create a drill point by making a new ws
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the workingstep
void DrillingStrategy ( System::Int64 ws_id, double reduced_cut_at_start, double reduced_feed_at_start, double depth_of_start, double reduced_cut_at_end, double reduced_feed_at_end, double depth_of_end );
The DrillingStrategy() function defines a additional strategy parameters for a drilling operation. For more information see the ISO 14649 documentation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the operation.
- reduced_cut_at_start
- reduced_feed_at_start
- depth_of_start
- reduced_cut_at_end
- reduced_feed_at_end
- depth_of_end
Related Functions
- Drilling Defines a drilling operation.
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the workingstep
System::Int64 FindOrMakeTechnology ( double feed, double speed );
The FindOrMakeTechnology() function finds an existing technology that uses a feed and speed or make a new one.
- feed
- Feed in current units.
- speed
- Spindle speed in current units
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the workingstep
System::Int64 FindOrMakeTechologyCSS ( double feed, double speed, double max_speed );
The FindOrMakeTechologyCSS() function finds an existing constant spindle speed technology that uses a given feed and speed or make a new one.
- feed
- Feed in current units.
- speed
- Spindle speed in current units
- max speed
- Maximum spindle speed in current units
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the workingstep
System::Int64 GetToolISO13399AssemblyCount ( System::Int64 tool_id );
The GetToolISO13399AssemblyCount() function
System::String^ GetToolISO13399AssemblyName ( System::Int64 definition_id );
The GetToolISO13399AssemblyName() function
System::Int64 GetToolISO13399AssemblyNext ( System::Int64 tool_id, System::Int64 index );
The GetToolISO13399AssemblyNext() function
System::Int64 GetToolISO13399AssemblyNumericAttributeCount ( System::Int64 definition_id );
The GetToolISO13399AssemblyNumericAttributeCount() function
System::Int64 GetToolISO13399AssemblyNumericAttributeNext ( System::Int64 definition_id, System::Int64 index );
The GetToolISO13399AssemblyNumericAttributeNext() function
System::Int64 GetToolISO13399AssemblyStringAttributeCount ( System::Int64 definition_id );
The GetToolISO13399AssemblyStringAttributeCount() function
System::Int64 GetToolISO13399AssemblyStringAttributeNext ( System::Int64 definition_id, System::Int64 index );
The GetToolISO13399AssemblyStringAttributeNext() function
System::Int64 GetToolISO13399ItemCount ( System::Int64 tool_id );
The GetToolISO13399ItemCount() function
System::String^ GetToolISO13399ItemName ( System::Int64 instance_id );
The GetToolISO13399ItemName() function
System::Int64 GetToolISO13399ItemNext ( System::Int64 tool_id, System::Int64 index );
The GetToolISO13399ItemNext() function
System::Int64 GetToolISO13399ItemNumericAttributeCount ( System::Int64 instance_id );
The GetToolISO13399ItemNumericAttributeCount() function
System::Int64 GetToolISO13399ItemNumericAttributeNext ( System::Int64 instance_id, System::Int64 index );
The GetToolISO13399ItemNumericAttributeNext() function
System::Int64 GetToolISO13399ItemStringAttributeCount ( System::Int64 instance_id );
The GetToolISO13399ItemStringAttributeCount() function
System::Int64 GetToolISO13399ItemStringAttributeNext ( System::Int64 instance_id, System::Int64 index );
The GetToolISO13399ItemStringAttributeNext() function
System::String^ GetToolISO13399ItemType ( System::Int64 instance_id );
The GetToolISO13399ItemType() function
System::String^ GetToolISO13399NumericValue ( System::Int64 numeric_id, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::String^ %name, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::String^ %unit );
The GetToolISO13399NumericValue() function
System::String^ GetToolISO13399StringValue ( System::Int64 string_id, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::String^ %name );
The GetToolISO13399StringValue() function
System::String^ GetToolReferenceDataName ( System::Int64 ws_id, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %value_set );
The GetToolReferenceDataName() function
System::String^ GetToolReferenceDataSTRL ( System::Int64 ws_id, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %value_set );
The GetToolReferenceDataSTRL() function
void Inches ();
The Inches() function
void InitializeOverrides ( System::Int64 wp_ws_tp_id, double initial_value, System::Int64 only_cross );
The InitializeOverrides() function
void LoadISO13399Data ( System::String^ directory );
The LoadISO13399Data() function
void Material ( System::Int64 wp_id, System::String^ name );
The Material() function assigns a material description to a workpiece.
- wp_id
- Workpiece that is to have this material description
- name
- The material described as a string
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the workingstep
void Millimeters ();
The Millimeters() function
void MillingStrategyApproachAirAngle ( System::Int64 ws_id, double angle, double travel_length );
The MillingStrategyApproachAirAngle() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- angle
- travel_length
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyApproachAirTangent ( System::Int64 ws_id, double radius );
The MillingStrategyApproachAirTangent() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- radius
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyApproachPlungeHelix ( System::Int64 ws_id, double radius, double angle );
The MillingStrategyApproachPlungeHelix() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- radius
- angle
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyApproachPlungeRamp ( System::Int64 ws_id, double angle );
The MillingStrategyApproachPlungeRamp() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- angle
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyApproachPlungeToolaxis ( System::Int64 ws_id );
The MillingStrategyApproachPlungeToolaxis() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyApproachPlungeZigzag ( System::Int64 ws_id, double angle, double width );
The MillingStrategyApproachPlungeZigzag() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- angle
- width
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyRetractAirAngle ( System::Int64 ws_id, double angle, double travel_length );
The MillingStrategyRetractAirAngle() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- angle
- travel_length
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyRetractAirTangent ( System::Int64 ws_id, double radius );
The MillingStrategyRetractAirTangent() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- radius
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyRetractPlungeHelix ( System::Int64 ws_id, double radius, double angle );
The MillingStrategyRetractPlungeHelix() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- radius
- angle
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyRetractPlungeRamp ( System::Int64 ws_id, double angle );
The MillingStrategyRetractPlungeRamp() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- angle
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyRetractPlungeToolaxis ( System::Int64 ws_id );
The MillingStrategyRetractPlungeToolaxis() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyRetractPlungeZigzag ( System::Int64 ws_id, double angle, double width );
The MillingStrategyRetractPlungeZigzag() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- angle
- width
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyTwo5dBidirectional ( System::Int64 ws_id, System::String^ stepover_direction, System::String^ stroke_connection_strategy, double fi, double fj, double fk );
The MillingStrategyTwo5dBidirectional() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- stepover_direction
- stroke_connection_strategey
- fi, fj, fk
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyTwo5dBidirectionalContour ( System::Int64 ws_id, System::String^ spiral_cutmode, System::String^ rotation_direction, System::String^ stepover_direction, double fi, double fj, double fk );
The MillingStrategyTwo5dBidirectionalContour() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- spiral_cutmode
- rotation_direction
- stepover_direction
- fi, fj, fk
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyTwo5dCenterMilling ( System::Int64 ws_id );
The MillingStrategyTwo5dCenterMilling() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyTwo5dContourBidirectional ( System::Int64 ws_id, System::String^ spiral_cutmode, System::String^ rotation_direction, System::String^ stepover_direction, double fi, double fj, double fk );
The MillingStrategyTwo5dContourBidirectional() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- spiral_cutmode
- rotation_direction
- stepover_direction
- fi, fj, fk
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyTwo5dContourParallel ( System::Int64 ws_id, System::String^ cutmode, System::String^ rotation_direction );
The MillingStrategyTwo5dContourParallel() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- cutmode
- rotation_direction
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyTwo5dContourSpiral ( System::Int64 ws_id, System::String^ cutmode, System::String^ rotation_direction );
The MillingStrategyTwo5dContourSpiral() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- cutmode
- rotation_direction
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyTwo5dExplicitStrategy ( System::Int64 ws_id );
The MillingStrategyTwo5dExplicitStrategy() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MillingStrategyTwo5dUnidirectional ( System::Int64 ws_id, System::String^ cutmode, double fi, double fj, double fk );
The MillingStrategyTwo5dUnidirectional() function sets strategy data for a milling operation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the strategy.
- cutmode
- fi, fj, fk
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep. Workingstep does not contain an milling operation.
void MultistepDrilling ( System::Int64 ws_id, double cutting_depth, double depth_of_step, double first_depth, double retract_distance, double dwell_time_bottom, double feed_on_retract, double dwell_time_step, double previous_diameter );
The MultistepDrilling() function defines a multistep drilling operation. For additional details see the ISO 14649 documentation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the operation.
- cutting depth
- In current length units.
- depth
- of step
- first
- depth
- retract
- distance
- dwell time bottom
- In seconds
- feed_on_retract
- In current federate
- dwell time bottom
- In seconds
- previous diameter
- The diameter of the hole before the drilling
Related Functions
- Drilling Defines a single step drilling operation.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep.
void Open238 ( System::String^ file_name );
The Open238() function
void OpenNewProject ( System::String^ file_name );
The OpenNewProject() function
System::Int64 OptimizeFeedsUsingCrossSectionParameters ( System::Int64 exe_id, double max_feed, System::Int64 set_override );
The OptimizeFeedsUsingCrossSectionParameters() function optimizes the feeds and speeds in an executable which may be one workingstep, a workplan or the complete project (main workplan). Returns a nonzero value if optimization completed.
- ws_id
- Workingstep to be optimized.
- max_feed
- Maximum value allowed for an optimized feed
- set_override
- If true then create a new override curve. If false then set the base feeds.
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the workingstep
void PlaneFinishMilling ( System::Int64 ws_id, double allowance, double axial_depth );
The PlaneFinishMilling() function defines a finish milling operation for a plane.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the operation.
- allowance
- Remainder after final pass
- axial depth
- Depth of each pass
Related Functions
- BottomSideFinishMilling Defines a bottom and side milling operation.
- BottomSideRoughMilling Defines a bottom and side milling operation.
- PlaneRoughMilling Defines a bottom milling operation.
- SideFinishMilling Defines a side milling operation.
- SideRoughMilling Defines a side milling operation.
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the workingstep
void PlaneRoughMilling ( System::Int64 ws_id, double allowance, double axial_depth );
The PlaneRoughMilling() function defines a rough milling operation for a plane.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the operation.
- allowance
- Remainder after final pass
- axial depth
- Depth of each pass
Related Functions
- BottomSideFinishMilling Defines a bottom and side milling operation.
- BottomSideRoughMilling Defines a bottom and side milling operation.
- PlaneFinishMilling Defines a bottom milling operation.
- SideFinishMilling Defines a side milling operation.
- SideRoughMilling Defines a side milling operation.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep.
System::Int64 ReadCrossSectionData ( System::String^ file_name, System::Int64 exe_id );
The ReadCrossSectionData() function reads cross section parameter data from a file. Returns nonzero if all the code was able to read and set all the data.
- file_name
- Data file
- exe_id
- Operation to receive the data
void Reaming ( System::Int64 ws_id, double cutting_depth, double dwell_time_bottom, double feed_on_retract, double previous_diameter, System::Boolean spindle_stop_at_bottom, double waiting_x, double waiting_y, double waiting_z, double depth_of_test_cut );
The Reaming() function
void Reset ();
The Reset() function
void RetractPlane ( System::Int64 ws_id, double z );
The RetractPlane() function is used by some of the STEP-NC operations to define a plane for tool movements between the passes of the operation. Any movement within the boundary of the operation will be safe if it is above this plane.
- ws_id
- The operation
- z
- The height of the plane above the axis of the operation.
Related Functions
- ClearancePlane Defines a plane for safe movements between operations.
Common Errors
- No open project.
void SaveAsModules ( System::String^ file_name );
The SaveAsModules() function
void SaveAsP21 ( System::String^ file_name );
The SaveAsP21() function
void SaveISO13399Data ( System::String^ out_directory );
The SaveISO13399Data() function
System::Int64 SecondWorkingstep ( System::Int64 first_ws_id );
The SecondWorkingstep() function
void SetCuttingComponentParametersLifeMaterial ( System::Int64 tl_id, double life, System::String^ material );
The SetCuttingComponentParametersLifeMaterial() function
void SetMachineParametersDelete ( System::Int64 wp_id );
The SetMachineParametersDelete() function deletes the machine parameters for a workplan. The machine parameters describe the maximum values allowed for process definitions within that workplan.
- wp_id
- Identity of the workplan containing the parameters.
Related Functions
- SetMachineParametersName Set the machine name for a workplan.
- SetMachineParametersSpeedFeed Set the maximum values allowed for the process in a workplan.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workplan.
void SetMachineParametersMachineName ( System::Int64 wp_id, System::String^ name );
The SetMachineParametersMachineName() function sets the name of the machine for which a workplan has been designed. The machine parameters describe the maximum values allowed for process definitions within that workplan.
- wp_id
- Identity of the workplan containing the parameters.
- name
- The name of the machine.
Related Functions
- SetMachineParametersDelete Delete the machine parameters for a workplan.
- SetMachineParametersSpeedFeed Set the maximum values allowed for the process in a workplan.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workplan.
void SetMachineParametersSpeedFeed ( System::Int64 wp_id, double feed, double spindle_power, double spindle_speed, double spindle_torque );
The SetMachineParametersSpeedFeed() function sets the maximum values for the process in a workplan.
- wp_id
- Identity of the workplan containing the parameters.
- feed
- The maximum feed.
- spindle_power
- The maximum spindle speed
- spindle_speed
- The maximum spindle speed
- spindle_torque
- The maximum spindle torque
Related Functions
- SetMachineParametersDelete Delete the machine parameters for a workplan.
- SetMachineParametersName Set the machine name for a workplan.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workplan.
void SetOverride ( System::Int64 pt_id, double value );
The SetOverride() function changes the feed override value for one point in a toolpath.
- pt_id
- Identity of the point.
- value
- New value for the override
Related Functions
- SetPathDepth Set the depth for a path.
- SetPathOvercut Set the overcut for a path.
- The Finder object contains functions to navigate to a toolpath point. You need to find the required point in the override curve for the path
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the point. Point is not one dimensional.
void SetPathDepth ( System::Int64 path_id, double depth );
The SetPathDepth() function sets a cut depth for a toolpath.
- path_id
- Identity of the toolpath.
- depth
- New value for the override
Related Functions
- SetPathOvercut Set the overcut for a path.
- SetOverride Set a feed override for a path
- The Finder object contains functions to navigate to a toolpath.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the toolpath.
void SetPathOvercut ( System::Int64 path_id, double overcut );
The SetPathOvercut() function sets the allowed overcut for a toolpath.
- path_id
- Identity of the toolpath.
- overcut
- New value for the overcut
Related Functions
- SetPathDepth Set the allowed depth for a path.
- SetOverride Set a feed override for a path
- The Finder object contains functions to navigate to a point in a toolpath.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the toolpath.
void SetPathType( System::Int64 path_id, System::String^ type ); void UnsetPathType( System::Int64 path_id );
The SetPathType() functions sets the type of a toolpath to a given string. The following types are defined in the standard.
- Approach the path describes the approach to an operation.
- Lift the path describes the exit from an operation.
- Connect the path describes a traverse between operations.
- Non-contact the path is not in contact with the workpiece.
- Contact the path is in contact with the workpiece.
- Trajectory the path belongs to an operation.
- path_id:
- The identity of the toolpath.
- type:
- The type for the path as a string with the first letter lower case (e.g. "approach").
Related Functions
- SetPathPriority: Set the priority of a toolpath.
- GetPathType: Finder function that returns the type of a toolpath.
- SetPathType: Apt function that sets the type a toolpath while it is being constructed.
Common Errors
- Unknown type (not reported) the type is being set to a value not yet in the standard
void SetPathPriority( System::Int64 path_id, System::String^ type ); void UnsetPathPriority( System::Int64 path_id );
The SetPathPriority() functions sets the priority of a toolpath to a given string. The only string allowed by the standard is "required" which means the toolpath should not be changed in a closed loop application.
- path_id:
- The identity of the toolpath.
- type:
- The type for the path as a string which should be "required".
Related Functions
- SetPathType: Set the type of a toolpath if it is an approach, or lift, or other special category.
- SetPathPriority: Apt function that sets the type a toolpath while it is being constructed.
- GetPathPriority: Finder function that returns the type of a toolpath.
Common Errors
- Unknown priority (not reported) the priority is being set to a value not yet in the standard
void SetProbeBallRadius ( System::Int64 tl_id, double radius );
The SetToolProbeRadius() function sets the ball radius for a probe. The probe may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the probe. The units will be as before.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- radius
- New radius.
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the tool. The tool is not a probe.
void SetProbeBallRadiusLowerUpper ( System::Int64 tl_id, double value, double lower, System::String^ lreason, double upper, System::String^ ureason );
The SetProbeBallRadiusLowerUpper() function sets bounds on the size of a ball radius.
void SetProbeStylusDiameter ( System::Int64 tl_id, double diameter );
The SetToolStylusDiameter() function sets the stylus diameter for the stick that holds the probe ball. The probe may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the probe. The units will be as before.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- diameter
- New diameter.
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the tool. The tool is not a probe.
void SetProbeStylusDiameterLowerUpper ( System::Int64 tl_id, double value, double lower, System::String^ lreason, double upper, System::String^ ureason );
The SetProbeStylusDiameterLowerUpper() function sets bounds on the diameter of the stick.
void SetSurfacePropertyForWorkingstep ( System::Int64 ws_id, System::String^ val );
The SetSurfacePropertyForWorkingstep() function sets the required surface propertyfor the result of a workingstep.
- ws_id
- Identity of the workingstep.
- val
- The surface property
Related Functions
- SetSurfacePropertyForWorkpiece Set the surface property for a workpiece.
- The Finder object contains functions to navigate to a workingstep.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workingstep.
void SetSurfacePropertyForWorkpiece ( System::Int64 wp_id, System::String^ value );
The SetSurfacePropertyForWorkpiece() function sets the required surface property for a workpiece.
- wp_id
- Identity of the workpiece.
- val
- The surface property
Related Functions
- SetSurfacePropertyForWorkingstep Set the surface property for result of a workingstep.
- The Finder object contains functions to navigate to a workpiece.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the workpiece.
System::Int64 SetTechnolgyConstChipModeIsOn ();
The SetTechnolgyConstChipModeIsOn() function finds the value of the chip mode for a technology.
Related Functions
- SetTechnologyConstChipModeOn Set the technology to const chip mode on.
- SetTechnologyConstChipModeOff Set the technology to const chip mode off.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the technology.
void SetTechnolgyConstChipModeOn (); void SetTechnolgyConstChipModeOff ();
The SetTechnolgyConstChipModeOn() function sets a technology so that the const chip mode is on.
The SetTechnolgyConstChipModeOff() function sets a technology so that the const chip mode is off (this is the default value).
Related Functions
- SetTechnologyConstChopModeIsOn Find the technology value.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the technology.
void SetTechnologyFeed ( System::Int64 tech_id, double feedrate );
The SetTechnologyFeed() function sets the feederate for a single technology object. The change will impact every process that uses the technology object.
- tech_id
- Identity of the technology.
- feederate
- New value for the feedrate
Related Functions
- SetTechnologyConstChipModeOn Set the technology object to const chip mode on.
- SetTechnologyConstChipModeOff Set the technology object to const chip mode off.
- SetTechnologyFeedInTool Set the feederate for every occurrence of a technology used by a tool by making a new object.
- SetTechnologyFeedInWorkingstep Set the feederate for every occurrence of a technology used by a workingstep by making a new object.
- SetTechnologyFeedInPath Set the feederate for the technology used by a path by making a new object.
- SetTechnologySpeed Set the speed in a technology object so it will change in every context that uses that object.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the technology.
System::Int64 SetTechnologyFeedInTool ( System::Int64 tool_id, System::Int64 tech_id, double feedrate );
The SetTechnologyFeedInTool() function sets the feederate for every occurrence of a technology object used by a tool. Returns the technology object with the new feederate used by the tool in place of the current object.
- tool_id
- Identity of the tool.
- tech_id
- Identity of the technology.
- feederate
- New value for the feedrate
Related Functions
- SetTechnologyFeed Set the feederate in a technology object so it will change in every context that uses that object.
- SetTechnologyFeedInTool Set the feederate for every occurrence of a technology used by a tool by making a new object.
- SetTechnologyFeedInWorkingstep Set the feederate for every occurrence of a technology used by a workingstep by making a new object.
- SetTechnologyFeedInPath Set the feederate for the technology used by a path by making a new object.
- SetTechnologySpeedInTool Set the speed for every occurrence of a technology used by a tool by making a new object.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the technology or tool.
System::Int64 SetTechnologyFeedInWorkingstep ( System::Int64 ws_id, System::Int64 tech_id, double feedrate );
The SetTechnologyFeedInWorkingstep() function sets the feederate for every occurrence of a technology object used by a workingstep. Returns the technology object with the new feederate used by the workingstep in place of the current object.
- ws_id
- Identity of the workingstep.
- tech_id
- Identity of the technology.
- feederate
- New value for the feedrate
Related Functions
- SetTechnologyFeed Set the feederate in a technology object so it will change in every context that uses that object.
- SetTechnologyFeedInTool Set the feederate for every occurrence of a technology used by a tool by making a new object.
- SetTechnologyFeedInPath Set the feederate for the technology used by a path by making a new object.
- SetTechnologySpeedInWorkingstep Set the speed for every occurrence of a technology used by a workingstep by making a new object.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the technology or workingstep.
void SetTechnologyForPath ( System::Int64 path_id, System::Int64 tech_id );
The SetTechnologyForPath() function
void SetTechnologySpeed ( System::Int64 tech_id, double spindle_speed );
The SetTechnologySpeed() function sets the spindle speed for a single technology object. The change will affect every process that uses the object.
- tech_id
- Identity of the technology.
- speed
- New value for the speed
Related Functions
- SetTechnologyConstChipModeOn Set the technology to const chip mode on.
- SetTechnologyConstChipModeOff Set the technology to const chip mode off.
- SetTechnologyFeed Set the feederate in a technology object so it will change in every context that uses that object.
- SetTechnologySpeedInTool Set the speed for every occurrence of a technology used by a tool by making a new object.
- SetTechnologySpeedInWorkingstep Set the speed for every occurrence of a technology used by a workingstep by making a new object.
- SetTechnologySpeedInPath Set the speed for the technology used by a path by making a new object.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the technology.
System::Int64 SetTechnologySpeedInTool ( System::Int64 tool_id, System::Int64 tech_id, double spindle_speed );
The SetTechnologySpeedInTool() function sets the speed for every occurrence of a technology object used by a tool. Returns the technology object with the new speed used by the tool in place of the current object.
- tool_id
- Identity of the tool.
- tech_id
- Identity of the technology.
- speed
- New value for the speed
Related Functions
- SetTechnologyFeedInTool Set the feederate for every occurrence of a technology used by a tool by making a new object.
- SetTechnologySpeed Set the speed in a technology object so it will change in every context that uses that object.
- SetTechnologySpeedInWorkingstep Set the speed for every occurrence of a technology used by a workingstep by making a new object.
- SetTechnologySpeedInPath Set the speed for the technology used by a path by making a new object.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the technology or tool.
System::Int64 SetTechologySpeedInWorkingstep ( System::Int64 ws_id, System::Int64 tech_id, double spindle_speed );
The SetTechologySpeedInWorkingstep() function sets the speed for every occurrence of a technology object used by a workingstep. Returns the technology object with the new speed used by the tool in place of the current object.
- ws_id
- Identity of the workingstep.
- tech_id
- Identity of the technology.
- spindle
- New value for the speed
Related Functions
- SetTechnologyFeedInWorkingstep Set the feederate for every occurrence of a technology used by a workingstep by making a new object.
- SetTechnologySpeed Set the speed in a technology object so it will change in every context that uses that object.
- SetTechnologySpeedInTool Set the speed for every occurrence of a technology used by a tool by making a new object.
- SetTechnologySpeedInPath Set the speed for the technology used by a path by making a new object.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the technology or workingstep.
void SetToolCoolantThroughTool ( System::Int64 tl_id, System::Int64 on_off ); void SetToolCoolantThroughTool ( int tl_id, int on_off );
The SetToolCoolantThroughTool() function sets the coolant value for a tool. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- on_off
- Set coolant to on or off. Use zero for off. The default is off.
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool.
void SetToolCornerRadius ( System::Int64 tl_id, double radius ); void SetToolCornerRadius ( int tl_id, double radius );
The SetToolCornerRadius() function sets the corner radius for a tool. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool. The units will be as before.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- radius
- New corner radius.
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool. This type of tool does not support a corner radius.
void SetToolCurrentCornerRadius ( System::Int64 tl_id, double current_corner_radius ); void SetToolCurrentCornerRadius ( int tl_id, double current_corner_radius );
The SetToolCurrentCornerRadius() function
void SetToolCurrentDiameter ( System::Int64 tl_id, double current_diameter ); void SetToolCurrentDiameter ( int tl_id, double current_diameter );
The SetToolCurrentDiameter() function
void SetToolCurrentLength ( System::Int64 tl_id, double current_length ); void SetToolCurrentLength ( int tl_id, double current_length );
The SetToolCurrentLength() function
void SetToolCuttingEdgeAngle ( System::Int64 tl_id, double angle ); void SetToolCuttingEdgeAngle ( int tl_id, double angle );
The SetToolCuttingEdgeAngle() function sets the corner radius for a tool. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool. The units will be as before.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- angle
- New angle.
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool. This type of tool does not support a cutting edge angle.
void SetToolCuttingEdgeAngleLowerUpper ( System::Int64 tl_id, double value, double lower, System::String^ lreason, double upper, System::String^ ureason ); void SetToolCuttingEdgeAngleLowerUpper ( int tl_id, double value, double lower, string lreason, double upper, string ureason );
The SetToolCuttingEdgeAngleLowerUpper() function
void SetToolDiameter ( System::Int64 tl_id, double diameter ); void SetToolDiameter ( int tl_id, double diameter );
The SetToolDiameter() function changes the diameter of a tool to the give value. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool. The units will be as before.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- diameter
- New tool diameter
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool.
void SetToolDiameterLowerUpper ( System::Int64 tl_id, double value, double lower, System::String^ lreason, double upper, System::String^ ureason ); void SetToolDiameterLowerUpper ( int tl_id, double value, double lower, string lreason, double upper, string ureason );
The SetToolDiameterLowerUpper() function
void SetToolExpectedLife ( System::Int64 tl_id, double minutes ); void SetToolExpectedLife ( int tl_id, double minutes );
The SetToolExpectedLife() function sets the expected remaining life of a tool. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool. The units will be as before.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- minutes
- New tool life
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool.
void SetToolExpectedLifeLowerUpper ( System::Int64 tl_id, double value, double lower, System::String^ lreason, double upper, System::String^ ureason ); void SetToolExpectedLifeLowerUpper ( int tl_id, double value, double lower, string lreason, double upper, string ureason );
The SetToolExpectedLifeLowerUpper() function
void SetToolFluteCount ( System::Int64 tl_id, double flute_count ); void SetToolFluteCount ( int tl_id, double flute_count );
The SetToolFluteCount() function sets the number of flutes. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool. The number is given as a double because the tool may have a flute count that is equivalent to a fractional number.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- count
- Number of flutes (as float)
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool.
void SetToolFluteLength ( System::Int64 tl_id, double flute_length ); void SetToolFluteLength ( int tl_id, double flute_length );
The SetToolFluteLength() function sets the flute length of a tool. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool. The units will be as before. The flute length determines the maximum depth of cut.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- length
- New flute length
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool.
void SetToolFluteLengthLowerUpper ( System::Int64 tl_id, double value, double lower, System::String^ lreason, double upper, System::String^ ureason ); void SetToolFluteLengthLowerUpper ( int tl_id, double value, double lower, string lreason, double upper, string ureason );
The SetToolFluteLengthLowerUpper() function
void SetToolHandOfCut ( System::Int64 tl_id, System::String^ left_neutral_right ); void SetToolHandOfCut ( int tl_id, string left_neutral_right );
The SetToolHandOfCut() function sets the hand of cut of a tool. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- string
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool.
void SetToolLength ( System::Int64 tl_id, double length ); void SetToolLength ( int tl_id, double length );
The SetToolLength() function changes the length of a tool to the given value. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool. The units will be as before.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- length
- New tool length
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool.
void SetToolLengthLowerUpper ( System::Int64 tl_id, double value, double lower, System::String^ lreason, double upper, System::String^ ureason ); void SetToolLengthLowerUpper ( int tl_id, double value, double lower, string lreason, double upper, string ureason );
The SetToolLengthLowerUpper() function
void SetToolMaterial ( System::Int64 tl_id, System::String^ material ); void SetToolMaterial ( int tl_id, string material );
The SetToolMaterial() function changes the tool material to the given value. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool. The material description can be with respect to a defined standard.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- string
- Material description
Related Functions
- SetToolMaterialStandard Define the standard that describes the material.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool.
void SetToolMaterialStandard ( System::Int64 tl_id, System::String^ standard ); void SetToolMaterialStandard ( int tl_id, string standard );
The SetToolMaterialStandard() function changes the material standard for a tool. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool. The material description must be meaningful with respect to this standard.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- string
- Material standard
Related Functions
- SetToolMaterial Define the tool material.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool.
void SetToolOverallAssemblyLength ( System::Int64 tl_id, double length ); void SetToolOverallAssemblyLength ( int tl_id, double length );
The SetToolOverallAssemblyLength() function changes the overall assembly length of a tool to the given value. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool. The units will be as before.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- length
- New tool overall assembly length
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool.
void SetToolOverallAssemblyLengthLowerUpper ( System::Int64 tl_id, double value, double lower, System::String^ lreason, double upper, System::String^ ureason ); void SetToolOverallAssemblyLengthLowerUpper ( int tl_id, double value, double lower, string lreason, double upper, string ureason );
The SetToolOverallAssemblyLengthLowerUpper() function
void SetToolRadiusLowerUpper ( System::Int64 tl_id, double value, double lower, System::String^ lreason, double upper, System::String^ ureason ); void SetToolRadiusLowerUpper ( int tl_id, double value, double lower, string lreason, double upper, string ureason );
The SetToolRadiusLowerUpper() function
void SetToolRecommendedFeed ( System::Int64 tl_id, double feedrate ); void SetToolRecommendedFeed ( int tl_id, double feedrate );
The SetToolRecommendedFeed() function changes the recommended feed of a tool to the given value. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool. The units will be as before.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- feed
- New recommended feed
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool.
void SetToolRecommendedFeedLowerUpper ( System::Int64 tl_id, double value, double lower, System::String^ lreason, double upper, System::String^ ureason ); void SetToolRecommendedFeedLowerUpper ( int tl_id, double value, double lower, string lreason, double upper, string ureason );
The SetToolRecommendedFeedLowerUpper() function
void SetToolRecommendedSpeed ( System::Int64 tl_id, double spindle_speed ); void SetToolRecommendedSpeed ( int tl_id, double spindle_speed );
The SetToolRecommendedSpeed() function changes the recommended speed of a tool to the given value. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool. The units will be as before.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- spindle
- New recommended speed
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool.
void SetToolRecommendedSpeedLowerUpper ( System::Int64 tl_id, double value, double lower, System::String^ lreason, double upper, System::String^ ureason ); void SetToolRecommendedSpeedLowerUpper ( int tl_id, double value, double lower, string lreason, double upper, string ureason );
The SetToolRecommendedSpeedLowerUpper() function
void SetToolReferenceDataName ( System::Int64 tl_id, System::String^ name );
The SetToolReferenceDataName() function changes the manufacturers name of a tool to the given value. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- name
- New manufacturers name.
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool.
void SetToolReferenceDataSTRL ( System::Int64 tl_id, System::String^ strl );
The SetToolReferenceDataSTRL() function changes the URL to the manufacturers data for the tool. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- New URL to manufacturers data.
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool.
void SetToolTaperThreadCount ( System::Int64 tl_id, double count );
The SetToolTaperThreadCount() function changes the taper count for the thread of a tapping tool. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- count
- New taper count.
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool. Not a tapping tool.
void SetToolThreadFormType ( System::Int64 tl_id, System::String^ form_type );
The SetToolThreadFormType() function changes the thread form type of a tapping tool. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- string
- New thread form type.
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool. Not a tapping tool.
void SetToolThreadPitch ( System::Int64 tl_id, double pitch );
The SetToolThreadPitch() function changes the thread pitch of a tapping tool. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- angle as radian
- New angle for the thread pitch.
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool. Not a tapping tool.
void SetToolThreadPitchLowerUpper ( System::Int64 tl_id, double value, double lower, System::String^ lreason, double upper, System::String^ ureason );
The SetToolThreadPitchLowerUpper() function
void SetToolThreadSize ( System::Int64 tl_id, double size );
The SetToolThreadSize() function changes the thread size of a tapping tool. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- size
- New size for the thread pitch.
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool. Not a tapping tool.
void SetToolThreadSizeLowerUpper ( System::Int64 tl_id, double value, double lower, System::String^ lreason, double upper, System::String^ ureason );
The SetToolThreadSizeLowerUpper() function
void SetToolTipAngle ( System::Int64 tl_id, double angle ); void SetToolTipAngle ( int tl_id, double angle );
The SetToolTipAngle() function sets the tip angle for a tool. The tool may be selected using its id or the identity of a workingstep that uses the tool. The units will be as before.
- tl_id
- Identity of the tool.
- angle
- New angle.
Related Functions
- The APT object contains many functions to create tools.
Common Errors
- No open project. Bad identity for the tool. This type of tool does not support a cutting edge angle.
void SetToolTipAngleLowerUpper ( System::Int64 tl_id, double value, double lower, System::String^ lreason, double upper, System::String^ ureason ); void SetToolTipAngleLowerUpper ( int tl_id, double value, double lower, string lreason, double upper, string ureason );
The SetToolTipAngleLowerUpper() function
void Shutdown ();
The Shutdown() function
void SideFinishMilling ( System::Int64 ws_id, double side_allowance, double radial_depth, double axial_depth );
The SideFinishMilling() function defines parameters for an operation that removes material using the side of the tool.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the operation.
- side_allowance
- Material to be left on the side
- radial_depth
- How much material is to be cut from the side on each pass.
- axial_depth
Related Functions
- BottomSideFinishMilling Defines a bottom and side milling operation.
- BottomSideRoughMilling Defines a bottom and side milling operation.
- PlaneFinishMilling Defines a bottom milling operation.
- PlaneRoughMilling Defines a bottom milling operation.
- SideRoughMilling Defines a side milling operation.
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the workingstep
void SideRoughMilling ( System::Int64 ws_id, double side_allowance, double radial_depth, double axial_depth );
The SideRoughMilling() function defines parameters for an operation that removes material using the side of the tool.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the operation.
- side_allowance
- Material to be left on the side
- radial_depth
- How much material is to be cut from the side on each pass.
- axial_depth
Related Functions
- BottomSideFinishMilling Defines a bottom and side milling operation.
- BottomSideRoughMilling Defines a bottom and side milling operation.
- PlaneFinishMilling Defines a bottom milling operation.
- PlaneRoughMilling Defines a bottom milling operation.
- SideFinishMilling Defines a side milling operation.
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the workingstep
void Tapping ( System::Int64 ws_id, double cutting_depth, System::Boolean compensation_chuck_required, double dwell_time_bottom, double feed_on_retract, double previous_diameter );
The Tapping() function defines a tapping operation. For additional details see the ISO 14649 documentation.
- ws_id
- Workingstep that will contain the operation.
- cutting depth
- In current length units.
- compensation_chuck_required
- True or false
- dwell time bottom
- In seconds
- feed_on_retract
- In current federate
- previous diameter
- The diameter of the hole before the drilling
Related Functions
Common Errors
- No open project.
- Bad identity for the workingstep
double ToolAssemblyUsingISO13399Data ( System::Int64 tl_id, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %has_13399_data, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %tool_assembled );
The ToolAssemblyUsingISO13399Data() function
void ToolAssemblyUsingISO13399DataChangeFilename ( System::Int64 tl_id, System::String^ file_name, System::Boolean force_load );
The ToolAssemblyUsingISO13399DataChangeFilename() function
void ToolAssemblyUsingISO13399DataChangeToolFunctionalLength ( System::Int64 tl_id, double change_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %new_length_set, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %new_length );
The ToolAssemblyUsingISO13399DataChangeToolFunctionalLength() function
System::Boolean ToolAssemblyUsingISO13399DataHasAssembly ( System::Int64 tl_id );
The ToolAssemblyUsingISO13399DataHasAssembly() function
double ToolAssemblyUsingISO13399DataRecommendedValues ( System::Int64 tl_id, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %low_value, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %low_set, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %high_value, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %high_set );
The ToolAssemblyUsingISO13399DataRecommendedValues() function
void ToolIdentifier ( System::Int64 ws_id, System::String^ identifier );
The ToolIdentifier() function