The AptStepMaker class creates AP-238 files from APT-like tool movement data. APT is a legacy language from the 1950’s that defines tool path geometries. In the beginning it was used in a similar way to FORTRAN except it created machine tool programs rather than computer programs. In recent years CAM systems have replaced APT systems but many CAM systems still write APT data so it is the most widely available common denominator for tool path information.
APT is the most important but not the only source of data for the STEP-NC API. There are functions to read several flavors of RS274D/ISO 6983 files, for example, see the ImportHass, ImportSiemens and ImportFanuc functions, and there are functions to read STEP files to define the geometries and tolerances of the workpiece, stock, fixtures and cutting tools, for example see the Workpiece and Rawpiece functions.
The legacy APT programming language is state driven. Each time a new tool path is created the current feed, speed and other quantities are added to that tool path as necessary. The APT object has been written for APT parsers so it is also state driven. Hence, at any time there is a current workpiece, workplan, workingstep, feed, speed and so on (see the GetCurrent functions).
STEP-NC is NOT state driven. The APT object takes the state driven commands of APT and converts them into a graph of STEP-NC objects where every quality of every object is explicitly attached to that object. Only the APT object has a state model in the STEP-NC API. The other objects use navigation models in which a given argument is used as the starting point to find other objects. It can be argued that another version of the APT object should be written for more modern applications that is not state driven. The process object contains some of the required functionality.
A Note on Identifiers
Every entity in a STEP file has an identifier. The Part 21 format requires this entity to be a number, and the XML (Part 28) format uses the same rule in order to maintain compatibilty. Many functions in the API return these numbers and many other functions require them to be supplied as arguments. This is especially the case for the functions in the Feature, Process and Tolerance object that build various kinds of data.
The identifier used for an entity instance is only persistent until the data is saved to a file. An application CANNOT store the identifier somewhere and use it to find the entity when the file is read into memory again. If an application needs this functionality then you should check to see if the object has another relevanat attribute. For example, many of the STEP-NC objects have an its_id attribute that can be used as an identifier.
Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUID's) are a new solution for persistent identity that has been added to the latest edition of the Part 21 format. New functions have been added to the APT object to set these identifiers. See the SetUUID...() functions for more details.
void ArcABC( System::String^ label, double new_x, double new_y, double new_z, double cx, double cy, double cz, double radius, System::Boolean ccw, double a, double b, double c );
The ArcABC() function defines a curve with a contact normal. The curve is in the plane defined by the current axis.
- new_x, new_y, new_z:
- (x, y, z) components for the end of the arc.
- cx, cy, cz:
- (i, j, k) components for the center of the arc.
- radius:
- The radius of the circle.
- ccw:
- If non-zero then the arc will travel from the current point to the new end point in a counter clockwise direction.
- a, b, c:
- (a, b, c) components for the contact normal at the end of the arc.
Related Functions
- ArcXYPlane(), ArcYZPlane(), ArcZXPlane(): For a detailed description of how to make arcs.
- SetDirection: This function sets the current axis.
void ArcGeneralPlane( System::String^ label, double new_x, double new_y, double new_z, double cx, double cy, double cz, double ci, double cj, double ck, double ca, double cb, double cc, double radius, System::Boolean ccw );
The ArcGeneralPlane() function defines an arc in a given plane. All the other arguments are the same as for the arc function.
- new_x, new_y, new_z:
- (X, y, z) components for the normal of the plane.
- ci, cj, ck:
- (i, j, k) components for the normal of the plane.
- ca, cb, cc:
- (a, b, c) components for the reference direction
- radius:
- The radius of the circle.
- ccw:
- If non-zero then the arc will travel from the current point to the new end point in a counter clockwise direction.
void ArcRefABC( System::String^ label, double x, double y, double z, double cx, double cy, double cz, double radius, System::Int64 ccw, double a, double b, double c );
The ArcRefABC() function defines an arc for a non-spinning tool. The a, b and c components define the reference direction for this non-spinning tool at the end of the arc.
- new_x, new_y, new_z:
- (i, j, k) components for the end of the arc.
- cx, cy, cz:
- (i, j, k) components for the center of the arc.
- radius:
- The radius of the circle.
- ccw:
- If non-zero then the arc will travel from the current point to the new end point in a counter clockwise direction.
- a, b, c:
- (a, b, c) components for the tool refernce direction at the end of the arc.
Related Functions
- GoToXYZ_IJK_REF_ABC: This function adds line segments with a tool reference direction to the geometry.
ArcXYPlane(), ArcYZPlane(), ArcZXPlane()
void ArcXYPlane( System::String^ label, double dstx, double dsty, double dstz, double ctrx, double ctry, double ctrz, double radius, System::Boolean ccw ); void ArcYZPlane( System::String^ label, double dstx, double dsty, double dstz, double ctrx, double ctry, double ctrz, double radius, System::Boolean ccw ); void ArcZXPlane( System::String^ label, double dstx, double dsty, double dstz, double ctrx, double ctry, double ctrz, double radius, System::Boolean ccw ); void ArcXYPlane( string label, double dstx, double dsty, double dstz, double ctrx, double ctry, double ctrz, double radius, bool ccw ); void ArcYZPlane( string label, double dstx, double dsty, double dstz, double ctrx, double ctry, double ctrz, double radius, bool ccw ); void ArcZXPlane( string label, double dstx, double dsty, double dstz, double ctrx, double ctry, double ctrz, double radius, bool ccw );
The ArcZXPlane(), ArcXYPlane() and ArcYZPlane() functions add an arc to the current tool path. The tool path is assumed to have a start point defined by the last geometry item added to the path. The arc command moves the cutting tool tip to a new point that then becomes the current point for the next geometry command.
If the current workplan does not contain any workingsteps then one will be created implicitly. If the workingstep does not contain any tool paths then one will be created implicitly and the new arc wil become the first item in that tool path.
If the arc is the first item in a new tool path after a tool change then the point defined using the FirstPathStartPoint function will be used as the start point for the arc. If no such point has been defined then there will be an error.
If this is the first point in a new tool path but there was not a tool change then the last point defined in the last tool path will be used as the start point.
If no feedrate has been defined then the feedrate will be zero. If no spindle speed has been defined then the spindle speed will be zero. If no tool has been loaded then the tool number will be zero.
- label:
- A string argument that defines a name for the geometry item. Typically this will be the empty string but it can be any identifier.
- x, y, z:
- The x, y, z coordinates of the end point of the arc.
- cx, cy, cz:
- The x, y, z coordinates of the center of the circle that defines the arc.
- radius:
- The radius of the circle.
- ccw
- If non-zero then the arc will travel from the current
point to the new end point in a counter clockwise direction.
The above arguments are partially redundant, for example, the requirement to give a z coordinate for the circle center is redundant if this arc is in the XY plane.
Related Functions
- ArcGeneralPlane: Make an Arc in any plane
- GoToXYZ: This function adds line segments to the geometry.
- FirstPathStartPoint: This function defines a start point for the arc if the new arc is the first segment in the first tool path after a tool change.
- SetDirection: This function defines a plane for the arc. The default is the XY plane.
- Feedrate: This function sets the current feedrate.
- SpindleSpeed: This function sets the current spindle speed.
- LoadTool: This function sets the current cutting tool.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- In Rapid mode: Most CNC systems will not allow rapid arc moves so this is assumed to mean there is an error in the input data.
- No first point: This is the first move in the first tool path after a tool change and no starting point has been defined using FirstPathStartPoint.
- The arc function does not check for the semantic error of defining an arc whose radius is too large for the given start, end and center points.
- The arc function does not check to make sure the start, end and center points are in the plane previously defined by the SetDirection function.
void CamModeOn(); void CamModeOff();
The CamModeOn() and CamModeOff() functions control how the API separates moves into workingsteps. By default, CAM mode is Off and the API creates a new workingstep whenever the spindle speed changes. This default should normally used by APT parsers because otherwise the workingsteps made by the parsers will be very long and difficult to manage.
When CAM mode is On, your applicaton must create new workingsteps explicitly by changing the tool or calling the Workingstep function.
Related Functions
- SpindleSpeed: If Cam mode is on then a change to the spindle speed will create a new tool path but not a new workingstep. If Cam mode is off then a change will only create a new tool path.
- LoadTool: A new workingstep is created whenever the tool is changed.
- Feedrate: A new toolpath is created wheneve the feedrate is changed.
- Workingstep: CAM translators can use this function to explicitly create new workingsteps and thereby make sure that each CAM operation corresponds to one workingstep even if the spindle speed changes.
void CenterOn();
After the CenterOn() function is called, all subsequent toolpaths will be in Cutter Center mode. In this mode the tool path describes the center line of the cutting tool tip. The other mode is Cutter Contact mode – see the ContactOn, Left and Right functions.
If the API is in the middle of creating a tool path and if that tool path is not in Cutter Center mode then the current tool path is ended and the next geometry item is added to a new cutter center tool path.
Related Functions
- Arc: This function ads arc segments to the geometry.
- GoToXYZ: This function adds line segments to the geometry.
- ContactOn: This function puts the system into cutter contact mode.
- Left: This function puts the system into cutter contact mode with the contact point on the left hand side of the tool.
- Right: This function puts the system into cutter contact mode with the contact point on the right hand side of the tool.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
ChangeParallelToWorkplan(), -Selective(), -NonSequential()
System::Int64 ChangeParallelToWorkplan( System::Int64 pl_id ); System::Int64 ChangeParallelToSelective( System::Int64 pl_id ); System::Int64 ChangeParallelToNonSequential( System::Int64 pl_id );
The ChangeParallelToWorkplan() function changes a parallel into a workplan.
The ChangeParallelToSelective() function changes a parallel into a selective.
The ChangeParallelToNonSequential() function changes a parallel into a Non-Seuential.
A workplan is a sequence of executables that will be executed consecutively. A selective is a sequence of executables from which one will be selected for execution. A non-sequential is a sequence of executables that may be executed in any order. A parallel is a sequence of executables that will be executed concurrently.
The functions copy all of the data in the old construct into the new construct and change all references to the old construct to the new one.
If the new construct is a non-sequential then the executables will be given a random order.
- pl_id:
- The identity of the parallel that is to be replaced by a workplan, non-sequential or parallel.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The pl_id does not identify a selective.
ChangeSelectiveToWorkplan(), -Parallel(), -NonSequential()
System::Int64 ChangeSelectiveToWorkplan( System::Int64 sel_id ); System::Int64 ChangeSelectiveToParallel( System::Int64 sel_id ); System::Int64 ChangeSelectiveToNonSequential( System::Int64 sel_id );
The ChangeSelectiveToWorkplan() function changes a selective into a workplan.
The ChangeSelectiveToParallel() function changes a selective into a parallel.
The ChangeSelectiveToNonSequential() function changes a selective into a non-sequential.
A workplan is a sequence of executables that will be executed consecutively. A selective is a sequence of executables from which one will be selected for execution. A non-sequential is a sequence of executables that may be executed in any order. A parallel is a sequence of executables that will be executed concurrently.
The functions copy all of the data in the old construct into the new construct and change all references to the old construct to the new one.
If the new construct is a non-sequential then the executables will be given a random order.
- sel_id:
- The identity of the selective that is to be replaced by a non-sequential, workplan or parallel.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The sel_id does not identify a selective.
ChangeWorkplanToSelective(), -Parallel(), -NonSequential()
System::Int64 ChangeWorkplanToSelective( System::Int64 wp_id ); System::Int64 ChangeWorkplanToParallel( System::Int64 wp_id ); System::Int64 ChangeWorkplanToNonSequential( System::Int64 wp_id );
The ChangeWorkplanToSelective() function changes a workplan into a selective.
The ChangeWorkplanToParallel() function changes a workplan into a parallel.
The ChangeWorkplanToParallel() function changes a workplan into a non-sequential.
A workplan is a sequence of executables that will be executed consecutively. A selective is a sequence of executables from which one will be selected for execution. A non-sequential is a sequence of executables that may be executed in any order. A parallel is a sequence of executables that will be executed concurrently.
The functions copy all of the data in the old construct into the new construct and change all references to the old construct to the new one.
If the new construct is a non-sequential then the executables will be given a random order.
- wp_id:
- The identity of the workplan that is to be replaced by a non-sequential, selective or parallel.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The wp_id does not identify a workplan.
- Main workplan: The main workplan cannot be changed to a selective or parallel.
ChangeNonSequentialToSelective(), -Parallel(), -Workplan()
System::Int64 ChangeNonSequentialToSelective( System::Int64 wp_id ); System::Int64 ChangeNonSequentialToParallel( System::Int64 wp_id ); System::Int64 ChangeNonSequentialToWorkplan( System::Int64 wp_id );
The CChangeNonSequentialToSelective() function changes a non-sequential into a selective.
The ChangeNonSequentialToParallel() function changes a non-sequential into a parallel.
The ChangeNonSequentialToWorkplan() function changes a non-sequential into a workplan.
A workplan is a sequence of executables that will be executed consecutively. A selective is a sequence of executables from which one will be selected for execution. A non-sequential is a sequence of executables that may be executed in any order. A parallel is a sequence of executables that will be executed concurrently.
The functions copy all of the data in the old construct into the new construct and change all references to the old construct to the new one.
- wp_id:
- The identity of the workplan that is to be replaced by a non-sequential, selective or parallel.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The wp_id does not identify a workplan.
- Main workplan: The main workplan cannot be changed to a selective or parallel.
void ChangeWorkingstepTool( System::Int64 ws_id, System::Int64 tl_id );
The ChangeWorkingstepTool() function changes the workingstep of a tool. The two tools should be compatible. The function checks to make sure they have the same diameter. Theis can be used to clean up a project after another workplan has been inserted into that project. If the inserted workplan uses the same tools as workingsteps already in the project then those tools can be assigned to the inserted workingsteps.
- ws_id:
- The identity of the workingstep.
- tl_id:
- The identity of the new tool.
Related Functions
- ImportWorkplanFromFile: Import the operations and tooling in another file into the current file.
- DeleteToolParameters: Delete the parameters of a tool that is no longer being used after all its operations have been assigned to another tool.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void CircleGeneralPlane( System::String^ label, double cx, double cy, double cz, double ci, double cj, double ck, double ca, double cb, double cc, double radius, System::Boolean ccw );
The CircleGeneralPlane() function defines a circle in any plane.
- cx, cy, cz:
- (x, y, z) components for the center of the arc.
- ci, cj, ck:
- (i, j, k) axis direction components for the center of the arc.
- ca, cb, cc:
- (a, b, c) reference direction components for the center of the arc.
- radius:
- The radius of the circle.
- ccw:
- If non-zero then the arc will travel from the current point to the new end point in a counter clockwise direction.
void CircleXYPlane( System::String^ label, double cx, double cy, double cz, double radius, System::Boolean ccw );
The CircleXYPlane() function defines a circle in the XY plane.
- cx, cy, cz:
- (x, y, z) components for the center of the arc.
- radius:
- The radius of the circle.
- ccw:
- If non-zero then the arc will travel from the current point to the new end point in a counter clockwise direction.
void CircleYZPlane( System::String^ label, double cx, double cy, double cz, double radius, System::Boolean ccw );
The CircleYZPlane() function defines a circle in the YZ plane.
- cx, cy, cz:
- (x, y, z) components for the center of the arc.
- radius:
- The radius of the circle.
- ccw:
- If non-zero then the arc will travel from the current point to the new end point in a counter clockwise direction.
void CircleZXPlane( System::String^ label, double cx, double cy, double cz, double radius, System::Boolean ccw );
The CircleZXPlane() function defines a circle in the ZX plane.
- cx, cy, cz:
- (x, y, z) components for the center of the arc.
- radius:
- The radius of the circle.
- ccw:
- If non-zero then the arc will travel from the current point to the new end point in a counter clockwise direction.
void Clean();
The Clean() function removes any data in the workspace that is not connected to the current project. If the application is short of memory space then the clean function may be able to find enough space to allow for completion of the program. If an application loses data because an object is not attached to the project then the clean function may be able to help reveal when this is happening.
Related Functions
- Reset: This function sets the APT object back to its initial state.
- Shutdown: This function deletes all the memory used by the APT object.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void ClearancePlane( double z_coordinate );
The ClearancePlane() function defines a safety plane for rapid movements. If an application is generating its own tool paths then it can use the clearance plane to move the tool between operations.
In the STEP-NC standard the clearance plane is called the "Security Plane" and it can be any arbitrary plane. In the API the Clearance plane has to be an XY plane and the clearance is defined by a positive Z value.
- z:
- The clearance is defined to be an XY plane at Z distance
from the origin. All subsequent workingstep will be given this
clearance plane until it is reset. If the z value is zero or negative
then the clearance plane is set to NULL for subsequent
A more powerful security plane function needs to be written that allows the security plane to be any plane.
Related Functions
- Retract: This function defines the retract plane for an operation. This plane is also a safe plane but unlike the security plane it is only safe for the selected operation.
- The functions in the Process object that create the different types of milling, drilling and turning objects use the clearance plane.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- The API does not contain functionality to check for rapid tool movements below the security plane.
System::Int64 CompressTechnology();
The CompressTechnology() function removes duplicate technology descriptions. A technology is a feed, speed pair. If two technologies have the same feeds and speeds then the second one will be eliminated.
- The function returns a count of the remaining technologies.
Related Functions
- Feedrate: This function sets the feedrate for any new toolpaths.
- SpindleSpeed: This function sets the spindle speed for any new toolpaths.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Eliminating duplicate technologies is not a good idea if two
paths use the same feed and speed by accident. In this case if the
technology has been compressed and the feed or speed of one path is
modified then the modification will also apply to the other path.
void Connector();
The Connector() function
void ContactOn();
The ContactOn() function creates all subsequent toolpaths will be in Cutter Contact mode. Cutter contact mode enables three and five axis tool diameter wear compensation. In this mode the tool path describes the normal of the point of contact between the cutting tool and workpiece. If the part is being made using three axis milling then the contact point between the cutting tool and workpiece can be described using the Left and Right functions. If five axis milling is being used then the point must be defined using versions of the Arc and GoTo functions that include a, b and c parameters.
If the API is in the middle of creating a tool path and if that tool path is not in Cutter Contact mode then the tool path is ended and the next geometry item will start a new cutter contact tool path.
Related Functions
- ArcABC: This function defines arc segments with a contact normal.
- GoToXYZ_ABC: This function defines line segments with a contact normal.
- GoToXYZ_IJK_ABC: This function also defines line segments with an axis vector and a contact normal.
- CenterOn: This function puts the system into cutter center mode.
- Left: This function puts the system into cutter contact mode with the contact normal on the left hand side of the tool. The API will calculate ABC vectors for the left hand side.
- Right: This function puts the system into cutter contact mode with the contact normal on the right hand side of the tool. The API will calculate ABC vectors for the right hand side.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void CoolantOn(); void CoolantOff(); void CoolantMist(); void CoolantFlood(); void CoolantThru(); void CoolantChipRemoval(); void CoolantPressure(double value);
The coolant functions control the coolant state for subsequent tool paths. CoolantFlood() turns coolant on and sets it to flood. CoolantMist() turns coolant on and sets it to mist. CoolantThru() turns through spindle coolant on. CoolantOff() stops coolant, regardless of type. CoolantOn() turns the coolant back on if it was previously turned off, and sets it to flood if it was not previosly on.
CoolantChipRemoval() turns coolant on and enables chip removal.
The CoolantPressure() function sets the coolant pressure. The function assumes that the given pressure is in pounds per square inch (PSI) and is to be applied to the through coolant.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void CutterDiameterCompensationAssignment( double value );
The CutterDiameterCompensationAssignment() function sets a value in the cutter compensation register to compensate for tool wear. To operate effectively this function requires deep integration between the STEP-NC API and the underlying CNC control.
- value:
- The tool wear compensation value.
Related Functions
- ContactOn: This function creates tool paths that should use the CutterDiameterCompensationAssignment value to calculate the tool wear compensation – see also Left and Right.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- The tolerance object contains functions to measure tool wear.
DefaultToInches(), -Millimeters()
void DefaultToInches(); void DefaultToMillimeters();
Some APT tool path programs do not define their units for distance measurements.
The DefaultToInches() function tells the system to use a default of inches and the DefaultToMillimeters() function tells the system to use a default of millimeters.
The ratio of inches to millimeters is 1:25.4 so there is a considerable difference in size if the wrong units are applied to a file. If items cannot be seen in the visualization then this may be the reason and you should try again with different default units.
Related Functions
- Inches: This function sets the length unit to inch for all subsequently defined geometry.
- Millimeters: This function sets the length unit to millimeter for all subsequently defined geometry.
void DefineTool( double tool_diameter, double tool_radius, double horizontal_distance, double vertical_distance, double unused, double angle, double height );
The DefineTool() function defines the parameters of a cutting tool. There are a large number of parameters. For a full definition see an APT reference manul. In practice the parameters defined in most programs are, in order of popularity, the cutting tool diameter, the cutting tool radius, the cutting tool length, and the cutting tool taper angle.
The cutting tool diameter is different to the cutting tool radius and a frequent cause of confusion to new CNC users. The diameter describes the diameter of the tool, but the radius describes the radius of a fillet between the diameter and the length of the cylinder.
In APT programs a tool is identified by a tool number that corresponds to the placement position of the tool in a tool holder. The SELCTLTool and LoadTool functions in the API allow tools to be selected and loaded using these numbers.
The DefineTool function is only recommended for APT programs. Modern CAM systems use more specific types of tools and these are available as separate functions.
- tool_diameter:
- The diameter of the cutting tool. Called Effective_cutting_diameter in the STEP-NC standard.
- tool_radius:
- The radius of the fillet at the bottom of the tool. Called Corner_radius in the STEP-NC standard.
- horizontal_distance:
- Called Corner_radius_horizontal in the STEP-NC standard.
- horizontal_vertical:
- Called Corner_radius_vertical in the STEP-NC standard.
- unused:
- As per the name this field is not often used in APT programs. Called tip_outer_angle in the STEP-NC standard.
- angle:
- Called Taper_angle in the STEP-NC standard.
- height:
- The length of the tool. Called Overall_assembly_length in the STEP-NC standard.
Related Functions
- DefineTool2: Defines a tool with all the above parameters plus an identifier that can be used to search for the tool in libraries.
- SELCTLTool: Defines a tool number for the most recently defined tool.
- LoadTool: Starts a new workingstep using the tool with the given tool number
- SetAutoToolNumberOn: Some APT programs do not define a tool number. This function allows API application to control whether or not these tools should be given a number automatically.
- ToolGeometry: A function to define the AP-203 geometry of a tool.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void DefineToolCoolantThrough( System::Int64 on_off );
The DefineToolCoolantThrough() function sets the coolant flag for the current tool to on or off. The tool must be a milling cutting tool which means it cannot be an APT tool.
- on_off:
- If non-zero then the through coolant attribute of the tool is set to on.
Related Functions
- DefineToolEndmill: Create a milling cutting tool.
- DefineToolFaceMill: Create a facemill tool.
- DefineToolTwistDrill: Create a drilling twist tool.
- DefineToolSpotDrill: Create a drilling spot tool.
DefineToolSpotDrill(), DefineToolSpotDrillNumber(), FindOrMakeSpotDrill(), GetToolSpotDrill
void DefineToolSpotDrill( double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut, double point_angle ); void DefineToolSpotDrillNumber( System::Int64 tool_number, double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut, double point_angle ); void FindOrMakeSpotDrill( double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut, double point_angle ); void GetToolSpotDrill( System::Int64 tool_number, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_diameter, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_overall_assembly_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_functional_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_max_depth_of_cut, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_point_angle );
The DefineToolSpotDrill() function defines a spot drill tool with the given parameters.
The FindOrMakeSpotDrill() function finds a spot drill tool with the given parameters and makes one if not found.
The DefineToolSpotDrillNumber() function replaces a tool with a given number with a spot drilling tool.
The GetToolSpotDrill() gets the parameters of a spot drilling tool and can be used to check if a tool has already been defined.
- tool_number:
- The number of the tool to be checked.
- diameter:
- The diameter of the cutting tool. Called Effective_cutting_diameter in the STEP-NC standard.
- overall_assembly_length:
- The total length of the tool – used for collision detection.
- functional_length:
- The functional length used for 5-axis compensation calculations.
- max_depth_of_cut:
- The maximum allowed depth of cut for this tool.
- point_angle:
- The angle at the tip of the drill.
Related Functions
- DefineTool: Defines a tool with the APT parameters.
- SELCTLTool: Defines a tool number for the most recently defined tool.
- ToolGeometry: A function to define the geometry of a tool.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
DefineToolTwistDrill(), DefineToolTwistDrillNumber(), FindOrMakeTwistDrill(), GetToolTwistDrill()
void DefineToolTwistDrill( double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut, double point_angle ); void FindOrMakeTwistDrill( double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut, double point_angle ); void DefineToolTwistDrillNumber( System::Int64 tool_number, double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut, double point_angle ); void GetToolTwistDrill( System::Int64 tool_number, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_diameter, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_overall_assembly_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_functional_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_max_depth_of_cut, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_point_angle );
The DefineToolTwistDrill() function defines a drilling tool with the given parameters.
The FindOrMakeTwistDrill() function finds a drilling tool with the given parametersa and makes one if not found.
The DefineToolTwistDrillNumber() function replaces a tool with a given number with a drilling tool.
The GetToolTwistDrill() gets the parameters of a drilling tool and can be used to check if a tool has already been defined.
- tool_number:
- The number of the tool to be checked.
- diameter:
- The diameter of the cutting tool. Called Effective_cutting_diameter in the STEP-NC standard.
- overall_assembly_length:
- The total length of the tool – used for collision detection.
- functional_length:
- The functional length used for 5-axis compensation calculations.
- max_depth_of_cut:
- The maximum allowed depth of cut for this tool.
- point_angle:
- The angle at the tip of the drill.
Related Functions
- DefineTool: Defines a tool with the APT parameters.
- SELCTLTool: Defines a tool number for the most recently defined tool.
- ToolGeometry: A function to define the geometry of a tool.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
DefineToolEndmill(), DefineToolEndmillNumber(), FindOrMakeEndmill(), GetToolEndmill()
void DefineToolEndmill( double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut, double num_effective_teeth, double cutting_edge_angle ); void DefineToolEndmillNunber( System::Int64 tool_number, double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut, double num_effective_teeth, double cutting_edge_angle ); void FindOrMakeEndmill( double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut, double num_effective_teeth, double cutting_edge_angle ); void GetToolEndmill( System::Int64 tool_number, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_diameter, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_overall_assembly_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_functional_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_max_depth_of_cut, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_num_effective_teeth, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_cutting_edge_angle );
The DefineToolEndmill() function defines an endmill with the given parameters.
The FindOrMakeEndmill() function finds an endmill with the given parameters and makes one if not found.
The DefineToolEndmillNumber() function replaces a tool with a given number with a milling tool.
The GetToolEndmill() function gets the parameters of an endmill and can be used to check if a tool has already been defined.
- tool_number:
- The number of the tool being checked.
- diameter:
- The diameter of the cutting tool. Called Effective_cutting_diameter in the STEP-NC standard.
- overall_assembly_length:
- The total length of the tool – used for collision detection.
- functional_length:
- The functional length used for 5-axis compensation calculations.
- max_depth_of_cut:
- The maximum allowed depth of cut for this tool.
- num_effective_teeth:
- The number of flutes on the tool.
- cutting_edge_angle:
- The angle at the edge of the tool.
Related Functions
- DefineTool: Defines a tool with the APT parameters.
- SELCTLTool: Defines a tool number for the most recently defined tool.
- ToolGeometry: A function to define the geometry of a tool.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
DefineToolFacemill(), DefineToolFacemillNumber(), FindOrMakeFacemill(), GetToolFacemill()
void DefineToolFacemill( double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut, double num_effective_teeth, double cutting_edge_angle ); void DefineToolFacemillNumber( System::Int64 tool_number, double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut, double num_effective_teeth, double cutting_edge_angle ); void FindOrMakeFacemill( double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut, double num_effective_teeth, double cutting_edge_angle ); void GetToolFacemill( System::Int64 tool_number, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_diameter, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_overall_assembly_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_functional_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_max_depth_of_cut, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_num_effective_teeth, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_cutting_edge_angle );
The DefineToolFacemill() function defines a facemill with the given parameters.
The FindOrMakeFacemill() function finds a facemill with the given parameters and makes one if not found.
The DefineToolFacemillNumber() function replaces a tool with a given number with a face milling tool.
The GetToolFacemill() function gets the parameters of an facemill and can be used to check if a tool has already been defined.
- tool_number:
- The number of the tool being checked.
- diameter:
- The diameter of the cutting tool. Called Effective_cutting_diameter in the STEP-NC standard.
- overall_assembly_length:
- The total length of the tool – used for collision detection.
- functional_length:
- The functional length used for 5-axis compensation calculations.
- max_depth_of_cut:
- The maximum allowed depth of cut for this tool.
- num_effective_teeth:
- The number of flutes on the tool.
- cutting_edge_angle:
- The angle at the edge of the tool.
Related Functions
- DefineTool: Defines a tool with the APT parameters.
- SELCTLTool: Defines a tool number for the most recently defined tool.
- ToolGeometry: A function to define the geometry of a tool.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void DefineToolFeedAndSpeed( double tool_feedrate, double tool_spindle_speed );
The DefineToolFeedAndSpeed() function sets a default feed and speed for the current tool. The tool must be a milling cutting tool.
- feedrate:
- The default federate for the tool in the current feederate units.
- spindle_speed:
- The default spindle speed for the tool in the current rotation units.
Related Functions
- DefineToolEndMill: Function to create am end milling tool.
- DefineToolFaceMill: Function to create a face milling tool.
- DefineToolTwistDrill: Function to create spot drill.
- DefineToolTwistDrill: Function to create twist drill.
- FeedrateUnit: Function to set the current federate unit.
- SpindleSpeedUnit: Function to set the current spindle speed unit.
void DefineToolHandOfCut( System::String^ left_right_or_neutral );
The DefineToolHandOfCut() function sets the hand of cut for the current tool. The tool must be a milling cutting tool.
- left_right_or_neutral:
- The value
Related Functions
- DefineToolDrill: Function to create a milling cutting tool.
- DefineToolEndMill: Function to create a milling cutting tool.
- DefineToolFaceMill: Function to
create a face milling tool.
void DefineToolMaterial( System::String^ standard_identifier, System::String^ material_identifier );
The DefineToolMaterial() function sets the material for the current tool. The tool must be a milling cutting tool.
- standard:
- Reference standard that defines the material.
- material:
- Name of the material in the standard.
Related Functions
- DefineToolDrill: Function to create a milling cutting tool.
- DefineToolEndMill: Function to create a milling cutting tool.
- DefineToolFaceMill: Function to create a face milling cutting tool.
void DefineToolRadius( double radius );
The DefineToolRadius() function sets the edge_radius for the current tool. The tool must be a milling cutting tool.
- radius:
- The edge radius for the tool.
Related Functions
- DefineToolDrill: Function to create a milling cutting tool.
- DefineToolEndMill: Function to create a milling cutting tool.
- DefineToolFaceMill: Function to
create a face milling cutting tool.
Common Errors
- New users should not confuse the edge_radius with the diameter. The edge radius defines a chamfer on the edge of the tool.
DefineToolRotatingBoreTool(), DefineToolRotatingBoreNumber(), FindOrMakeRotatingBoreTool(), GetToolRotatingBoreTool()
void DefineToolRotatingBoreTool( double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut ); void DefineToolRotatingBoreNumber( System::Int64 tool_number, double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut ); void FindOrMakeRotatingBoreTool( double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut ); void GetToolRotatingBoreTool( System::Int64 tool_number, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_diameter, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_overall_assembly_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_functional_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_max_depth_of_cut, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double % );
The DefineToolRotatingBoreTool() function defines a rotating, boring cutting tool with the given parameters.
The FindOrMakeRotatingBoreTool() function finds a boring tool with the given parameters and makes one if not found.
The DefineToolRotatingBoreToolNumber() function replaces a tool with a rotating, boring cutting tool.
The GetToolRotatingBoreToolNumber() function returns the parameters of a rotating, boring cutting tool.
- tool_number:
- The tool number.
- diameter:
- The diameter of the cutting tool. Called Effective_cutting_diameter in the STEP-NC standard.
- overall_assembly_length:
- The total length of the tool – used for collision detection.
- functional_length:
- The functional length used for 5-axis compensation calculations.
- max_depth_of_cut:
- The maximum allowed depth of cut for this tool.
Related Functions
- DefineTool: Defines a tool with the APT parameters.
- SELCTLTool: Defines a tool number for the most recently defined tool.
- ToolGeometry: A function to define the geometry of a tool.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
DefineToolStraightReamer(), DefineToolStraightReamerNumber(), FindOrMakeStraightReamer(), GetToolStraightReamer()
void DefineToolStraightReamer( double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut ); void DefineToolStraightReamerNumber( System::Int64 tool_number, double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut ); void FindOrMakeStraightReamer( double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut ); void GetToolStraightReamer( System::Int64 tool_number, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_diameter, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_overall_assembly_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_functional_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_max_depth_of_cut,
The DefineToolStraightReamer() function defines the parameters of a straight reamer tool (no taper).
The FindOrMakeStraightReamer() function finds a reamer with the given parameters and makes one if not found.
The DefineToolStraightReamerNumber() function replaces a tool with a straight reamer.
The GetToolStraightReamer() function returns the parameters of a straight reamer tool.
- Tool_number:
- The tool number.
- diameter:
- The diameter of the cutting tool. Called Effective_cutting_diameter in the STEP-NC standard.
- overall_assembly_length:
- The total length of the tool – used for collision detection.
- functional_length:
- The functional length used for 5-axis compensation calculations.
- max_depth_of_cut:
- The maximum allowed depth of cut for this tool.
Related Functions
- DefineDrillTool: Defines an ordinary drill tool.
- SELCTLTool: Defines a tool number for the most recently defined tool.
- ToolGeometry: A function to define the geometry of a tool.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
DefineToolTapping(), DefineToolTappingNumber(), FindOrMakeTapping(), GetToolTapping()
void DefineToolTapping( double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut, System::String^ thread_form_type, double pitch, double size ); void DefineToolTappingNumber( double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut, System::String^ thread_form_type, double pitch, double size ); void FindOrMakeTapping( double diameter, double overall_assembly_length, double functional_length, double max_depth_of_cut, System::String^ thread_form_type, double pitch, double size ); void GetToolToolTapping( System::Int64 tool_number, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_diameter, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_overall_assembly_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_functional_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_max_depth_of_cut, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::String^ %ret_thread_type, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_thread_pitch, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_thread_size );
The DefineToolTapping() function defines the parameters of a tapping tool. A tapping tool is used to add a screw thread to a drilled hole.
The FindOrMakeTapping() function finds a tapping tool with the give parameters and makes one if not found.
The DefineToolTappingNumber() function replaces a tool with a thread tapper.
The GetToolTapping() function returns the parameters of a tapping tool.
- tool_number:
- The tool number.
- diameter:
- The diameter of the cutting tool. Called Effective_cutting_diameter in the STEP-NC standard.
- overall_assembly_length:
- The total length of the tool – used for collision detection.
- functional_length:
- The functional length used for 5-axis compensation calculations.
- max_depth_of_cut:
- The maximum allowed depth of cut for this tool.
- thread_form_type:
- The form type described as a string.
- pitch:
- The pitch of the thread.
- size:
- The size of the thread.
Related Functions
- DefineDrillTool: Defines an ordinary drill tool.
- SELCTLTool: Defines a tool number for the most recently defined tool.
- ToolGeometry: A function to define the geometry of a tool.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
DefineToolTouchProbe(), DefineToolTouchProbeNumber(), GetToolTouchProbe()
void DefineToolTouchProbe( double ball_radius, double overall_assembly_length, double styles_diameter ); void DefineToolTouchProbeNumber( System::Int64 tool_number, double ball_radius, double overall_assembly_length, double styles_diameter ); void GetToolTouchProbe( System::Int64 tool_number, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_ball_radius, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_overall_assembly_length, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_stylus_diameter );
The DefineToolTouchProbe() function defines the parameters of a touch probe tool. A touch probe is used to validate the coordinates of a workpiece model before, after or between machining.
The DefineToolTouchProbeNumber() function replaces the tool with the given number with this touch probe.
The GetToolTouchProbe() function returns the parameters of a touch probe.
- tool_number:
- The tool number.
- ball_radius:
- The radius of the ball on the touch probe.
- stylus_diameter:
- The diameter of the stick that holds the ball.
- overall_assembly_length:
- The total length of the tool from the top of the stick to the bottom of the ball
Related Functions
- DefineDrillTool: Defines an ordinary drill tool.
- SELCTLTool: Defines a tool number for the most recently defined tool.
- ToolGeometry: A function to define the geometry of a tool.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void DeleteAllUnusedTools();
The DeleteAllUnusedTools() function deletes any tool definitions that are not currently used by a workingstep.
void DeleteAllUnusedWorkpieces();
The DeleteAllUnusedWorkpieces() function deletes any workpiece that is not currently used to define the geometry of a fixture, stock (as-is), final part (to-be) or cutting tool.
Related Functions
- DeleteWorkpiece: Deletes a specific workpiece.
void DeleteExecutable( System::Int64 exe_id );
The DeleteExecutable() function deletes the given workingstep, nc function, workplan or selective from the STEP-NC program.
- ex_id:
- The identity of the workinstep, workplan, nc function or selective to be deleted.
Related Functions
- Any function that makes an executable.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The ex_id does not identify an executable.
void DeleteFixture( System::Int64 plan_id );
The DeleteFixture() function removes the fixture data from a workplan. After the deletion the workplan will have no fixture data or it will inherit its fixture data from its parent workplan. After the deletion the fixture may be deleted if it is not used by any other workplan.
- plan_id:
- The identity of the workplan whose fixture reference is to be deleted.
Related Functions
- IsWorkplanWithSetupAndFixture: Finder function that returns true (1) if the workplan has a fixture defined.
- DeleteWorkpiece: Deletes a workpiece by removing all its data from the project.
- Fixture: Define a fixture using a CAD file.
- ReuseFixtureReference: Explicitly define a fixture for a workplan by reusing the data of another workplan. Useful if the fixture cannot be inherited from a parent workplan.
void DeleteToolParameters( System::Int64 tl_id );
The DeleteToolParameters() function deletes a tool description provided it is not being used by any workingstep.
- tl_id:
- The identity of the tool to be deleted.
Related Functions
- ChangeWorkingstepTool: Change the tool of a workingstep (so that the tool can be deleted).
- There are many functions in the finder to find a tool.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void DeleteWorkpiece( System::Int64 wp_id );
The DeleteWorkpiece() function deletes a specific workpiece. The finder contains many functions that can be used to find a workpiece. A workpiece may define geometry for an as-is, to-be or delta model, fixture or tool.
- wp_id:
- The identity of the workpiece to be deleted.
Related Functions
- GetCurrentWorkpiece: Returns the identity of the current workpiece or 0.
- Workpiece: Define a workpiece using an STEP CAD file.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void EditAddPoint( System::Int64 point_id, double x, double y, double z );
The EditAddPoint() function adds a cartesian point to a polyline curve. If the curve is part of a toolpath then the new point will be in that toolpath.
The new toolpath must be valid after all the points have been added. There are two issues to consider. The first is that if the path is made up of many curves, for example a curve for the coordinates, a curve for the axis direction and a curve for the contact normals, then points must be added to all those curves as well. The second is that when a path is made up of a sequence of curves the end of the previous curve must be the start of the next.
Unfortunately these issues will not be detected until a system tries to render toolpaths again.
- point_id:
- The identity of a polyline curve.
- x, y, z:
- Coordinate values for the added point.
Related Functions
- GetPathCurvetNext: This function gets the identity of the next curve in a path.
- GoToXYZ: This function is much easier to use because it adds a point to the current path during the construction of a program.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The curve_id does not identify a cartesian point.
void EditChangePoint( System::Int64 point_id, double x, double y, double z );
The EditChangePoint() function replaces the coordinates in a cartesian point with a new set of values. The point may represent many kinds of data within the STEP-NC program. The most common case is for the point to represent a location on a tool path. However, it could also be an axis direction (in which case the values should be normalized) or a model boundary. In the latter case no checking will be made to make sure that the modified model is still valid.
- point_id:
- The identity of a cartesian point.
- x, y, z:
- New coordinate values for the point.
Related Functions
- GetPathPolylinePointNextID: This function gets the identity of a point in a path.
- GoToXYZ: This function adds a point to the currently open toolpath.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The point_id does not identify a cartesian point.
void EmptyOperation( );
The EmptyOperaion() function creates an empty operation for the current workingstep. Normally APT tries to avoid creating a new operation until new data has been presented to the interface. The EmptyOperation function forces any object that was previously being created to be finished / closed.
After the operation has been created it can be filled with data using many functions in the APT interface. This will be easier while the new operation continues to be the current operation.
void EndWorkplan();
The APT object puts all new process items into the current workplan. When a new project is started a main_workplan is created and it is made the current workplan. When a new workplan is created using the NestWorkplan function it is added to the current workplan, then the current workplan is saved onto a stack and the new workplan becomes the current workplan. This procedure also applies to workplans that are selectives and parallels.
The EndWorkplan() function reverses this process by closing the current workplan, poping the last nested workplan of the stack and making it the current workplan.
Related Functions
- NestWorkplan: This function starts a new workplan and places it in the current workplan.
- NestWorkPlanAfter: Gives greater control over where the new workplan is placed in the STEP-NC program.
- GetCurrentWorkplan: This function returns the entity identifier of the current workplan.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Empty stack: If the stack is empty the system will assume you are trying to end the main workplan which is not allowed.
void ExecutableMoveAfter( System::Int64 exe_id, System::Int64 index, System::Int64 plan_id );
The ExecutableMoveAfter() function places an executable into a workplan after a given location function, and removes it from its old location
- exe_id:
- The identity of the executable that is to be placed in the workplan. The executable may be a workingstep, workplan, NC function or selective.
- index:
- The location where the executable is placed. The first location is zero, so an argument value of "1" will make the the executable the second in the workplan. If the argument is less than zero then the executable will be first. If the argument is greater than the current size then the executable will be the last.
Related Functions
- ExectuableReuseAfter: Move the executable without deleting it from its old location.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The exe_id does not identify a workingstep, or the plan_id does not identify a workplan.
void ExecutableReuse( System::Int64 exe_id );
The ExecutableReuse() function repeats an executable by putting it into the current workplan. For example, if the same operation is needed in more than one alternative of a Selective.
- exe_id:
- The identity of the executable that is to be repeated. The executable may be a workingstep, workplan, NC function or selective.
Related Functions
- ExectuableReuseAfter: This function has parameters to control the placement of the repeated executable.
- WorkingstepReuse: Repeats workingsteps only.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The exe_id does not identify a workingstep.
void ExecutableReuseAfter( System::Int64 exe_id, System::Int64 index, System::Int64 plan_id );
The ExecutableReuseAfter() function repeats an executable at a given location in the STEP-NC program.
- exe_id:
- The identity of the executable that is to be repeated. The executable may be a workingstep, workplan, NC function or selective.
- index:
- The desired position for the executable in the workplan.
- plan_id:
- The identity of the workplan that is to contain the new executable.
Related Functions
- ExecutableReuse: Repeats the executable at the current end of the STEP-NC program.
- WorkingstepReuseAfter: Repeats workingsteps only.
- ExecutableMoveAfter: Move executable and delete from old location.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The exe_id does not identify an executable.
void ExecutableWorkpieceAsIs( System::Int64 ws_id, System::String^ file_name ); void ExecutableWorkpieceAsIs( int ws_id, string file_name );
The ExecutableWorkpieceAsIs() function defines the geometry of a workingstep as-is volume from a STEP CAD file (AP203, AP214, or AP242). The model describes what the geometry of the workpiece should look like before the workingstep begins executing.
The function assumes that all of the geometry in the file should be the as-is model. Any STEP file can be used, and if it is a newer file then tolerances and dimensions can be included on the model. See the Tolerance object for more information.
The intent of the ExecutableWorkpieceAsIs, ExecutableWorkpieceToBe and ExecutableWorkpieceRemoval functions is to define additional geometry for a workingstep or other executable so that work instructions can be given to the operator.
- File name:
- The name of the STEP file that defines a geometry model.
- exe_id:
- The identity of an workingstep, nc function, workplan or selective.
Related Functions
- PutWorkpiecePlacement: This function changes the placement of the workpiece so that it can be positioned and oriented correctly within the context of the tool paths.
- GetCurrentWorkingstep: Returns the id of the current workpiece or null (0).
- ExecutableWorkpieceToBe: Define the To-BE geometry of a workingstep.
- ExecutableWorkpieceRemoval: Defined the removal geometry of a workinstep.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad File: The API was unable to open a file with the given name or it was not a valid STEP file.
- Bad name: The workpiece cannot have the same name as the project.
- Bad identity: The exe_id does not identify an executable.
void ExecutableWorkpieceRemoval( System::Int64 ws_id, System::String^ file_name ); void ExecutableWorkpieceRemoval( int ws_id, string file_name );
The ExecutableWorkpieceRemoval() function define a model of the geometry that will be removed while the workingstep is executing. See ExecutableWorkpieceAsIs for more information.
void ExecutableWorkpieceReuseAsIs( System::Int64 ws_id, System::Int64 wp_id ); void ExecutableWorkpieceReuseAsIs( int ws_id, int other_id );
The ExecutableWorkpieceReuseAsIs() function sets the As-Is geometry for an executable to a workpiece already in memory.
void ExecutableWorkpieceReuseRemoval( System::Int64 ws_id, System::Int64 wp_id ); void ExecutableWorkpieceReuseRemoval( int ws_id, int other_id );
The ExecutableWorkpieceReuseRemoval() function sets the Removal geometry for an executable to a workpiece already in memory.
void ExecutableWorkpieceReuseToBe( System::Int64 ws_id, System::Int64 wp_id ); void ExecutableWorkpieceReuseToBe( int ws_id, int other_id );
The ExecutableWorkpieceReuseToBe() function sets the To-Be geometry for an executable to a workpiece already in memory.
void ExecutableWorkpieceToBe( System::Int64 ws_id, System::String^ file_name ); void ExecutableWorkpieceToBe( int ws_id, string file_name );
The ExecutableWorkpieceToBe() function defines a model of what the geometry of the workpiece should look like after the workingstep has finished executing. See ExecutableWorkpieceAsIs for more information.
void ExportAP238CC1( System::String^ file_name );
The ExportAP238CC1() function saves ONLY the toolpath data in a project into a file. This file will conform to Conformane Class 1 (CC1) of the ISO 10303-238 AP238 standard.
System::Boolean ExportWorkpiece( System::Int64 wp_id, System::String^ file_name, System::Boolean keep_placement ); System::Boolean ExportWorkpiece203( System::Int64 wp_id, System::String^ file_name, System::Boolean keep_placement ); System::Boolean ExportWorkpiece214( System::Int64 wp_id, System::String^ file_name, System::Boolean keep_placement ); System::Boolean ExportWorkpiece242( System::Int64 wp_id, System::String^ file_name, System::Boolean keep_placement );
The ExportWorkpiece() function exports the geometry of a workpiece as a STEP CAD file so that it can be read by another application. The workpiece can be a rawpiece, fixture, in-process geoemetry or any other workpiece in the STEP-NC program.
When a STEP file is imported into a STEP-NC program it is given a placement so that it can be moved and rotated to its correct location within the context of the program. The keep_placement argument determines if the file is to be exported without this placement, and therefore in its original STEP context, or with the placement, and therefore in its STEP-nc context. If you wish to roundtrip data, then the workpiece should be exported without the placement.
The ExportWorkpiece_203() function exports the geometry as an AP203 file. This type of file can be read by most CAD systems. However, it will not include any semantic PMI for the workpiece.
The ExportWorkpiece_214() function exports the geometry as an AP214 file. This type of file can also be read by most CAD systems. However, it will not include any semantic PMI for the workpiece. AP214 is the more appropriate when the file is going to be read by an automotive CAD system.
The ExportWorkpiece_242() function exports the geometry as an AP242 file and will include any semantic PMI data defined for the workpiece. AP242 is a relatively new so not all CAD systems will be able to read the file.
The ExportWorkpiece() function writes the data as an AP242 file by default because this is the most appropriate type for digital manufacturing. All teh functions return a Boolean result which is set to true if the keep_placement was requested and the request was met. The request cannot be met when the top level of the assembly has multiple child assemblies, and no placement of its own.
- wp_id:
- The identifier for a workpiece.
- file_name:
- File name for the STEP CAD file that is to contain the workpiece.
- keep_placement:
- If the file has a placement defining its STEP-NC context, then this placement shall be included in the export.
Related Functions
- PutWorkpiecePlacement: This function defines a placement for a workpiece.
- GetCurrentWorkpiece: This function returns the identity of the current program workpiece.
- GetCurrentRawpiece: This function returns the identity of the rawpiece of the current program workpiece.
- GetCurrentFixture: This function returns the identity of the current fixture model.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceAsIs: This function returns the identity of the workpiece that defines the as-is (before machining) geometry for a workinstep.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceToBe: This function returns the identity of the workpiece that defines the to-be (after machining) geometry for a workinstep.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceRemoval: This function returns the identity of the workpiece that defines the removal volume for a workingstep.
Common Errors
- No geometry: The geometry of the workpiece has not been defined in the program.
- Bad identity: The wp_id does not identify a workpiece.
void ExtendedNcFunction( System::String^ label, System::String^ description );
The ExtendedNcFunction() function adds a user-defined NC function entry in the STEP-NC programs. Use of extended NC functions is strongly discouraged because they prevent portability.
Nevertheless there are situations where an extended NC function is the only solution. The two most common are while testing potential new STEP-NC functionality and to enable a unique feature of a unique machine.
- label:
- An optional label for the new function.
- description:
- The text to be passed to the controller. Frequently the text describes a Macro that will be expanded on the controller
Related Functions
- ExtendedNcFunctionAfter:
Inserts the extended nc function into a given location in the STEP-NC
- SetMakeDisplayMessagesOn/Off: When SetMakeDisplayMessages is Off then the extended NC function command is NOT inserted into the workplan.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 ExtendedNcFunctionAfter( System::String^ label, System::String^ description, System::Int64 index, System::Int64 plan_id );
The ExtendedNcFunctionAfter() function inserts an extended NC function into a given location in the STEP-NC program.
- Label:
- An optional label for the new function.
- Description:
- The text to be passed to the controller of the chosen machine. Frequently the text describes a Macro that will be expanded on the controller
- Index:
- The desired position for the function in the workplan.
- Plan_id:
- The identity of the workplan that is to contain the new function. See Section for some important notes on how to use identifiers.
Related Functions
- ExtendedNcFunction: Adds the extended nc function to the current end of the STEP-NC program.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
FacetStart(), FacetStatus()
void FacetStart(); void FacetStatus( [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Int64 %shell_count_res, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Int64 %face_count_res );
The FacetStart() function starts the faceting of the models in a file. Normally the faceting does not start until a request is issued by one of the display functions in GeomView. However, when a model is very large, the time to make the facets may be significant. The FacetStart() function allows the faceting to begin as soon as the data is in memory.
The FacetStatus() function returns a count of the number of shells and faces waiting to be facetted. The facet engine uses multiple processors to perform the faceting. When the engine starts, they are put into a queue, and as each processor finishes the faceting of its current item, it begins the faceing of the next item in the queue.
The FacetStatus() function is expensive because it needs to interupt the running processors. We recommend its use for debugging purposes only.
- shell_count:
- The number of shells (solids) remaining.
- face_count:
- The number of faces remaining.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void Feedrate( double speed );
The Feedrate() function defines the feedrate to be used by all subsequent tool paths. The unit of the feedrate is given using the FeedrateUnit function.
If a toolpath is currently being constructed then it is finished and a new one is started for the next new geometry item with the new feedrate. If the system is currently in rapid mode then this mode is cancelled.
- Speed:
- The value for the new speed. The feedrate function does nothing if the new feed is the same as the current speed and the system is not in rapid mode.
Related Functions
- FeedrateUnit: Sets the unit to be used by all subsequent feedrates.
- FeedrateCSS: Used to define a constant spindle speed feedrate for turning applications.
- SpindleSpeed: Used to define the spindle speed.
- Rapid: This function sets the system into rapid mode for all subsequent tool paths.
- Arc: This function adds arc segments to the geometry that will be given the new feedrate.
- GoToXYZ: This function adds line segments
to the geometry that will be given the new feedrate.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void FeedrateCSS( double value, double max );
The FeedrateCSS() function defines a constant spindle speed feedrate for turning applications.
If a toolpath is currently being constructed then it is finished and a new one is started with the new feedrate.
- Speed:
- The value for the new speed. The feedrate function does nothing if the new feed is the same as the current speed.
Related Functions
- FeedrateUnit: Sets the feedrate for milling applications.
- SpindleSpeed: Used to define the spindle speed.
- SetModeTurn: Puts the API into turning mode.
- SetModeMill: Puts the API back into the
milling mode (the default).
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Not in turn mode: FeedrateCSS can only be used for turning applications.
- The functionality of the API for turning applications is weak compared to its functionality for milling applications.
void FeedrateUnit( System::String^ unit ); void FeedrateUnit( string unit );
The FeedrateUnit() function defines the feedrate units to be used for all subsequent tool paths and sets the current feedrate to 0. The function should be followed by a call to Feedrate to set a new feedrate value.
- Unit:
- The unit to be used for future feedrates as described
by one of the following strings:
millimeters per second -
millimeters per minute -
centimeters per second -
meters per second -
inches per second -
inches per minute -
feet per second -
feet per minute -
inches per revolution -
millimeters per revolution
Related Functions
- Feedrate: Sets feedrate value.
- GetCurrentTech: Returns
the identifier of the current technology object. Will be NULL when new
feedrate units or spindle speed units have been set but not yet
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Invalid string: The string describing the units does not have one of the values recognized by the STEP-NC API.
void Feedstop( double seconds );
The Feedstop() function defines a pause in the execution of a toolpath. If a toolpath is currently being constructed then it is finished and a new one is started after the feedstop for the next geometry item.
- Seconds:
- The length of the pause in seconds.
Related Functions
- Feedrate: Sets the feed.
- FeedrateUnit: Sets the unit to be used by all subsequent feedrates.
- FeedrateCSS: Used to define a constant spindle speed feedrate for turning applications.
- SpindleSpeed: Used to define the spindle speed.
- Rapid: This function sets the system into rapid mode for all subsequent tool paths.
- Arc: This function adds arc segments to the geometry that will be given the new feedrate.
- GoToXYZ: This function adds line segments
to the geometry that will be given the new feedrate.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
FindWorkplan(), -Selective(), -NonSequential(), -Parallel()
System::int64 FindWorkplan( System::String^ name ); System::int64 FindSelective( System::String^ name ); System::int64 FindNonSequential( System::String^ name ); System::int64 FindParallel( System::String^ name );
The FindWorkplan() function find the workplan with the given name.
The FindSelective/NonSequential/Parallel() functions provide similar functionality for these objects.
- name:
- The name of the required object
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Invalid string: The database does not have an object with this name.
FindWorkingstep(), -Workpiece()
System::int64 FindWorkingstep( System::String^ name ); System::int64 FindWorkpiece( System::String^ name );
The FindWorkingstep() function find the workingstep with the given name.
The FindWorkpiece() functions provide similar functionality for these objects.
- name:
- The name of the required object
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Invalid string: The database does not have an object with this name.
FindAnyPlan(), -AnyExecutable()
System::int64 FindAnyPlan( System::String^ name ); System::int64 FindAnyExecutable( System::String^ name );
The FindAnyPlan() finds any kind of plan including workplans, selectives, non_sequentials and parallels.
The FindAnyExecutable() finds any kind of executable including all the types of plans, workingsteps and Nc_functions.
- name:
- The name of the required object
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Invalid string: The database does not have an object with this name.
void FirstPathStartAxis( double i, double j, double k );
The FirstPathStartAxis() function defines the initial values to be used for the tool axis at the start of a program or after the tool has been changed if no other axis has been given.
- i, j, k:
- The components of the axis.
Related Functions
- FirstPathStartPoint: The x, y and z values to be used after the tool change.
- LoadTool: The function to change the tool.
void FirstPathStartPoint( double x, double y, double z );
The FirstPathStartPoint() function defines a start point to be used for the tool path at the start of a program or after the tool has been changed if no other point has been given.
- x, y, z:
- The coordinates of the point.
Related Functions
- FirstPathStartAxis: The i, j and k values to be used for the tool axis.
- LoadTool: The function to change the tool.
- There is no FirstPathStartNormal because the tool should not be in contact with a surface immediately after a tool change.
void Fixture( System::String^ filename ); void Fixture( System::String^ filename, System::Int64 plan_id ); void Fixture( String filename, int plan_id (optional, default current) );
The Fixture() function defines a fixture for the current workplan or the explicitly given workplan using a CAD file. If a workplan has no fixture defined then it may be inherited from the parent workplan. A fixture is an assembly and may be defined as STEP AP203, AP214 or AP242.
- plan_id:
- The identity of the workplan that is to be given the fixture.
Related Functions
- IsWorkplanWithSetupAndFixture: Finder function that returns true (1) if the workplan has a fixture defined.
- DeleteFixture: Delete the fixture reference of a workplan.
GenerateToolGeometry(), -AllToolGeometry()
void GenerateToolGeometry(); void GenerateToolGeometry( System::Int64 tl_or_ws_id ); void GenerateAllToolGeometry( );
The GenerateToolGeometry() function generates a geometry model for a tool using the current values of its diameter, length and corner radius. See the process object for functions that can set and get these values.
The function without arguments generates tool geometry for the current tool and is appropriate for usage with an APT CL parser that has just defined a current tool.
The GenerateAllToolGeometry() function generates tool goemetry for any tool that currently has no geometry.
- tl_or_ws_id:
- Internal object identifier for the tool or a workingstep that uses the tool.
void GeometryForTool( System::Int64 tl_id, System::String^ filename ); void GeometryForTool( int tl_id, string filename );
The GeometryForTool() function imports tool geometry for an external STEP file.
- tl_id:
- Internal object identifier for the tool
- filename
- STEP CAD file containing the tool geometry
void GeometryForToolNumber( System::String^ file_name, System::Int64 number ); void GeometryForToolNumber( string file_name, int number );
The GeometryForToolNumber() function is a simpler interface for the ToolGeometry and SetToolIdentifier functions. It is defined from these functions as follow as follows:
Step->GeometryForToolNumber (Is equivalent to:geometry_file, 1);
Step->ToolGeometry (geometry_file,T1); Step->SetToolIdentifier (1,T1);
This function assumes that tool numbers are integers. The other two
functions allow the tool number to be any identifier. Geometry for
tool number prepends a T
to the tool number to define an
identifier for the tool. Therefore, in the above example the tool will
be given the identifier T1
System::Int64 GetCNCexportActualFlutes( System::Int64 tl_id );
The GetCNCexportActualFlutes() function
System::Boolean GetCNCexportExecSpeedprofileActive( System::Int64 ws_id );
The GetCNCexportExecSpeedprofileActive() function
double GetCurrentFeed();
The GetCurrentFeed() function returns a double, the value last set using the Feedrate function. This is the current value of the feed variable and will be used for any new toolpath data until it is reset by another call to the Feedrate or FeedrateUnit function.
Related Functions
- Feedrate: This function sets the value of the feed variable.
- FeedrateUnit: This function changes the unit that will be used for feeds and resets the value of the feed variable to zero.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 GetCurrentFixture(); int GetCurrentFixture();
The GetCurrentFixture() function returns the integer identifier of the current fixture so that it can be used as an argument for the functions that work on any kind of workpiece. The return value will be zero if there is no current fixture.
Related Functions
- Fixture: This function defines the geometry of the fixture from an STEP CAD file.
- PutWorkpiecePlacement: Sets the placement of the fixture using the identifier returned by GetCurrentFixture.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 GetCurrentFunction(); int GetCurrentFunction();
The GetCurrentFunction() function returns the integer identifier of the object that is currently being used to define the machine functions for new tool paths and workingsteps. The machine functions are used to control attributes such as the coolant. If the coolant changes then a functions object with the new value is made the current functions object. The return value will be zero if there is no machine functions object.
Related Functions
- CoolantMist: One of the functions that changes the coolant value. See also CoolantOn and CoolantOff.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 GetCurrentLastExecutable();
The GetCurrentLastExecutable() function returns the integer identifier of the last executable. An executable may be a workingstep, an NC function, a workplan or a selective. The return value cannot be zero because every project contains at least one workplan.
Related Functions
- The Finder object contains functions for
testing the type of an executable.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void GetCurrentLocation( [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k );
The GetCurrentLocation() function returns coordinates that will be used as the start position for the next geometry item.
- x, y, z:
- Coordinates set by the last geometry item or by the FirstPathStartPoint function. If both these have not been set than the values (0, 0, 0) will be returned
- i, j, k:
- Axis set by the last geometry item or by the FirstPathStartAxis function. If bith these have not been set then the value (0, 0, 1) will be returned.
Related Functions
- GoToXYZ: Adds a line to the current tool path and sets a new current location.
- Arc: Adds an arc to the current tool path and sets a new current location.
- FirstPathStartPoint: Sets the coordinates for the first point after a tool change.
- FirstPathStartAxis: Sets the
components for the first axis after a tool change.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void GetCurrentNormals( [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %sa, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %sb, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %sc, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %rda, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %rdb, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %rdc );
The GetCurrentNormals() function
System::Int64 GetCurrentProject();
The GetCurrentProject() function returns the integer identifier of the current project so that it can be used to find that project at a later time. See Section for some important notes on how to use identifiers. The return value cannot be zero because every STEP-NC program contains a project.
Related Functions
- NewProject: This function starts a new project.
- OpenProject: This function makes the project in an AP-238 file the current project.
- Open224: This function reads an AP-224 file and constructs a project containing that file.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 GetCurrentRawpiece(); int GetCurrentRawpiece();
The GetCurrentRawpiece() function returns the integer identifier of the current rawpiece so that it can be used as an argument for the functions that work on any kind of workpiece. See Section for some important notes on how to use identifiers. The return value will be zero if there is no current rawpiece.
Related Functions
- Rawpiece: This function defines the rawpiece from an STEP CAD file.
- PutWorkpiecePlacement: This function uses the result of GetCurrentRawpiece to set the placement of the rawpiece.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
double GetCurrentSpeed();
The GetCurrentSpeed() function returns a double giving the current value of the spindle speed variable. This value is set by the SpindleSpeed function and it is the value that will be used for any new toolpath data until it is reset by another call to the SpindleSpeed or SpindleSpeedUnit functions.
Related Functions
- SpindleSpeed: This function sets the value of the spindle speed variable.
- SpindleSpeedUnit: This function changes the unit that will be used for speeds and resets the value of the spindle speed variable to zero.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 GetCurrentTech(); int GetCurrentTech();
The GetCurrentTech() function returns the integer identifier of the object that is currently being used to define the machine technology for new tool paths and workingsteps. The machine technology is used to control the feedrate and spindle speed of a tool path. The return value will be zero if there is no machine technology object.
Related Functions
- Feedrate: A function that changes the feedrate and therefore the current technology object. The technology object will be NULL until a new toolpath needs the object.
- FeedrateUnit: A function that changes the feedrate units and therefore the current technology object. The technology object will be NULL until a new toolpath needs the object.
- SpindleSpeed: A function that changes the spindle speed and therefore the current technology object. The technology object will be NULL until a new toolpath needs the object.
- SpindleSpeedUnit: A function that changes the spindle speed unit and therefore the current technology object. The technology object will be NULL until a new toolpath needs the object.
- GoToXYZ, Arc: Add a geometry item to the current tool path so a technology object will be found or defined with the values currently set for the feed and speed.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 GetCurrentTool(); int GetCurrentTool();
The GetCurrentTool() function returns the identifier of the current tool so that it can be used to find that tool at a later time. See Section for some important notes on how to use identifiers. The id returned by this function is NOT the tool number or the tool identifier. These values can be found using the GetToolNumber and GetToolIdentifier functions of the Finder object. The return value will be zero if there is no current tool.
Related Functions
- LoadTool: Picks the current tool for the next workingstep and changes the value that will be returned by GetCurrentTool.
- GetToolNumber: Gets the number of a tool.
- GetToolIdentifier: Gets the identifier of a tool
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 GetCurrentToolpath(); int GetCurrentToolpath();
The GetCurrentToolpath() function returns the integer identifier of the current tool path so that it can be used to find that path at a later time. The return value will be zero if there is no current tool path.
The LoadTool, SpindleSpeed, Feedrate and Coolant functions require a new tool path to be started. Other functions may also require a new toolpath to be started. The GetCurrentToolpath() function is useful because it shows when the current path has changed, but in most cirumstances the Finder object contains much richer functionality for finding toolpaths.
Related Functions
- LoadTool: Starts a new workingstep and by implication a new tool path if any geometry is added to that workingstep.
- Feedrate: Changes the feedrate and requires a new tool path to be started for the next geometry item.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 GetCurrentWorkingstep(); int GetCurrentWorkingstep();
The GetCurrentWorkingstep() function returns the identifier of the current working step so that it can be used to find that step at a later time. The return value will be zero if there is no current workingstep.
The LoadTool and NestWorkplan require a new workingstep to be started. Other functions may also require a new working step to be started. The GetCurrentWorkingstep function is useful because it shows when the current workingstep has changed, but in most cirumstances the Finder object contains much richer functionality for finding workingsteps.
Related Functions
- LoadTool: Starts a new workingstep.
- NestWorkplan: Starts a new workplan and by implication any function that creates working step data will require a new one to be created.
- EndWorkplan: Ends the current workplan and by implication the current workingstep as well.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 GetCurrentWorkpiece(); int GetCurrentWorkpiece();
The GetCurrentWorkpiece() function returns the integer identifier of the current workpiece so that it can be used to find that workpiece at a later time. The return value cannot be zero because there is always a current workpiece.
Every project must have a workpiece, but this workpiece need not
have any geometry defined. When a project is first defined it is given
a workpiece with a default name. The default name is unnamed
. This name can be changed using
the PartNo function, and
the Workpiece function. The latter also
defines geometry for the workpiece.
In a STEP-NC program there is a workpiece and there are generic workpieces and this can be confusing. Every geometry model is a workpiece so the rawpiece, fixture tool geometry models and in-process geometry models all count as workpieces in the generic sense.
In addition every workplan has a specific workpiece that is being made by the operations in that workplan. The workpiece of a workplan can be defined using the WorkplanWorkpiecePlacementAdd command. In most cases, however, a workplan just uses the default workpiece defined for the whole project by the Workpiece function.
Related Functions
- Workpiece: This function defines the workpiece from a STEP CAD file.
- PartNo: Defines a workpiece with a name but no geometry.
- NewProject: Starts a new project and by
implication a new workpiece with the default name
unnamed workpiece
. - GetPlacement: This function uses the result of GetCurrentWorkpiece.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 GetCurrentWorkplan(); int GetCurrentWorkplan();
The GetCurrentWorkplan() function returns the identifier of the current workplan. The return value cannot be zero because there is always a current workpiece. When a new project is started or an old project is read from a file, the current workplan is the main workplan of the project. The NestWorkplan and EndWorkplan functions change the current workplan.
Related Functions
- NewProject: This function starts a new project and by implication a new main workplan for that project.
- OpenProject: This function makes the main workplan in an AP-238 file the current workplan.
- NestWorkplan: This function makes a new workplan that becomes the current workplan.
- EndWorkplan: This function ends the current
workplan and returns the
to the previous workplan.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 GetExecutableIsEnabled( System::Int64 exe_id );
The GetExecutableIsEnabled() function returns the value of "enabled" flag for an executable. The default state is true, which means that the executable should be used when processing a STEP-NC program. If false, the executable should be omitted. This value is used by the Generate and Adaptive classes when processing programs.
See SetExecutableIsEnabled for more discussion.
System::Int64 GetExecutableIsReachable( System::Int64 exe_id );
The GetExecutableIsReachable() function returns true if the given executable can be reached from the main_workplan with its current configuration of enabled and disabled executables. For example, if the workplan that contains the given executable is currently disabled then the GetExecutableIsReachable() function will return the value false.
System::Int64 GetExecutableWorkpieceAsIs( System::Int64 ex_id ); int GetExecutableWorkpieceAsIs( int ex_id );
The GetExecutableWorkpieceAsIs() function returns the identity of the workpiece that defines what the geometry of the part should look like before the workingstep begins executing. The return value will be zero if no geometry is defined.
The intent of the ExecutableWorkpieceAsIs, ExecutableWorkpieceToBe and ExecutableWorkpieceRemoval workpieces is to define additional geometry for a workingstep or other executable so that work instructions can be given to the operator.
- exe_id:
- The identity of an workingstep, nc function, workplan or selective.
Related Functions
- PutWorkpiecePlacement: This function changes the placement of the workpiece so that it can be positioned and oriented correctly within the context of the tool paths.
- GetCurrentWorkingstep: Returns the id of the current workpiece or null (0).
- GetExecutableWorkpieceToBe: The TO-BE geometry of the workingstep.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceRemoval: The removal geometry of a workingstep.
- ExecutableWorkpieceAsIs: Define the AS-IS geometry of a workingstep
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The exe_id does not identify an executable.
System::Int64 GetExecutableWorkpieceFixture( System::Int64 ex_id ); int GetExecutableWorkpieceFixture( int ex_id );
The GetExecutableWorkpieceFixture() function returns the identity of the fixture used for this operation. This fixture will normally be defined for the project or a higher level workplan. See GetExecutableWorkpieceAsIs.
System::Int64 GetExecutableWorkpieceRemoval( System::Int64 ex_id ); int GetExecutableWorkpieceRemoval( int ex_id );
The GetExecutableWorkpieceRemoval() function returns the integer identifier of the workpiece that defines a model of what will be removed from the part while the workingstep is executing. See GetExecutableWorkpieceAsIs.
System::Int64 GetExecutableWorkpieceToBe( System::Int64 ex_id ); int GetExecutableWorkpieceToBe( int ex_id );
The GetExecutableWorkpieceToBe() function returns the integer identifier of the workpiece that defines a model of what the part should look like after the workingstep has finished executing. See GetExecutableWorkpieceAsIs.
System::Int64 GetExecutableWorkpieceTool( System::Int64 ws_id );
The GetExecutableWorkpieceTool() function defines the tool of a workingstep and makes it possible for an application to get all of the geometries that are specific to a workinstep using the GetExecutableWorkpiece functions. See GetExecutableWorkpieceAsIs.
System::Int64 GetID_from_UUID( System::String^ UUID ); int GetIDFromUUID( string UUID );
The GetID_from_UUID function takes in a UUID and returns the internal (STEP Part 21) identity of an entity associated with that ID.
- The Universally Unique IDentifier currently assigned to an entity. A UUID is a number that in practice will never be generated again.
Related Functions
- GetUUID: Gets the UUID currently assigned to an entity.
- SetUUID_force(): Give the entity a new UUID. This should happen whenever the value of the concept rooted by the entity changes.
- SetUUID_if_not_set(): Set the UUID of an entity if it is not currently set.
- SetUUID_to_string(): Set the UUID of an entity to a given string which must be unique.
- SetName(): Set the name of an entity to a given string.
System::Int64 GetSetupAllCount(); System::Int64 GetSetupAllNext( System::Int64 index );
The GetSetupAllCount() function returns a count of the number of setups in the project and the GetSetupAllNext() function returns the identity of the next setup in the project.
- index:
- The position of the desired setup.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Range: The index is not in the range [0, count-1].
System::Int64 GetToolId( System::String^ tool_number ); int GetToolEID( string tool_number );
The GetToolId() function returns the entity id of the tool object associated with a tool number. APT programs identify a tool using a tool number. STEP programs identify an object using the entity id of its root in a STEP file. Functions in the API that build STEP-NC data from APT use the tool number. Most other functions using the entity id. Occassionally there may be situations where you need to use the entity id but only have the tool number. In these situations this function will give you the required entity id from the tool number.
- tool_number:
- The tool number (as a string because STEP-NC allows any value for the number).
Related Functions
- GetToolNumber: Get the APT tool number from an entity id.
- SetToolNumber: Change the APT tool number.
- The Finder and Tolerance objects contain a range of funtions for finding tools using their numbers, identifiers and their relationships to other objects.
System::String^ GetToolIdentifier( System::String^ tool_number ); string GetToolIdentifier( string tool_number );
The GetToolIdentifier() function returns the string identifier of a tool. This is the manufacturers name and can be used to search for information about the tool in manufacturers catalogs and ISO 13399 files.
- tool_number:
- The tool number (as a string because STEP-NC allows any value for the number).
Related Functions
- SetToolIdentifier: Set the tool identifier.
- DefineTool2: Defines a tool with an identifier.
- LoadISO13399Data: Load the manufacturer’s data for the tools in a program.
- ToolGeometry: Define the geometry for a tool using its identifier.
- ExportToolGeometry: Export the geometry for a tool using its identifier.
- DeleteToolGeometry: Delete the geometry for a tool using its identifier.
- GetToolNumber: Get the number of the tool used in a workingstep (so that it can be used as an argument for this function).
- The Finder and Tolerance objects contain a range of funtions for finding tools using their numbers, identifiers and their relationships to other objects.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::String^ GetToolNumber( System::Int64 ws_or_tl_id ); string GetToolNumber( int id ); System::Int64 GetToolNumberRange( [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Int64 low ); System::Int64 GetToolNumberNext( System::Int64 seed ); System::Int64 GetToolNumberCurrent( );
The GetToolNumber() function returns the tool number as a string. Traditionally this is an integer that corresponds to the position of the tool in a tool carousel. STEP-NC allows any string to be the tool number, but the APT Parser functions require the tool number to be an integer so the continued use of integers is strongly recommended.
The tool number should not be confused with the tool identifier. The tool identifier is a manufacturer’s name for a tool. There can be many instances of a tool with a particular identifier. Each instance will have a different number and be used in a different workingstep, but will share its manufacturers information with other tools that have the same identifier.
The GetToolNumberRange() function returns the lowest and highest tool numbers currently being used in the project.
The GetToolNumberNext() function returns the next available tool number in a project. This function will search the database to find the next available number after a seed value and will not perform well if called many times in a project containing a large number of tools.
The GetToolNumberCurrent() function returns the tool number of the current tool. The current tool is the one most recently made in the APTStepMaker and is the one being assigned to any new workingsteps. This currency behavior is dicated by the legacy functionality defined for APT when memory was tight and paper tape was a good storage medium.
- ws_or_tl_id:
- The identity of a workingstep or tool.
Related Functions
- GetToolIdentifier: Get the identifier of a tool using its number.
- SELCTLTool: Sets the number for a tool if it was not generated automatically.
- SetToolAutoNumberOn: Controls the automatic generation of tool numbers.
- LoadTool: Loads a tool using its number and makes it the current tool for subsequent workingsteps.
- DefineTool: Make a new tool.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::String^ GetToolProductId( System::Int64 tool_number );
The GetToolProductId() function returns the entity-id of the product that defines the tool geometry. When the placement of the tool needs to be translated or rotated then this function can be used to obtain the product geometry.
- tool_number:
- The identifying number of the tool.
Related Functions
- GetToolIdentifier: Get the identifier of a tool using its number.
- LoadTool: Loads a tool using its number and makes it the current tool for subsequent workingsteps.
- PutWorkpiecePlacement: Change the placement of the tool within its assembly.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::String^ GetUUID( System::Int64 entity_id ); string GetUUID( int EID );
The GetUUID() function returns the Universally Unique IDentifier currently assigned to an entity or NULL. A UUID is a number that in practice will never be generated again.
- entity_id:
- The internal (STEP Part 21) identity of an entity.
Related Functions
- GetID_from_UUID(): Given a UUID, return the entity id of the object which it is related to.
- SetUUID_force(): Give the entity a new UUID. This should happen whenever the value of the concept rooted by the entity changes.
- SetUUID_if_not_set(): Set the UUID of an entity if it is not currently set.
- SetUUID_to_string(): Set the UUID of an entity to a given string which must be unique.
- SetName(): Set the name of an entity to a given string.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::String^ GetWorkpieceBreakdown int wp_id ); void GetWorkpieceBreakdownSet int wp_id, System::String^ part_number ); System::String^ GetWorkpieceSecurity int wp_id ); void GetWorkpieceSecuritySet int wp_id, System::String^ security_level );
The GetWorkpieceBreakdown() function returns the part number for a workpiece breakdown. The GetWorkpieceBreakdownSet() sets the part number for a workpiece breakdown.
The GetWorkpieceSecurity() function returns the distribution permission for a workpiece breakdown. The GetWorkpieceSecuritySet() sets the distribution persmission for a workpiece breakdown. The following values are recommended for the breakdown distribution.
- 'Statement: A'
- See US military definition
- 'unclassified'
- no security necessary;
- 'classified'
- security necessary, but the classification details are not given;
- 'confidential'
- disclosure of information about the part or design would cause damage to national or organizational security;
- 'secret'
- disclosure of information about the part or design would cause serious damage to national or organizational security;
- 'top secret'
- disclosure of information about the part or design would cause exceptionally grave damage to national or organizational security;
- 'proprietary'
- disclosure of information about the part or design would risk an organization's market or competitive advantage.
- wp_id:
- The identity of a workpiece.
- part_number:
- Breakdown part number.
- security_level:
- Breakdown distribution security level.
Related Functions
See function in tolerance to set the material standard, hardness measurement and treatment result of a workpiece.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- No workpiece found: The wp_id is invalid.
GetWorkpieceExecutableCount(), -Next(), -All()
System::Int64 GetWorkpieceExecutableCount( System::Int64 wp_id ); System::Int64 GetWorkpieceExecutableNext( System::Int64 wp_id, System::Int64 index ); int[] GetWorkpieceExecutableAll( int wp_id );
The GetWorkpieceExecutableCount() function returns the number of workingsteps and workplans that refer to the workpiece. The workpiece might appear as the "as-is" shape, the "to-be" shape, or the "removal/delta" shape.
The GetWorkpieceExecutableNext() function iterates over the executables and returns the one at a given index.
- wp_id:
- The identity of a workpiece.
- index:
- The position of the desired executable.
void GetWorkpiecePlacement( System::Int64 wp_id, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %a, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %b, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %c ); double[9] GetWorkpiecePlacement( int wp_id ); returns: [x,y,z,i,j,k,a,b,c]
The GetWorkpiecePlacement() function returns the axis placement that currently defines the position and orientation of a geometry model. See the PutWorkpiecePlacement function for a description of the parameters used to set the position and orientation. This function returns the current value of these parameters
The Node version of this function returns a nine element array of doubles, with the [x,y,z,i,j,k,a,b,c] values.
- id
- The identity of a model. The model may be a fixture, tool rawpiece or workpiece and it may describe the as-is, to-be or removal volumes for a workingstep, workplan or executable.
- x, y, z
- The coordinates of the placement point.
- i, j, k
- The coordinates of the placement z axis.
- a, b, c
- The coordinates of the placement x axis
Related Functions
- PutWorkpiecePlacement: Set the current placement values for a model.
- GetCurrentWorkpiece: Get the identity of the current workpiece.
- GetCurrentFixture: Get the identity of the current fixture.
- GetCurrentRawpiece: Get the identity of the current workpiece.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceAsIs: Get the identity of the as-is model for a workingstep.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceToBe: Get the identity of the to-be model for a workinstep.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceRemoval: Getthe identity of the removal model for a workinstep.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
GetWorkpieceShapeCount(), -Next()
System::Int64 GetWorkpieceShapeCount( System::Int64 wp_id ); System::Int64 GetWorkpieceShapeNext( System::Int64 wp_id, System::Int64 index );
The GetWorkpieceShapeCount() function returns a count of the number of geometry models in the assembly that defines a workpiece.
The GetWorkpieceShapeNext() function iterates over the geometry models in the assembly and returns the one at a given index.
- wp_id:
- The identity of a workpiece.
- index:
- The position of the desired model.
Related Functions
- GetCurrentWorkpiece: Get the identity of the current workpiece.
- GetCurrentFixture: Get the identity of the current fixture.
- GetCurrentRawpiece: Get the identity of the current workpiece.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceAsIs: Get the identity of the as-is model for a workingstep.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceToBe: Get the identity of the to-be model for a workinstep.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceRemoval: Get the identity of the removal model for a workinstep.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity The wp_id does not identify a workpiece.
double[9] GetWorkplanSetup( int plan_id ); returns: [x,y,z,i,j,k,a,b,c]
The GetWorkplanSetup() function gets the coordinates of a Workplan setup. The placement is given by a origin coordinate and direction vectors for the Z axis and X axis. See PutWorkplanSetup for changing the coordinates.
See WorkplanSetupGet/Put() for the equivalent .NET function.
- plan_id:
- The identity of the workplan.
- x, y, z:
- The origin of the placement.
- i, j, k:
- The Z axis direction of the placement.
- a, b, c:
- The X axis direction of the placement.
void GoHome( System::String^ label );
The GoHome() function adds a "Rapid home" NC function to the current workplan. The rapid home function positions all machine axes to the machine-defined home position in the absolute machine coordinate system with a pre-defined sequence.
- label:
- A label for the new function
Related Functions
- Stop: Adds a stop to the current workplan.
- GoHomeAfter: Inserts the gohome at a specific location in the program
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 GoHomeAfter( System::String^ label, System::Int64 index, System::Int64 plan_id );
The GoHomeAfter() function adds a "rapid home" NC function at chosen location in a workplan. The rapid home function positions all machine axes to the machine-defined home position in the absolute machine coordinate system with a pre-defined sequence.
- label:
- A label for the new function
- index:
- The position relative to the start of the workplan where the workingstep is to be placed. If the index is less than 0 then it will be placed at the start of the workplan. If it is equal to or greater than the size of the workplan then it will be placed after the end. Otherwise it will be placed after the item in the current position.
- plan_id:
- The identifier of the workplan into which the workingstep is to be inserted. See Seciton for a description of how to use identifiers.
Related Functions
- GoHome: Adds a GoHome at the current end of the program.
- StopAfter: Inserts a stop at a given location in the program.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void GoToXYZ( System::String^ label, double x, double y, double z ); void GoToXYZ( string label, double x, double y, double z );
The GoToXYZ() function adds a line to the current tool path. The tool path is assumed to have a current point defined by the last geometry item added to the path. The GOTO function moves the cutting tool head to a new point that then becomes the current point for the next geometry command.
If the current workplan does not contain any workingsteps then one will be created with the current tool. If the workingstep does not contain any tool paths then one will be created. The toolpath will be given the current feedrate and spindle speed.
If this is the very first point after the tool has been changed and if coordinates have been set using the FirstPathStartPoint function then these coordinates will be used as the start point for the new tool path and the new point will be added as the second point.
If this is the very first point after a tool change and no point has been defined using the FirstPathStartPoint function then the given point will be repeated if necessary so that the new tool path does not contain a single point (because this is illegal in STEP-NC).
If no feedrate has been defined then the feedrate will be zero. If no spindle speed has been defined then the spindle speed will be zero. If no tool has been loaded then the tool number will be zero.
- label:
- A string argument that defines a name for the geometry item. Typically this will be the empty string but it can be an identifier to help another application find the item.
- x, y, z:
- The x, y, z coordinates of the end point of the line.
Related Functions
- Arc: This function adds arc segments to the geometry.
- FirstPathStartPoint: Can be used to define a start point for the tool path after a tool change.
- Feedrate: This function sets the current feedrate.
- SpindleSpeed: This function sets the current spindle speed.
- LoadTool: This function sets the current cutting tool.
- GoToXYZ_IJK: Goto with a change of axes as well as location.
- EditChangePoint: Change the coordinates of a previoulsy defined point.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void GoToXYZ_ABC( System::String^ label, double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c ); void GoToXYZ_ABC( string label, double x, double y, double z, double a, double b, double c );
The GoToXYZ_ABC() function is the same as the GoToXYZ function but with a normal vector defined for the point of contact between the cutting tool and the workpiece.
The contact normal is used to calculate a five-axis displacement for the move by cutter compensation algorithms.
- x, y, z:
- The x, y, z coordinates of the end point of the line.
- a, b, c:
- (i, j, k) components for the cutter compensation
Common Errors
- The abc components should define a unit vector but the function does not check.
void GoToXYZ_IJK( System::String^ label, double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k ); void GoToXYZ_IJK( string label, double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k );
The GoToXYZ_IJK() function is the same as the GoToXYZ function but with a new direction of the tool axis.
If the current tool path does not have an ijk component then a new one is started. If the current tool path has ijk components and the GoToXYZ function is subsequently used to add a point then the ijk value of the previous point will be used for the new point.
- x, y, z:
- The x, y, z coordinates of the end point of the line.
- i, j, k:
- Components of the tool axis direction.
Related Functions
- MultaxOff: Stops the API from continuing to include the last defined (i, j, k) coordinates in each tool path by starting a new three axis tool path.
Common Errors
- The ijk components should define a unit vector but the function does not check.
void GoToXYZ_IJK_ABC( System::String^ label, double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k, double a, double b, double c ); void GoToXYZ_IJK_ABC( string label, double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k, double a, double b, double c );
The GoToXYZ_IJK_ABC() function is the same as the GoToXYZ function but with a vector defined for the direction of the tool axis, and a vector defined for normal of the point of contact.
If the current tool path does not have an abc component then a new one is started. If the current tool path has abc components and the next point does not then the current tool path is ended and a new one is started.
- x, y, z:
- The x, y, z coordinates of the end point of the line.
- i, j, k:
- Components of the tool axis direction.
- a, b, c:
- (i, j, k) components for the cutter compensation direction.
void GoToXYZ_IJK_REF_ABC( System::String^ label, double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k, double a, double b, double c ); void GoToXYZ_IJK_REF_ABC( string label, double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k, double a, double b, double c );
The GoToXYZ_IJK_REF_ABC() function is the same as the GoToXYZ function but with a vector defined for the direction of the tool axis, and a reference vector defined for the X axis of the tool. This is only useful for non-rotating tools like CNC tape-laying heads.
- x, y, z:
- The x, y, z coordinates of the end point of the line.
- i, j, k:
- Components of the tool Z axis direction.
- a, b, c:
- (i, j, k) components for the tool X axis direction.
void ImportFanuc( System::String^ file_name );
The ImportFanuc() function reads a Fanuc G code file and converts it contents to an AP-238 tool path. By default a new workingstep is created for each tool and spinde speed change and a new tool path is created for each feed change. The new workingsteps are added to the current workplan.
There are many flavors to ISO 6983 files. Please check the results of this function and contact STEP Tools if there are any issues.
- file_name:
- File name for the file that contains the codes.
Related Functions
- ExportAsFanuc: Write the toolpaths in a STEP-NC program into a Fanuc file.
- CamModeOn: Changes the default behavior so that spindle speed changes only creates new tool paths.
- NestWorkplan: Create a new workplan for the new workingsteps and tool paths.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void ImportHaas( System::String^ file_name );
The ImportHaas() function reads a Haas G-code file. See the ImportFanuc function for details.
void ImportSiemens( System::String^ file_name );
The ImportSiemens() function reads a Siemens G-code file. See the ImportFanuc function for details.
void ImportWorkingstepPaths( System::Int64 ws_id, System::String^ file_name );
The ImportWorkingstepPaths() function replace the toolpaths in the given workingstep with those of a workingstep with the same name in the project of the given file_name.
void ImportWorkplanFromFile ( System::Int64 wp_id, System::String^ file_name );
The ImportWorkplanFromFile() function reads the project n another file and adds all the executables in the main workplan of that project to the end of a given workplan to the current file. The tools of the other project are also added to the current project and given a negative tool number to indicate that they are imported. If the same project is imported twice then the same executables will be added twice. No attempt is made to determine if the new tools are duplicates of tools currently in the project.
- wp_id:
- Enclosing workplan to contain the imported process.
- file_name:
- File name for the file that contains the codes.
Related Functions
- NestWorkplanAfter: Create a new workplan for the inserted project.
- ChangeWorkingStepTool: Change the tool of an imported workingstep.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void Inches();
The Inches() function sets the internal unit for subsequent measurement items to inches. Any tool path defined in an APT file or an ISO 6983 file will be given this unit until it is reset by another call.
Unlike the DefaultToInches function, the Inches function requires the units for subsequent items to be inches. The DefaultToInches function defines a default for the APT parsers when no other units have been defined.
Internally the system stores data in inch units or millimeter units. If an external file is found with other units then they are converted to one of these units.
Related Functions
- Millimeters: Sets the unit for subsequent toolpaths to millimeters.
- DefaultToInches: Sets the unit to inches if the system cannot find an appropriate unit elsewhere in the system.
- DefaultToMillimeters: Sets the unit to millimeters if the system cannot find an appropriate unit elsewhere in the system.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void IndexTable( System::String^ label, System::Int64 index_value );
The IndexTable() function adds an NC operation to advance the machine table. In CNC programs an Index Table function tells the CNC control to rotate an index table to a new position so that another part of the workpiece can be machined.
The index table function is highly machine dependent because the meaning of the index value depends on the machine tool. Like the Extended NC function, this function should be avoided whenever possible. The WorkplanWorkpiecePlacementAdd function defines a machine independent way to change the setup.
- label:
- An optional label for the new function.
- index_value:
- The required position of the index.
Related Functions
- IndexTableAfter: Inserts the index table function into a given location in the STEP-NC program.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 IndexTableAfter( System::String^ label, System::Int64 index_value, System::Int64 index, System::Int64 plan_id );
The IndexTableAfter() function inserts an Index table function into a given location in the STEP-NC program. See IndexTable for more discussion.
- label:
- An optional label for the new function.
- index_value:
- The required position of the table index.
- index:
- The desired position for the function in the workplan.
- plan_id:
- The identity of the workplan that is to contain the new function. See Section for some important notes on how to use identifiers.
Related Functions
- IndexTable: Adds the index table function to the current end of the STEP-NC program.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Boolean IsToolDefined( System::Int64 tool_number ); boolean IsToolDefined( int tool_number );
The IsToolDefined() function returns a flag indicating if a tool with the given tool number exists in the STEP-NC program.
- tool_number:
- The number of the tool whose existence is to be tested
Related Functions
- LoadTool: Loads a tool using the tool number. IsToolDefined can be used to prevent this function issuing an error message if the tool does not exist.
- DefineTool: Function used to define a tool.
- SELCTLTool: Function used to set the tool number of a tool
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
LastPointInclude(), -Ignore()
void LastPointInclude(); void LastPointIgnore();
The LastPoint functions set an internal status mode for tool path generation. If LastPointInclude is true then a rapid toolpath is generated to connect workingsteps when APT files are being translated. This path helps to show the sequence of the steps. If LastPointIgnore is true then no rapid path is generated which makes it eaier to change the order of the steps in a program.
The default is LastPointInclude.
Related Functions
- ReadCatiaAPTclFile: Read an APT CL file as produced by the CATIA design system.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void Left();
The Left() function implements the simple case for cutter contact machining where the workpiece is on the left side of the tool as seen from the perspective of someone walking in the direction of the tool.
After the function has been set an appropriate ABC contact vector is generated for each new geometry item added to the toolpath
Related Functions
- Right: Defines contact on the right hand side of the tool.
- GoToXYZ: Defines points that will use the contact point.
- CenterOn: Turns contact mode off. Subsequent tool paths will not be given a contact normal.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void LoadTool( System::Int64 tool_number ); void LoadTool( int tool_number );
The LoadTool() function inserts an NC function to change the tool into the current workplan. The new tool becomes the current tool for the next workingstep. If a workingstep is open then it is closed.
- tool_number:
- The number of the tool that is to be the tool for the new workingstep
Related Functions
- IsToolDefined: Tests to see if the tool exist and thereby prevents one of the possible errors.
- DefineTool: Function used to define the parameters for a tool.
- SELCTLTool: Function used to set the tool number of a tool.
- ToolGeometry: Defines AP-203 geometry for the tool so that it can be seen in a simulation.
- LoadToolWithLength: Load a tool and set its overall assembly length.
- LoadToolWithRadius: Load a tool and set its corner radius.
- SetMakeDisplayMessagesOn/Off: When SetMakeDisplayMessages is Off then the loadtl command is NOT inserted into the workplan.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- No tool: There is no tool in the data with this number.
void LoadToolWithLength( System::Int64 tool_number, double overall_assembly_length );
The LoadToolWithLength() function sets the functional length of the tool before making it the current tool for the next workingstep.
- tool_number:
- The tool number.
- length:
- The length of the tool in the current units.
Related Functions
- LoadTool: Load a tool without setting any of its attributes so that it can be used for the next workingstep.
- LoadToolWithRadius: Load a tool and set its radius.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- No tool: There is no tool in the data with this number.
void LoadToolWithLength( System::Int64 tool_number, double corner_radius );
The LoadToolWithRadius() function sets the corner radius of the tool before making it the current tool for the next workingstep.
- tool_number:
- The tool number.
- radius:
- The corner radius in the current units.
Related Functions
- LoadTool: Load a tool without setting any of its attributes so that it can be used for the next workingstep.
- LoadToolWithLength: Load a tool and set its overall assembly length.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- No tool: There is no tool in the data with this number.
void MergeFollowingWorkingstep( System::Int64 wp_id, System::Int64 index );
The MergeFollowingWorkingstep() function merges two consecutive workingsteps if they use the same tool. After the merger the second workingstep is deleted.
- wp_id:
- The workplan containing the workingstep
- index:
- The position of the first workingstep
Related Functions
- MergeWorkingstep: Merge any two workingsteps.
- MergeFollowingWorkingstepAll: Merge a list of workingsteps.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The first argument does not identify a workplan.
- Bad index: The second argument does not identify a workingstep in the workplan or it is at the end of the workplan
- Wrong tool: The two workingsteps do not use the same tool.
void MergeFollowingWorkingstepAll( System::Int64 wp_id, System::Int64 index );
The MergeFollowingWorkingstepAll() function merges a list of consecutive workingsteps until one is found that does not use the same tool.
- wp_id:
- The workplan containing the workingstep
- index:
- The position of the first workingstep
Related Functions
- MergeWorkingstep: Merge any two workingsteps.
- MergeFollowingWorkingstep: Merge two consecutive workingsteps.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The first argument does not identify a workplan.
- Bad index: The second argument does not identify a workingstep in the workplan
void MergeWorkingstep( System::Int64 ws1_id, System::Int64 ws2_id );
The MergeWorkingstep() function merges two workingsteps if they use the same tool.
- ws1_id:
- The workingstep to contain all the data
- ws2_id:
- The workingstep to be merged and deleted
Related Functions
- MergeFollowingWorkingstep: Merge two consecutive workingsteps.
- MergeFollowingWorkingstepAll: Merge a list of workingsteps.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The first or second argument does not identify a workingstep.
- Wrong tool: The two workingsteps do not use the same tool.
void Millimeters();
See Inches.
MultaxOn(), -Off()
void MultaxOn(); void MultaxOff();
The MultaxOn() function currently has no effect. In the future it might be used to force the inclusion of i, j, k coordinates in the tool path. The current semantics is for i, j, k to be included in a toolpath only after a point has been defined using the GoToXYZ_IJK or GoToXYZ_IJK_ABC functions.
The MultaxOff() function turns i, j, k tool axis generation off. After a point has been defined using the GoToXYZ_IJK function the STEP-NC API assumes that all subsequent points should include tool axis data. The MultaxOff function stops this behavior.
System::Int64 NestNonSequentialAfter ( System::String^ nonseq_name, System::Int64 index, System::Int64 plan_id );
The NestNonSequentialAfter() function creates a non-sequential and inserts it into a program structure in the same way as the NestWorkplan function. This function returns the identifier of the new non-sequential.
- name:
- The name of the new non-sequential. We recommend giving every program structure a meaningful name.
- index:
- The position where the new non-sequential is to be inserted in the program structure identified by the plan_id argument. The first position is 0 and the last position is the current size of the structure - 1. The new item is inserted after the given index position. If the index is greater than current size – 1 then the new NonSequential is inserted at the end of the structure. If the index is less than 0 then the new NonSequential is inserted at the start of the structure.
- plan_id:
- The id of the program structure that is going to contain the new NonSequential.
System::Int64 NestParallelAfter ( System::String^ par_name, System::Int64 index, System::Int64 plan_id );
The NestParallelAfter() function creates a parallel and inserts it into a program structure in the same way as the NestWorkplan function. This function returns the identifier of the new Parallel.
- name:
- The name of the new parallel. We recommend giving every program structure a meaningful name.
- index:
- The position where the new parallel is to be inserted in the program structure identified by the plan_id argument. The first position is 0 and the last position is the current size of the structure - 1. The new item is inserted after the given index position. If the index is greater than current size – 1 then the new Parallel is inserted at the end of the structure. If the index is less than 0 then the new Parallel is inserted at the start of the structure.
- plan_id:
- The id of the program structure that is going to contain the new Parallel.
System::Int64 NestSelectiveAfter ( System::String^ sel_name, System::Int64 index, System::Int64 plan_id );
The NestSelectiveAfter() function creates a selective and inserts it into a program structure in the same way as the NestWorkplan function. This function returns the identifier of the new Selective.
- name:
- The name of the new selective. We recommend giving every program structure a meaningful name.
- index:
- The position where the new selective is to be inserted in the program structure identified by the plan_id argument. The first position is 0 and the last position is the current size of the structure - 1. The new item is inserted after the given index position. If the index is greater than current size – 1 then the new Selective is inserted at the end of the structure. If the index is less than 0 then the new Selective is inserted at the start of the structure.
- plan_id:
- The id of the program structure that is going to contain the new Selective.
System::Int64 NestWorkplanAfter( System::String^ plan_name, System::Int64 index, System::Int64 wp_id );
The NestWorkplanAfter() function operates in the same way as the NestWorkplan function and allows the position of the new workplan to be selected by the user. This function returns the identifier of the new Workplan.
- name:
- The name of the new workplan. We recommend giving every workplan a meaningful name.
- index:
- The position where the new workplan is to be inserted in the workplan (which may be a selective or paralllel) identified by the plan_id argument. The first position is 0 and the last position is the current size of the workplan - 1. The new item is inserted after the given index position. If the index is greater than current size – 1 then the new workplan is inserted at the end of the old plan. If the index is less than 0 then the new workplan is inserted at the start of the old workplan.
- plan_id:
- The id of the workplan or selective that is going to contain the new workplan.
NestWorkplan(), -Selective(), -Parallel(), -NonSequential()
void NestWorkplan( System::String^ plan_name ); void NestSelective( System::String^ plan_name ); void NestNonSequential( System::String^ plan_name ); void NestParallel( System::String^ plan_name );
The NestWorkplan() function creates a new workplan and makes it the current workplan for all subsequent operations. This function returns the identifier of the new Workplan.
The default is for the new workplan to be sequential. A Selective workplan (select one) is made using the NestSelective() function. A Concurrent workplan is made using the NestParallel() function. An unordered workplan is made using the NestNonSequential() function.
The new plan is put into the old workplan (selective or paralle). The old workplan is kept on a stack so that it can become the current workplan again when this workplan is ended. See EndWorkplan for details.
The workplan is the basic data structure of a STEP-NC program. A workplan describes a sequence of workingsteps, NC functions and other workplans that are to be executed in order. Every STEP-NC program has a special workplan called the main_workplan that defines the start of the program. The NestWorkplan function allows other workplans to be created.
- name:
- workplan a meaningful name because they are seen by users.
Related Functions
- EndWorkplan: This function ends the current workplan, parallel or selective.
- GetCurrentWorkplan: This function returns the internal identifier of the current workplan.
- NestWorkplanAfter: This function allows a new workplan to be placed at an arbitrary location in the program.
- NestSelectiveAfter: This function allows a new selectve to be placed at an arbitrary location in the program.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void NewProject( System::String^ project_name ); void NewProject( string file_name );
The NewProject() function creates a new STEP-NC program with
an empty workpiece and an empty main workplan. The workplan is given
the name main workplan
and its workpiece is given the
name unnamed workpiece
. The new project can then be
populated with data taken from STEP CAD files, APT files and other data
The default feeds and speeds for the new project will be 0. The default tool number for the first tool will be 0.
- project_name:
- The name to be used for the project. If the new project has to be saved to a file and no other file name is given then the project name will be used as the file name.
Related Functions
- OpenProject: Starts a new project by reading an AP-238 file.
- SaveAsModules: Stores the current project in an AP-238 XML file.
- SaveAsPart21: Stores the current project in an AP-238 ASCII file.
- NewProjectWithCCandWP: Sets the name of the main workplan when the new project is created.
- GoToXYZ: Start making tool paths in the new project.
Common Errors
None but project not open
is the most common error
for all of the other functions and this function fixes that problem by
creating an empty project.
void NewProjectWithCCandWP( System::String^ project_name, System::Int64 conformance_class, System::String^ top_workplan_name );
The NewProjectWithCCandWP() function is a version of the NewProject function allows the new main workplan in the new project to be given a name.
- project_name:
- The name to be used for the project. If the new project has to be saved to a file and no other file name is given then the project name will be used as the file name.
- conformance_class:
- 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the four conformance classes allowed by AP-238. This value is not currently used.
- top_workplan_name:
- The name for the main workplan of the new project.
Currently the conformance class is not used anywhere in the API. In the future it may be used to restrict the kinds of data that can be created by an application. The full details about what is allowed in the different conformance classes are described in the AP-238 standard. The following is a summary.
- Conformance Class 1: indicates that the program contains tool path data only.
- Conformance Class 2: indicates that the program contains part geometry as well as tool path data.
- Conformance Class 3: indicates that the program contains drilling, milling, turning operations described parametrically as well as the data from conformance classes 1 and 2.
- Conformance Class 4: indicates that the program contains everything defined in AP-238 including geometric features, dimensions and tolerances.
void NewProjectWithCCandWP( System::String^ project_name, System::Int64 conformance_class, System::String^ top_workplan_name );
The NewProjectWithCCandWP() function is a version of the NewProject function allows the new main workplan in the new project to be given a name.
- project_name:
- The name to be used for the project. If the new project has to be saved to a file and no other file name is given then the project name will be used as the file name.
- conformance_class:
- 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the four conformance classes allowed by AP-238. This value is not currently used.
- top_workplan_name:
- The name for the main workplan of the new project.
Currently the conformance class is not used anywhere in the API. In the future it may be used to restrict the kinds of data that can be created by an application. The full details about what is allowed in the different conformance classes are described in the AP-238 standard. The following is a summary.
- Conformance Class 1: indicates that the program contains tool path data only.
- Conformance Class 2: indicates that the program contains part geometry as well as tool path data.
- Conformance Class 3: indicates that the program contains drilling, milling, turning operations described parametrically as well as the data from conformance classes 1 and 2.
- Conformance Class 4: indicates that the program contains everything defined in AP-238 including geometric features, dimensions and tolerances.
void NonSequentialRandomize( System::Int64 exe_id );
The NonSequentialRandomize() function changes the order of the executables in a NonSequential program structure.
Non-sequential structures should be used when the order of the executables in a workplan has not yet been determined or does not matter. This function changes the order to emphasize that it is random.
- exe_id
- The identity of a non-sequential structure.
void Open224( System::String^ file_name );
The Open224() function reads an AP-224 file and uses the workpiece and rawpiece data in that file to create an AP-238 project with that workpiece and rawpiece. The AP-238 project will have an empty workplan.
AP-224 is the STEP protocol for manufacturing features. Therefore, the new project will have a workpiece that contains features.
- File_name:
- The name of the file that contains the AP-224 data.
Related Functions
- OpenProject: Starts a new project by reading an AP-238 file.
- SaveAsModules: Stores the current project in an AP-238 XML file.
- SaveAsPart21: Stores the current project in an AP-238 ASCII file.
- Open224andMakeWorkingSteps: Create a workingstep for each feature in the AP-224 file.
Common Errors
- File not found. The file name may use the common syntax to define directories and network locations.
void Open224andMakeWorkingSteps( System::String^ file_name );
The Open224andMakeWorkingSteps() function is a version of the Open224 function creates a workingstep for each feature in the AP-224 file. This makes the AP-224 data easier to browse, but it is unlikely to be a satisfactory organization if the intention is to develop an AP-238 file for machining the data because the correspondence between AP-224 features and machining operations is rarely one to one.
Arguments are the same as Open224
void OpenProject( System::String^ file_name ); void OpenProject( string file_name );
The OpenProject() function reads a STEP-NC file.
If your plan is to navigate and process the data in the project then the Finder object has many more functions for finding data than APT. If your plan is to add data to the file then the Process object has functionality for modifying the process, and the Tolerance object has functionality for defining design constraints. Process and Tolerance use APT to read their data.
In earlier versions, this function was called Open238() and OpenSTEPNC()
- File_name:
- The name of the file that contains the STEP-NC data.
Related Functions
- SaveAsModules: Stores the current project STEP-NC file containing lots of system generated comments.
- SaveAsPart21: Stores the current project in a file without comments.
Common Errors
- File not found. The file name may use the common syntax to define directories and network locations.
void OpenSTEP( System::String^ file_name ); void OpenSTEP( string file_name );
The OpenSTEP() function opens a STEP file for viewing and editing. Tolerances and other GD&T information may be defined for the file using the API of the tolerance object.
Related Functions
- OpenProject: Opens a STEP-NC file for viewing and editing.
void OptionalStop( System::String^ label );
The OptionalStop() function adds the Optional Stop NC function to the current workplan. The Optional Stop function indicates to the operator that the program can be stopped. In many situations it is best not to include this function in a program but instead allow the user to decide if an optional stop should be defined at the end of each workingstep during code conversion.
If a workingstep and toolpath is open when an NC function is added then that workingstep and toolpath will be ended.
- Label:
- A label that can be used to identify the optional stop.
Related Functions
- Stop: Adds a non-optional stop to the STEP-NC program.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 OptionalStopAfter( System::String^ label, System::Int64 index, System::Int64 plan_id );
The OptionalStopAfter() function adds the Optional Stop NC function to a given location in the STEP-NC program.
- Label:
- A label for the new function
- Index:
- The position relative to the start of the workplan where the workingstep is to be placed. If the index is less than 0 then it will be placed at the start of the workplan. If it is equal to or greater than the size of the workplan then it will be placed after the end. Otherwise it will be placed after the item in the current position.
- Plan_id:
- The identifier of the workplan into which the workingstep is to be inserted. See Seciton for a description of how to use identifiers.
Related Functions
- OptionalStop: Add an optional stop to the current end of the program.
- StopAfter: Adds a non-optional stop to the STEP-NC program.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void PartNo( System::String^ partname ); void PartNo( string partname );
The PartNo() function sets the name of the workpiece. It does not change any other attributes of the workpiece so if the geometry of the workpiece has been defined using the Workpiece function then that geometry will continue to be used but with the new workpiece name.
- PartName:
- The name to be given to the Workpiece.
Related Functions
- Workpiece: This function defines a name for the workpiece and gives it a geometry definition.
Common Errors
- There are no errors because the function creates a new default
project called
default project
if no project is currently defined.
void PPrint( System::String^ label, System::String^ message );
The PPrint() function defines an NC function display message that is to be shown to the user during the execution of the STEP-NC program.
If a workingstep and toolpath is open when an NC function is added then that workingstep and toolpath will be ended. The next operation will then start a new workingstep. Sometimes this leads to empty workingsteps being included in a program. If this behavior is undesirable then the SetDisplayMessagesOn/Off functions can be used to stop the workingstep being interrupted.
- Label:
- A label that can be used to identify the display message.
- Message:
- The value of the message as a text string
Related Functions
- PPrintAfter: Inserts the display function into a given location in the STEP-NC program.
- SetDisplayMessagesOn/Off: When SetMakeDisplayMessages is Off then the pprint is NOT inserted into the workplan.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 PPrintAfter( System::String^ label, System::String^ message, System::Int64 index, System::Int64 plan_id );
The PPrintAfter() function adds an NC function display message to a given location in the STEP-NC program.
- Label:
- A label for the new function
- Message:
- The value of the message as a text string
- Index:
- The position relative to the start of the workplan where the workingstep is to be placed. If the index is less than 0 then it will be placed at the start of the workplan. If it is equal to or greater than the size of the workplan then it will be placed after the end. Otherwise it will be placed after the item in the current position.
- Plan_id:
- The identifier of the workplan into which the workingstep is to be inserted. See Seciton for a description of how to use identifiers.
Related Functions
- PPrint: Adds a display function to the current end of the program.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void ProbeOperation( double x, double y, double z, );
The ProbeOperation() function adds a workpiece probing operation to the current workplan. The Tolerance object contains functions that can both define tolerances and create workplans for testing those tolerances. This function creates a simple probing operation at the given location on the assumption that another system has determined that this is a good location for probing.
- x, y, z:
- Coordinates for the probing operation.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void PutWorkpiecePlacement( System::Int64 wp_id, double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k, double a, double b, double c ); void PutWorkpiecePlacement( int wp_id, double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k, double a, double b, double c );
The PutWorkpiecePlacement() function updates the location of a workpiece. CAD and CAM systems typically use different coordinate systems. In CAD a part is positioned and oriented in the coordinates it will be given in the final product. In CAM a part is positioned and oriented so that the machining will start in the middle of the top of the rawpiece.
In order to detect collisions between the tool and the workpiece, the position and orientation of the workpiece has to be changed to conform to the coordinates chosen for the tool paths.
In STEP, geometry is positioned and oriented using axis placements. To place the part, the user needs to describe the coordinates and orientations that must be given to the origin and axes (Z and X) of the workpiece in the coordinate system of the tool paths.
- id:
- The identity of the model whose placement is to be changed. The model can be any workpiece, rawpiece, fixture, in-process model or tool .
- x, y, z:
- New coordinates for the model origin.
- i, j, k:
- New direction for the model Z axis
- a, b, c
- New direction for the model X axis
Related Functions
- GetPlacement: Get the current placement values for the workpiece.
- GetCurrentWorkpiece: Get the identity of the current workpiece so that its placement can be changed.
- GetCurrentRawpiece: Get the identity of the current rawpiece so that its placement can be changed.
- GetCurrentFixture: Get the identity of the current fixture so that its placement can be changed.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceAsIs: Get the identity of the as-is model for a workingstep.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceToBe: Get the identity of the to-be model for a workinstep.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceRemoval: Get the identity of the removal model for a workingstep.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void Rapid();
The Rapid() function sets the feedrate to rapid for all subsequent tool path moves until changed by a call to the Feedrate function. Note that this is different to the APT semantics which define the rapid for the next move only.
Related Functions
- Arc: This function adds arc segments to the geometry and is not allowed for rapid moves.
- GoToXYZ: This function adds line segments to the geometry and they will be rapid moves if the STEP-NC API is currently in rapid mode.
- Feedrate: This function defines the current feedrate and cancels the rapid.
- FeedrateCSS: This function defines the current feedrate for turning machines and cancels the rapid.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void Rawpiece( System::String^ filename );
The Rawpiece() function defines the geometry of the rawpiece from an STEP CAD file. The function assumes that all of the geometry in the file is to make up the rawpiece. Any STEP file can be used to define the geometry provided it is compatible with AP-203. If the file is an AP-203 Edition 2 file then the geometry may include dimensions and tolerances. See the Tolerance object for more information on how tolerances are processed in the API.
- File name:
- The name of the STEP file that defines the rawpiece.
Related Functions
- PutWorkpiecePlacement: This function changes the placement of the rawpiece so that it can be positioned and oriented correctly within the context of the tool paths.
- ExportWorkpiece: This function exports an STEP CAD file describing any workpiece including the rawpiece.
- Workpiece: Performs the same function as rawpiece but for the workpiece
- Fixture: Performs the same function as rawpiece but for the fixture.
- GetCurrentRawpiece: Returns the id of the current rawpiece or null (0).
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad File: The API was unable to open a file with the given name or it was not a valid STEP file.
- Bad name: The rawpiece cannot have the same name as the project.
void RawpieceOfWorkpiece( System::Int64 rp_id, System::Int64 wp_id );
The RawpieceOfWorkpiece() function The rawpiece of a workpiece defines the geometry of the part before the machining began. The function returns the identity of the rawpiece or 0 if no rawpiece has been defined. In most STEP-NC programs there is one workpiece and one rawpiece. In more complex programs there can be many workpieces in many setups and each workpiece may have a rawpiece defined. The RawpieceOfWorkpiece function finds the rawpiece defined for a given workpiece.
- wp_id:
- The identity of any workpiece in the STEP-NC program including workpieces that are being used define rawpieces, as-is, to-be or removal geometries for a workingstep.
Related Functions
- GetCurrentWorkpiece: Get the identity of the current workpiece so that its placement can be changed.
- GetCurrentRawpiece: Get the identity of the current rawpiece so that its placement can be changed.
- GetCurrentFixture: Get the identity of the current fixture so that its placement can be changed.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceAsIs: Get the identity of the as-is model for a workingstep.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceToBe: Get the identity of the to-be model for a workinstep.
- GetExecutableWorkpieceRemoval: Get the identity of the removal model for a workingstep.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The wp_id does not identify a workpiece.
void ReadCatiaAPTclfile( System::String^ filename );
The ReadCatiaAPTclfile() function reads an APT CL file as produced by the CATIA CAD/CAM system and converts the tool paths and operations in that data into AP-238 tool paths and operations.
APT CL as defined by the CATIA system is a binary data format with many internal complexities. The ReadCatiaAPTclfile function has been extensively tested in many projects but every enterprise seems to use these files slightly differently so some customization work may be necessary when the reader is applied to the data of a new organization.
The CATIA APTcl reader calls other functions in the ATPSTEPMaker to make the objects required to represent the APT program as STEP-NC. The reader consists of a parser and you can make your own APT readers by calling the same functionality. There are several other APT readers in the API that read the APT made by other systems.
A typical data assembly application will create a new project and then read tool path data from one or more APT files. Each read adds data to the project. In order to keep the project well organized it can be a good idea to put the data from each file into its own Workplan using the NestWorkplan function.
- File name:
- The name of the APT cl file.
Related Functions
- ReadCatiaAptAsciiFile: This function reads CATIA APT files that have an ASCII format.
- ReadCatiaAptPlateClfile: This function reads CATIA APT files describing plate cutting operations. These APT files have an ASCII format.
- ReadUGSAPTclfile: This function reads APT files produced by the UGS system.
- ReadProeAPTclfile: This function reads APT files produced by the Pro/Engineer system.
- ReadMax5APTclfile: This function reads APT files produced by the Max 5 CAM system.
- ReadStepNcfile: This function reads STEP_NC files using the same logic as the APT readers.
- DefaultToInches: This function sets the default unit to inches. (Some APT file do not describe any units.)
- DefaultToMillimeters: Sets the default unit to millimeters.
- NewProject: Starts a new project
- NestWorkplan: Starts a new nested workplan.
- EndWorkplan: Ends a nested workplan and returns to the previous workplan
- DeleteAllUnusedTools: If your program reads two CL files then the second one will reuse the tools of the first if they have the same tool number, but not before creating a dummy unused tool record. This function will delete those unused tools.
Common Errors
- Bad File: The API was unable to open a file with the given name or it was not a valid APT CL file.
void ReadCatiaAptAsciiFile( System::String^ filename );
The ReadCatiaAptAsciiFile() function reads an APT CL file in the ASCII data format.
The CATIA APTCL reader calls other functions in the ATPSTEPMaker to make the objects required to represent the APT program as STEP-NC. The reader consists of a parser and you can make your own APT readers by calling the same functionality.
The ReadCatiaAptAsciiFile() parser uses an ASCII parser that is different to the binary parser. Instead the parser is identical to the one used for the other APTcl parsers but with its own configuration of default values.
- File name:
- The name of the APT cl file.
Related Functions
- ReadCatiaAptClfile: This function reads CATIA APT files in a binary data format.
- ReadUGSAPTclfile: This function reads APT files produced by the UGS system.
- ReadProeAPTclfile: This function reads APT files produced by the Pro/Engineer system.
- ReadMax5APTclfile: This function reads APT files produced by the Max 5 CAM system.
- ReadStepNcfile: This function reads STEP_NC files using the same logic as the APT readers.
- DefaultToInches: This function sets the default unit to inches. (Some APT file do not describe any units.)
- DefaultToMillimeters: Sets the default unit to millimeters.
- NewProject: Starts a new project
- NestWorkplan: Starts a new nested workplan.
- EndWorkplan: Ends a nested workplan and returns to the previous workplan
- DeleteAllUnusedTools: If your program reads two CL files then the second one will reuse the tools of the first if they have the same tool number, but not before creating a dummy unused tool record. This function will delete those unused tools.
Common Errors
- Bad File: The API was unable to open a file with the given name or it was not a valid APT CL file.
void ReadCatiaAptPlateClfile( System::String^ filename );
The ReadCatiaAptPlateClfile() function reads an ASCII APT CL file produced by the CATIA CAD/CAM system for plate cutting. Plate cutting APT files include special cycles for controlling the cutting and marking. Data created using this translator can be sent to plate cutting machines using the ESAB converter.
void ReadMax5APTclfile( System::String^ filename, System::Int64 tool_num );
The ReadMax5APTclfile() function reads the flavor of APT written for Max5 files.
void ReadProeAPTclfile( System::String^ filename );
The ReadProeAPTclfile() function reads an APT CL file as
produced by the Pro/Engineer CAD/CAM system and converts the tool
paths and operations in that data into AP-238 tool paths and
operations. Pro/E APT CL files have an ASCII data format and are
usually stored in files with a .ncl
void ReadUgsAPTclfile( System::String^ filename );
The ReadUgsAPTclfile() function reads an APT CL file as
produced by the Siemens UGS CAD/CAM system and converts the tool paths
and operations in that data into AP-238 tool paths and operations. UGS
APT CL files have an ASCII data format and are usually stored in files
with a .cls
void ReadUgsAPTclfile( System::String^ filename );
The ReadStepNcFile() function reads a STEP-NC file using the same logic as the APT cl readers. Therefore, an advanced program may convert multiple APT files to STEP-NC and then merge them using ReadStepNcFile().
Unlike the ReadApt() functions, the ReadStepNcFile() function creates a nested workplan for each program so that before and after workpieces can be attached.
- File name:
- The name of the STEP-NC file.
Related Functions
- ReadCatiaAptClfile: This function reads APT files in a binary data format.
- ReadCatiaAptAsciiFile: This function reads APT files in an ASCII format.
void ReplaceMax5APTclfile( System::String^ filename, System::Int64 ws_id );
The ReplaceMax5APTclfile() function reads an APT CL file as produced by the Max5 CAM system and converts the tool paths and operations in that data into AP-238 tool paths and operations. Max5 is a CAM system that specializes in the definition of CNC programs for machining impellers. Max5 APT files are similar to UGS APT. They do not use any particular file suffix. They also expect the tool number to be defined before parsing so a tool number parameter is required as an argument for the parser.
- File name:
- The name of the APT file.
- Tool number:
- Tool number for this file.
void Reset();
The Reset() function resets the APT object to its initial state. A closely related function called Shutdown also resets the object but it deletes all of the data in the object as well. Reset does not delete the data and this can be important in applications where multiple objects are sharing data in the same underlying file in the ROSE data management system. In this case all but the last object should execute a reset and after they have finished the last should Shutdown.
Reset and Shutdown should only be used by advanced applications that are running a long time and need to conserve data resources.
Related Functions
- Shutdown: Deletes all the data in the object as well as setting it back to its initial state.
void RetractPlane( double z_value );
The RetractPlane() function defines a safe distance from the surface being machined for rapid movements during an operation. If an application is generating its own tool paths for an operation then it can use the retract plane as the safe distance for rapid movement during the operation.
- z_value:
- The retract plane is defined to be at the given distance from the surface being machined. The direction of the distance depends on the current normal of the surface when the retract is executed.
Related Functions
- ClearancePlane: This function defines security plane for rapid moves between operations.
The functions in the Process object that create the different types of milling, drilling and turning objects use the retract distance.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- The API does not contain functionality to check for rapid tool movements below the retract plane.
void ReuseFixtureReference( System::Int64 plan_id, System::Int64 resue_plan_id );
The ReuseFixtureReference() function explitly resuses the fixture of another workplan in this workplan. This is useful when the fixture has already been defined and it cannot be inherited from a workplan that is a common parent. After the reuse the existing fixture of the workplan will be orphaned and may be deleted if it is not being used by any other workplan.
- plan_id:
- The identity of the workplan that is to be given another workplans fixture.
- ruse_plan_id:
- The identity of a workplan that has a fixture explicitly defined.
Related Functions
- IsWorkplanWithSetupAndFixture: Finder function that returns true (1) if the workplan has a fixture defined.
- DeleteWorkpiece: Deletes a workpiece by removing all its data from the project.
- Fixture: Define a fixture using a CAD file.
- DeleteFixture: Delete the fixture reference of a workplan.
void Right();
See Left.
void RunConfiguration( System::String^ file_name );
The RunConfiguration() function uses an XML file to define how to assemble a STEP-NC data set. The function reads the file and uses the tokens in that file to call other functions in the API with appropriate arguments. The following tokens/XML functions are currently recognized.
- Tool: calls the DefineTool2 function
with the given tool parameters. The XML attributes currently
recognized are
for the tool number,diameter
for the tool diameter,id
for the tool identifier andgeometry
for the name of a file that defines the tool geometry. - ToolGeometry: calls the ToolGeometry function to define the geometry of the tool after defining the tool using DefineTool2.
- Workpiece: calls the Workpiece function with the given file name in an XML attribute called geometry.
- Rawpiece: calls the Rawpiece function with the given file name in an XML attribute called geometry.
- Fixture: calls the Fixture function with the given file name in an XML attribute called geometry.
<machine-setup> <start-point x=-5.225y=-z=5./> <tool_geometry tool=1id=endmill_1indiameter=1.0geometry=tools/Cutters_inch/End_Mill_D_1.0.stp/> <tool_geometry tool=2id=endmill_1/4indiameter=.25geometry=tools/Cutters_inch/End_Mill_025_English.stp/> <tool_geometry tool=3id=drill_0.265indiameter=0.265geometry=tools/Cutters_inch/Drill_026.stp/> <workpiece geometry=sbir_test1_solid.203/> </machine-setup>
- File name:
- The name of the XML file describing the configuration.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void SaveAsModules( System::String^ file_name ); void SaveAsModules( string file_name );
The SaveAsModules() function saves the STEP-NC program as a STEP file with lots of system generated comments. A similar function called SaveAsPart21 saves the STEP-NC program as file without any comments.
- File name:
- Name of the file that is to be used to store the data.
Related Functions
- SaveAsPart21: Saves current project into a file without any comments
- OpenProject(): Reads STEP-NC data.
Common Errors
- No project open: An STEP-NC file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Ideally all errors are detected at the point of commission, but if something is wrong then the file will contain badly defined data.
void SaveAsP21( System::String^ file_name ); void SaveAsP21( string file_name );
The SaveAsP21() function saves the STEP-NC program as an file in clear text without comments. A similar function called SaveAsModules save the STEP-NC program as a file with system generated comments.
- File name:
- Name of the file that is to be used to store the data.
Related Functions
- SaveAsModules: Saves the current project into a file in the Part 28 XML format
- OpenProject: Reads a STEP-NC file.
Common Errors
- No project open: A STEP-NC file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void SaveFastAsModules( System::String^ file_name );
The SaveFastAsModules() function
void SaveFastAsP21( System::String^ file_name );
The SaveFastAsP21() function
void SecondProject( System::String^ filename, System::Int64 tool_mode );
The SecondProject() function copies the toolpath data from one AP-238 file into another AP-238 file. If the coordinates of the second AP-38 file need to be changed to match up with the first file, then this can be done using the SecondProjectTransform function. If the tool numbers of the second AP-238 file need to be changed so that they do not conflict with those used by the first file, then they can be changed using the tool number parameter.
- filename:
- The Name of the file that contains the second project.
- tool_mode:
- A value to add to each tool number in the second file so that they do not conflict with the tool numbers in the first file. For example if the both files are using numbers in the range 1 to 20 then a tool inc of 100 can be added to make the second file use tool numbers in the range 101 to 120.
Related Functions
- SecondProjectTransform: Sets a transform for the tool paths in the second project so that will line up with the workpiece and other geometries defined for the first project.
- NestWorkplan: Start a nested workplan before executing the SecondProject so that all of the tool paths will go in that workplan
- EndWorkplan: End the nested workplan after finishing the SecondProject.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- There should be other options for matching the tools in the first and second project. For example, the second project should be able to search for tools in the first project that have the same parameters.
void SecondProjectTransform( double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k, double a, double b, double c );
The SecondProjectTransform() function defines a transformation matrix that will be applied to all of the tool path points in a second project. The transform operates in the same way as the transformation defined by the PutWorkpiecePlacement function but works on the tool paths instead of the part geometry.
The transform defined by the SecondProjectTransform is reset to the identity matrix after each call to the SecondProject function.
- x, y, z:
- New coordinates for the tool path origin.
- i, j, k:
- New direction for the tool path Z axis
- a, b, c:
- New direction for the tool path X axis
Related Functions
- SecondProject: Reads the AP-238 file that will be transformed.
- PutWorkpiecePlacement: See function description for a description of how to define transformations.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void SELCTLTool( System::Int64 selctl_number ); void SELCTLTool( int selctl_number );
The SELCTLTool() function defines a tool number for the most recently defined tool. The function also loads the tool. Therefore, the next geometry item added to the data will cause a new workingstep to be added to the project for the tool.
The method used to define tools in APT is strange for unknown legacy reasons. A tool is defined and then it may or may not be given a number. If no number is given then the next available number is used.
- Tool_number:
- The number to be used for the previously defined tool.
Related Functions
- IsToolDefined: Tests to see if the tool exist.
- DefineTool: Function used to define the parameters for a tool.
- LoadTool: Loads a tool and start a new workingstep.
- ToolGeometry: Defines AP-203 geometry for the tool so that it can be seen in a simulation.
- SetToolAutoNumber: Lets the application control the automatic numbering of tools.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- No tool: There is no tool available to be given the new number.
void SetCNCexportActualFlutes( System::Int64 tl_id, System::Int64 flts );
The SetCNCexportActualFlutes() function
void SetCNCexportExecSpeedprofileActive( System::Int64 ws_id, System::Boolean yn );
The SetCNCexportExecSpeedprofileActive() function
SetComment(), -Get(), -Allowed()
void SetComment( System::Int64 ent_id, System::String^ comment ); System::String^ SetCommentGet( System::Int64 ent_id ); System::Int64 SetCommentAllowed( System::Int64 ent_id );
A comment can be set for any executable or other object based on an action_method. The SetComment function sets the comment. The SetCommentGet fucntion returns the comment or NULL. The SetCommentAllowed returns True (1) if comments are allowed for this kind of object.
Comments are allowed for any kind of executable including NC functions and program structures.
void SetDebuggingNamesOn(); void SetDebuggingNamesOff();
In debugging mode, name values are set onn toolpaths and workingsteps to help trace issues and problems in the data. This can be particularly helpful while debugging the translation of APT files. However, the names make the file bigger and messier. THe default is for these names to be off.
void SetDisplayMessagesOn(); void SetDisplayMessagesOff();
APT files frequently include multiple display messages to tell the operator when tools are being changed. For a visual language like STEP-NC this is no longer necessary. Turning DisplayMessages on allows STEP-NC to exactly mimic this legacy behavior. Turning DisplayMessages off make the STEP-NC data cleaner and simpler. The default is for them to be on.
Related Functions
- LoadTool: If display messages are off then this function will not insert a load_tool command into the current NC program.
- PPrint: If display messages are off then this function will not insert a pprint command into the current NC program.
- ExtendedNcFunction: If display messages are off then this function will not insert a extended nc command into the current NC program.
void SetDefineArcUsingViaOn(); void SetDefineArcUsingViaOff();
If DefineArcUsingVia is on then arc data is stored in a reduced format that considerably reduces the size of STEP-NC files that contain a lot of arc data such as high speed machining files.
If DefineArcUsingVia is off then the full STEP definition for an arc is used. This definition allows an arc to be used in many different contexts but is verbose and redundant in the context of a continuous tool path.
The default is for DefineArcUsingVia to be on. If an application needs to share arc’s between tool paths and other kinds of geometry (such as faces) then this value should be changed to off.
void SetDirection( double i, double j, double k, double a, double b, double c );
The SetDirection() function sets a default axis that can be used by other functions. In the APT object only the Arc commands use this direction. The Feature object has many functions that use the direction.
- i, j, k:
- The i, j, k components of the direction Z axis.
- a, b, c:
- The a, b, c components of the direction X axis.
Related Functions
- Arc: This function uses the SetDirection to define the plane that will contain the arc.
- ArcABC: Also uses SetDirection
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- A good argument can be made for extending the arc command to include the direction parameters. The counter argument is that most arcs are in the XY plane (the default) so using a second function is more economical.
void SetExecutableIsEnabled( System::Int64 ws_id, System::Boolean );
The SetExecutableIsEnabled() function sets the "enabled" flag on the executable to true or false, which is used by the the Generate and Adaptive classes when processing programs. When true the executable should be used when generating codes or traversing a STEP-NC program. If false, the executable should be omitted.
See GetExecutableIsEnabled for more discussion
void SetLocation( double x, double y, double z );
The SetLocation() function sets a default position that can be used by other functions. Currently there are no functions in the APT that use this value, but the Feature object has many such functions.
- x, y, z:
- The coordinates of the position.
Common Errors
- No project open: An STEP_NC file must be open - see the OpenProject function.
void SetMaximumDeviation( double value );
The SetMaximumDeviation() function defines the maximum
deviation allowed for the ideal curve for a tool path. In APT and BCL
this value is know as the LinTol
for linearization
tolerance. If set this value is put into the tool path data alongside
the coordinate and axis data. The space consumed is not significant if
the whole path uses the same value.
- value:
- The maximum deviation value.
Common Errors
- No project open: An STEP-NC file must be open - see the OpenProject function.
void SetModeMill();
The STEP-NC API can operate in Milling mode or Turning mode. In milling mode which is the default the explorer creates milling workingsteps, milling technology and milling machine functions. In turning mode it creates turning workingsteps, turning technology and turning machine functions.
If the API is in turning mode when this function is called, then any currently open tool path or workingstep will be closed and a new step and path will be created when new geometry is added to the program.
Related Functions
- SetModeTurn: Puts the API into turning mode.
void SetModeTurn();
See SetModeMill. If the API is in milling mode when this function is called, then any open tool path or workingstep will be closed and a new step and path will be created. The milling mode has been much more extensively tested than the turning mode.
void SetName( System::Int64 ent_id, System::String^ name ); void SetName( int ent_id, string name );
Many objects in the API have names or identifiers. The SetName() function function sets the names of those objects to a given string.
- ent_id:
- The identity of an executable, project, feature, tolerance, workpiece or other type of STEP-NC entity that has a name attribute.
- Name:
- The new value for the name. If null then the name will be set to .
Related Functions
- SetNameGet: Get the current name for an object.
- SetNameType: The type of the object.
- SetUUID_if_not_set()/force(): Set the UUID of an object.
Common Errors
- No project open: A STEP-NC file must be open - see the OpenProject function.
- Bad identity: This type of object does not have a name.
System::String^ SetNameGet( System::Int64 ent_id ); string SetNameGet( int ent_id );
Many objects in the API have names or identifiers. The SetNameGet() function returns the current names of these objects.
- ent_id:
- The identity of an executable, project, feature, workpiece or other type of STEP-NC entity that has a name attribute.
Related Functions
- SetName: Set the name for an object.
- SetNameType: Get the type of a named object.
Common Errors
- No project open: A STEP-NC file must be open - see the OpenProject function.
- Bad identity: This type of object does not have a name.
System::String^ SetNameType( System::Int64 ent_id );
The SetNameType() function returns a string describing the type of the entity. Many objects in the API have names or identifiers. This function returns the type of one of these objects.
- ent_id:
- The identity of an executable, project, feature, workpiece or other type of STEP-NC entity that has a name attribute.
Related Functions
- SetName: Set the current name for an object.
- SetNameGet: Get the current name for an object.
void SetPathTypeApproach( ); void SetPathTypeLift( ); void SetPathTypeConnect( ); void SetPathTypeNonContact( ); void SetPathTypeContact( ); void SetPathTypeTrajectory( ); void SetPathTypeNone( );
The SetPathType...() functions sets the type of a toolpath. The following types defined in the standard are supported.
- Approach the path describes the approach to an operation.
- Lift the path describes the exit from an operation.
- Connect the path describes a traverse between operations.
- Non-contact the path is not in contact with the workpiece.
- Contact the path is in contact with the workpiece.
- Trajectory the path belongs to an operation.
- None the path does not have a type.
- path_id:
- The identity of the toolpath.
Related Functions
- SetName: Set the current name for a toolpath and many other kinds of objects.
- SetPathPriority: Set the priority of a toolpath to required.
- SetPathType: Process function that sets the type of a toolpath after it has been constructed.
- GetPathType: Finder function that returns the type of a toolpath.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- The expected current path is already finished and the type is assigned to the next path. Toolpaths are finished when a feed or speed is changed and whenever the executable changes.
void SetPathPriorityRequired( ); void SetPathPriorityNone( );
The SetPathPriority...() functions sets the priority of a toolpath. If a path has the priority "required" then it should not be changed in a closed loop or similar application.
- path_id:
- The identity of the toolpath.
Related Functions
- SetPathType: Set the type of a toolpath if it is an approach, or lift, or other special category.
- SetPathPriority: Process function that sets the priority of a toolpath after it has been constructed.
- GetPathPriority: Finder function that returns the type of a toolpath.
void SetSpindleSpeedForFeedCW( double feed, double speed ); void SetSpindleSpeedForFeedCCW( double feed, double speed );
The SetSpindleSpeedForFeed() functions set the spindle speed for a given feed. The function can be used to fix the spindle speeds of process data that has been converted to STEP-NC when that data did not include sensible spindle speeds. Every instance of the given feed is given the corresponding spindle speed.
- Feed:
- The value of the feed. All process data with this feed will be given the corresponsing spindle speed.
- Speed:
- The value for the new speed. The value must not be negative.
Related Functions
- SpindleSpeeCCW/CW: Define the spindle speed unit to be used for all new process data.
- SpindleSpeedUnit: Define the spindle speed unit.
- Feedrate: Defines the feedrate.
- Workingstep: Starts a new workingstep.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Spindle speed is negative.
- Feed not found.
void SetToolAutoNumberOn(); void SetToolAutoNumberOff();
In APT programs a tool is identified by a tool number that corresponds to the placement position of the tool in a tool holder. The Selectl and LoadTool functions in the API allow tools to be selected and loaded using these numbers.
The DefineTool function is used to define a tool using the parameters defined by APT. However, the DefineTool command does not define a tool number. Instead two options are possible. In the first option the tool number is given using the APT SELCTL command that corresponds to the API SELCTLTool function. In the second option the next available tool number is used.
The SetToolAutoNumberOff() function is used to control this behavior. If SetAutoToolNumber is on then the next available number will be give to a tool as soon as it is defined. If it is off the API will wait for the SELECTL command to give it a number.
Related Functions
- DefineTool: Defines the parameters of a tool such as the length and diameter.
- SELCTLTool: Defines a tool number for the most recently defined tool.
- LoadTool: Starts a new workingstep using the tool with the given tool number
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Subtle differences between the semantics of how tools are defined are a frequent cause of errors when the API is applied to the APT files of a new organization for the first time.
void SetToolIdentifier( System::String^ tool_number, System::String^ identifier ); void SetToolIdentifier( string tool_number, string identifier );
The SetToolIdentifier() function sets the
manufacturer’s name for the tool. For example, it might be
Sandvik Endmill 0.4 mm
. The tool identifier allows the
tool to be found in external databases and catalogs. In the STEP-NC
API a tool must have an identifier before it can be given
geometry. The identifier can be defined using this function,
the DefineTool2 function or as a side
effect of
the GeometryForToolNumber
- Number:
- The tool number given as a string. STEP-NC allows any string to be used as an identifier but some APT parsers assume that the next tool will be given the next number so not using a number may cause difficulties.
- Identifier:
- The identifier for the tool also given as a string.
Related Functions
- DefineTool: Defines a tool.
- DefineTool2: Defines a tool with an identifier.
- ToolGeometry: Defines the geometry of a tool but requires the identifier to be defined first.
- GeometryForToolNumber: Allows
the tool geometry to be defined without giving an explicit
identifier. Instead an identifier is generated by pre-pending a
to the tool number.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Tool not found: There is no tool in the database with the number.
void SetToolNumber( System::String^ old_id, System::String^ new_id ); void SetToolNumber( string old_id, string new_id );
The SetToolNumber() function changes the number of a tool when an application does not want to use the numbers assigned by an APT program.
- old_id:
- The old id given as a string because STEP-NC does not require the tool number to be an integer.
- new_id:
- Also given as a string.
Related Functions
- DefineTool: Defines the parameters of a tool such as the length and diameter.
- SELCTLTool: Defines a tool number for the most recently defined tool.
- LoadTool: Starts a new workingstep using the tool with the given tool number
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Tool not found: There is no tool in the database with the old number/id.
SetUUID_force(), -if_not_set(), -to_string()
System::String^ SetUUID_force()( System::Int64 entity_id );
System::String^ SetUUID_if_not_set()( System::Int64 entity_id );
System::String^ SetUUID_to_string()( System::Int64 entity_id System::String^ uuid_str );
A UUID is a number that in practice will never be generated again. The SetUUID_if_not_set() function assigns a Universally Unique IDentifier to an entity if one has not yet been set. The SetUUID_force() function assigns a new Universally Unique IDentifier to an entity and should be used whenever the underlying value of the concept represented by that entity has changed. The SetUUID_to_string() function sets the UUID to a given string which must be unique. The intended use of this function is for when an old copy of an object has been deleted and a new copy has been created as a replacement with the same identity.
- entity_id:
- The internal (STEP Part 21) identity of an entity.
- uuid_str:
- The UUID to be given to the object which must be unique.
Related Functions
- GetUUID: Gets the UUID currently assigned to an entity.
- GetID_from_UUID(): Given a UUID, return the entity id of the object which it is related to.
- SetName(): Set the name of an entity to a given string.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Diallowed: The entity does not represent a concept currently deemed worthy of a UUID. Call STEP Tools if this is an issue.
- Duplicate: The UUIID is already used for another entity make sure it is deleted before you reassign the value.
void SetWorkingstepNameInPlan( System::Int64 plan_id, System::Int64 index, System::String^ name );
The SetWorkingStepName() function sets the name of a workingstep. The function is intended to be used after process data has been converted to STEP-NC and allows meaningful names to be assigned to the process steps after the parsing have been completed.
The function will set names in workplans and selectives and can be used to set the name of any executable.
- plan_id:
- The id of a workplan or selective.
- index:
- The position (base 0) of the executable within the workplan or selective that is to be given the new name.
- name:
- The new name.
Related Functions
- WorkingstepName: Define the name of the current workingstep during the translation of a process to STEP-NC.
- SetName: Set the name of a range of different kinds of objects.
Common Errors
- No project open.
- Invalid plan_id.
- Index out of range.
void Shutdown();
The Shutdown() function is a version of the Reset function deletes all of the data in the APT object as well as resetting it to its initial state. If multiple applications are sharing the same object then all but the last object should execute a reset and after they have finished the last should shutdown it down.
void SpindleSpeedCCW( double speed ); void SpindleSpeedCW( double speed );
The SpindleSpeed() functions define the spindle speed to be used by all subsequent tool paths.
If a toolpath is currently being constructed then it is finished
and a new one is started for the next geometry item with the new
spindle speed. If the API is not in CAM Mode
a new workingstep is also constructed because in APT files changes in
Spindle speed usually only happen at the start or end of an operation.
The system is put into CAM Mode
if the application
starts to create its own workingsteps using
the Workingstep function. There are also
explicit CamModeOn
and CamModeOff functions. In CAM mode the
API assumes it is being controlled by a CAM translation application
that can make its own decisions about the best boundaries between
workingsteps so it only creates new workingsteps when forced to by a
change in tool.
The unit of the Spindle speed can be set using the SpindleSpeedUnit function.
- Speed:
- The value for the new speed. The SpindleSpeed function is a null operation if the new feed is the same as the current speed.
Related Functions
- SpindleSpeedUnit: Used to define the spindle speed unit.
- SetSpindleSpeedForFeed: Set the spindle speed for all instances of a given feed rate.
- Feedrate: Defines the feedrate.
- Workingstep: Start a new workingstep.
- CamModeOn: Turns CAM mode on.
- CamModeOff: Turns CAM mode off (the default) in this mode each call to Spindle creates a new workingstep.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void SpindleSpeedUnit( System::String^ unit ); void SpindleSpeedUnit( string unit );
The SpindleSpeedUnit() function defines the units to be used for all subsequent spindle speeds. The function should be followed by a call to SpindleSpeed to set the new spindle speed value. The function sets the current speed to 0. The function sets the technology object to NULL until a new one is needed for a new tool path.
- Unit:
- The unit to be used for future spindle speeds as
described by one of the following strings.
cycles per second -
revolutions per minute
Related Functions
- SpindleSpeed: Sets spindle speed value.
- GetCurrentTech: Returns the identifier of the technology object currently being used to define feeds and speeds for new tool paths.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Invalid string: The string describing the units does not have one of the values recognized by the STEP-NC API.
void Stop( System::String^ label );
The Stop() function adds the Stop NC function to the current workplan. The Stop function stops the program.
If a workingstep and toolpath is open when an NC function is added then that workingstep and toolpath will be ended, and a new workingstep and toolpath will be started if any new tool path geometry is added to the program.
- Label:
- A label that can be used to identify the stop.
Related Functions
- OptionalStop: Adds an optional stop to the STEP-NC program.
- Generate::SetStopAfterWorkingstep: Tells the STEP-NC to ISO 6983 converter functions (ExportAsFanuc etc) to put a Stop at the end of every workingstep.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
System::Int64 StopAfter( System::String^ label, System::Int64 index, System::Int64 plan_id );
The StopAfter() function inserts a Stop NC function into a given location in the STEP-NC program.
- Label:
- A label for the new function
- Index:
- The position relative to the start of the workplan where the workingstep is to be placed. If the index is less than 0 then it will be placed at the start of the workplan. If it is equal to or greater than the size of the workplan then it will be placed after the end. Otherwise it will be placed after the item in the current position.
- Plan_id
- The identifier of the workplan into which the workingstep is to be inserted. See Seciton for a description of how to use identifiers.
Related Functions
- OptionalStopAfter: Adds an optional stop to the STEP-NC program.
- Stop: Adds the stop to the current end of the program.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void ToolGeometry( System::String^ file_name, System::String^ tool_identifier ); void ToolGeometry( string file_name, string tool_identifier );
The ToolGeometry() function defines the geometry of a tool using an STEP CAD file. A tool must have an identifier before it can be given geometry. The identifier can be defined using the SetToolIdentifier function, the DefineTool2 function or as a side effect of the GeometryForToolNumber function. The latter function is a simpler interface for this function.
For proper visualization and simulation, the origin of the tool geometry must be at the tip of the tool and the center line of the tool must be the z axis.
- File name:
- The name of the file that contains the AP-203 geometry for the tool.
- Identifier
- The identifier for the tool as a string.
Related Functions
- DefineTool: Defines the parametric parameters of a tool such as the diameter, length and tool tip radius.
- DefineTool2: Defines the parametric parameters and a tool identifier.
- SetToolIdentifier: Defines the identifier of the tool.
- GeometryForToolNumber: Allows
the tool geometry to be defined without giving an explicit
identifier. Instead an identifier is generated by pre-pending a
to the tool number. - ExportToolGeometry: Export the geometry of a tool as an STEP CAD file.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Tool not found: There is no tool in the database with the given identifier.
- Bad tool name: The geometry file must not have the same name as the project
System::String^ URLGet();
The URLGet() function
System::Int64 URLHas();
The URLHas() function
void Workingstep( System::String^ label ); void Workingstep( string label );
The Workingstep() function starts a new workingstep at the end of the current workplan.
- Name
- A name that can be used to identify the workingstep. The name is often shown to the users so it should be meaningful.
Related Functions
- WorkingstepAfter: This function has parameters to control the placement of the new workingstep in an existing program.
- NestWorkplan: This function starts a new workplan.
- EndWorkplan: This function ends a workplan. There is no explicit end workingstep function. A workingstep is ended when another workingstep is started.
- LoadTool: This function is used by APT programs to define a new tool and by implication a new workingstep because a workingstep can only have one tool.
- SpindleSpeed: This function is used by APT programs to change the spindle speed and unless the system is in CAM mode it will also create a new workingstep.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
WorkingstepAfter(), -End()
System::Int64 WorkingstepAfter( System::String^ label, System::Int64 index, System::Int64 plan_id ); System::Int64 WorkingstepEnd( ); int WorkingstepAfter( string label, int index, int plan_id );
The WorkingstepAfter() function creates a new workingstep at a given location in a given workplan.
The WorkingstepEnd() function explicitly terminates the current workingstep. Workingsteps can also be implicitly terminated by starting a new workingstep.
If a workingstep is explicitly terminated then any following toolpath data will be put into a new workingstep. This may cause issues if the code is followed by an explict workingstep command because there will be three steps in the program: the one before terminstation; the one with the data between the commands; and the one created by the new workingstep().
- Name
- A name that can be used to identify the workingstep. The name is frequently shown to the users by applications so it should be meaningful.
- Index:
- The position relative to the start of the workplan where the workingstep is to be placed. If the index is less than 0 then it will be placed at the start of the workplan. If it is equal to or greater than the size of the workplan then it will be placed after the end. Otherwise it will be placed after the item in the current position.
- Plan_id
- The identifier of the workplan into which the
workingstep is to be inserted. See Seciton for a description of how to
use identifiers.
Related Functions
- Workingstep: This function creates a new workingstep at the end of the current workplan.
- NestWorkplanAfter: This function starts a new workplan at an arbitrary location.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void WorkingstepAddPropertyCountMeasure( System::Int64 ws_id, System::String^ property_name, System::Int64 value ); void WorkingstepAddPropertyCountMeasure( int ws_id, string property_name, int value );
The WorkingstepAddPropertyLengthMeasure() function adds an application-defined CAM property to the workingstep. The property will have a numeric count value.
void WorkingstepAddPropertyDescriptiveMeasure( System::Int64 ws_id, System::String^ property_name, System::String^ value ); void WorkingstepAddPropertyDescriptiveMeasure( int ws_id, string property_name, string value );
The WorkingstepAddPropertyDescriptiveMeasure() function adds an application-defined CAM property to the workingstep. The property will have a descriptive string value.
void WorkingstepAddPropertyLengthMeasure( System::Int64 ws_id, System::String^ property_name, double value ); void WorkingstepAddPropertyLengthMeasure( int ws_id, string property_name, double value );
The WorkingstepAddPropertyCountMeasure() function adds an application-defined CAM property to the workingstep. The property will have a length value defined by the current unit system.
void WorkingstepName( System::String^ label );
The WorkingstepName() function sets the name of the current workingstep without making any state changes.
- Name
- The new name for the workingstep.
Related Functions
- Workingstep: This function starts a new workingstep.
- SetName: This function sets the name of amny different types of objects including workingsteps.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void WorkingstepOperationReuse( System::Int64 ws_id );
The WorkingstepOperationReuse() function creates a workingstep by reusing the operation in a given workingstep. This will allow the data to be transformed to a new location and orientation using the WorkingstepToolpathOrientation function.
- ws_id
- The identity of the workingstep whose operation is to be repeated.
Related Functions
- WorkingstepOperationReuseAfter: This function has parameters to control the placement of the repeated workingstep.
- WorkingstepToolpathOrientation: Function to control the placement of the repeated operation.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The ws_id does not identify a workingstep.
void WorkingstepOperationReuseAfter( System::Int64 ws_id, System::Int64 index, System::Int64 plan_id );
The WorkingstepOperationReuseAfter() function Repeats a workingstep operation and puts it at a given location in the STEP-NC program.
- ws_id
- The identity of the workingstep that is to be repeated.
- index:
- The desired position for the workingstep in the workplan.
- plan_id:
- The identity of the workplan that is to contain the repeated workingstep. See Section for some important notes on how to use identifiers.
Related Functions
- WorkingstepOperationReuse: Repeats the workingstep at the current end of the STEP-NC program.
- WorkingstepToolpathOrientation: Function to control the placement of the repeated operation.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The ws_id does not identify a workingstep.
- Index range: Index is out of range for the workplan list [0, count – 1]
void WorkingstepReuse( System::Int64 ws_id );
The WorkingstepReuse() function repeats a workingstep by putting it into the current workplan. For example, if the same operation is needed in more than one alternative of a Selective.
- ws_id
- The identity of the workingstep that is to be repeated.
Related Functions
- WorkingstepReuseAfter: This function has parameters to control where the repeated workingstep is placed in a workplan.
- ExecutableReuse: Repeat any kind of executable including a workingstep, nc function, workplan or selective.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The ws_id does not identify a workingstep.
void WorkingstepReuseAfter( System::Int64 ws_id, System::Int64 index, System::Int64 plan_id );
The WorkingstepReuseAfter() function repeats a workingstep at a given location in the STEP-NC program.
- ws_id
- The identity of the workingstep that is to be repeated.
- Index:
- The desired position for the workingstep in the workplan.
- Plan_id:
- The identity of the workplan that is to contain the repeated workingstep. See Section for some important notes on how to use identifiers.
Related Functions
- WorkingstepReuse: Repeats the workingstep at the current end of the STEP-NC program.
- ExecutableReuseAfter: Repeat any kind of executable including a workingstep, nc function, workplan or selective.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The ws_id does not identify a workingstep.
void WorkingstepSiemensCycle81( System::String ws_name, // Parameters as defined by Siemens rtp, rfp, sdis, dp, dpr ); void WorkingstepSiemensCycle82( System::String ws_name, // Parameters as defined by Siemens rtp, rfp, sdis, dp, dpr, dtb ); void WorkingstepSiemensCycle83( System::String ws_name, // Parameters as defined by Siemens rtp, rfp, sdis, dp, dpr, fdep, fdpr, dam, dtb, dps, frf, _vari, _axn, _mdep, _vrt, _dtd, _dis1 ); void WorkingstepSiemensCycle84( System::String ws_name, // Parameters as defined by Siemens rtp, rfp, sdis, dp, dpr, dtb, sdac, mpit, pit, poss, sst, sst1, _axn, _ptab, _techno, _vari, _dam, _vrt ); void WorkingstepSiemensCycle840( System::String ws_name, // Parameters as defined by Siemens rtp, rfp, sdis, dp, dpr, dtb, sdr, sdac, enc, mpit, pit, _axn, _ptab, _techno );
The WorkingstepSiemensCycleXXX() functions define a workingstep for one of the Siemens canned cycles. The cycles currently supported are Drill Centering (Cycle 81), Drill Counter Boring (Cycle 82), Deep Drilling (Cycle 83), Rigid Tapping (Cycle 84) and Rigid Tapping with compensating chuck (Cycle 840).
The system makes a workingstep for the new operation with the parameters defined by the cycle. The system also generates a toolpath for the motions necessary to complete the operation. The generated motion does not include any special features of the cycle such as synchronized stops and bottom dwells.
- ws_name
- The label for the new workingstep.
- other parameters
- See the Siemens 840D Cycle Manual.
Related Functions
- See the Finder for functions to access the data in a Siemens Cycle.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
void WorkingstepToolpathOrientation( double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k, double a, double b, double c );
The WorkingstepToolpathOrientation() function defines a coordinate transformation for the toolpaths in the current workingstep.
If the workongstep is in a setup then it should be defined first because the WorkingstepToolpathOrintation function will place the toolpaths onto the desired coordinates after the setup has been applied.
- x, y, z:
- The origin of the placement.
- i, j, k:
- The Z axis direction of the placement.
- a, b, c:
- The X axis direction of the placement.
Related Functions
- Workingstep: Create a new current workingstep.
- WorkingstepToolpathOrientationReuse: Use the orientation of one toolpath in another (useful when an orientation has to be repeated for many steps).
- WorkplanToolpathOrientation: Set the orientation for all the toolpaths in a workplan.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The ws_id does not identify a workingstep.
void WorkingstepToolpathOrientationDelete( System::Int64 ws_id );
The WorkingstepToolpathOrientationDelete() function deletes the toolpath orientation of a workingstep so that the toolpaths will appear at their defined (native) coordinates.
- ws_id:
- The identity of the workingstep.
Related Functions
- WorkingstepToolpathOrientation: Define an orientation for the toolpaths in a workingstep.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The ws_id does not identify a workingstep.
void WorkingstepToolpathOrientationReuse( System::Int64 reuse_ws_id, System::Int64 in_ws_id );
The WorkingstepToolpathOrientationReuse() function defines the orientation of a workingstep by reusing a previously defined orientation.
- ws1_id:
- The identity of the workingstep whose orientation is to be set.
- ws2_id:
- The identity of the workingstep whose orientation is to be reused.
Related Functions
- WorkingstepToolpathOrientation: Define an orientation for the toolpaths in a workingstep.
- WorkingstepOperationReuse: Duplicate the operation in a workingstep so that it can have a new orientation set.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The ws1_id or ws2_id does not identify a workingstep.
void Workpiece( System::String^ filename ); void Workpiece( string filename );
The Workpiece() function defines the geometry of the workpiece from an STEP CAD file. The function assumes that all of the geometry in the file is to make up the workpiece. Any mechanical CAD STEP file can be used to define the geometry (AP203/AP214/AP242). If the STEP file has tolerances and dimensions, they will be included with the workpiece. The Tolerance object has more information on how tolerances are processed in the API.
The new workpiece is made the default workpiece of the project. More specific workpieces can be defined for each workplan using WorkplanWorkpiecePlacementAdd and for each executable using the ExecutableWorkpiece functions.
- File name:
- The name of the STEP file that defines the workpiece.
Related Functions
- PutWorkpiecePlacement: This function changes the placement of the workpiece so that it can be positioned and oriented correctly within the context of the tool paths.
- ExportWorkpiece: This function exports an STEP CAD file describing the rawpiece.
- Rawpiece: Performs the same function as workpiece but for the rawpiece
- Fixture: Performs the same function as workpiece but for the fixture.
- GetCurrentWorkpiece: Returns the id of the current workpiece or null (0).
- PartNo: This function gives a name to the workpiece without defining any geometry and/or changes the name of the current workpiece.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad File: The API was unable to open a file with the given name or it was not a valid STEP file.
- Bad name: The workpiece cannot have the same name as the project.
void WorkpieceAndRawpiece( System::String^ file_name );
The WorkpieceAndRawpiece() function is for legacy AP224 data in which the workpiece and rawpiece are stored in the same file.
WorkpieceSliceThickness(), -Count()()
System::Int64 WorkpieceSliceThickness( System::Int64 wp_id, double thickness, System::Int64 axis ); System::Int64 WorkpieceSliceCount( System::Int64 wp_id, System::Int64 count, System::Int64 axis );
The WorkpieceSlice() function slices a model into submodels. The sliced models are returned as a product assembly with each slice as one component of the assembly.
The WorkpieceSliceCount() function makes the requested number of slices.
The WorkpieceSliceThickness() function makes slices with the requested thickness.
Both functions return the identity of a new product containing the assembly of slices.
- wp_id
- The identity of a workpiece containing the model that is to be sliced.
- count
- The number of slices.
- thickness
- The slice width.
- axis
- The axis of slicing (0 = X, 1 = Y, 2 = Z).
System::Int64 WorkplanFromSelective( System::Int64 sel_id );
The WorkplanFromSelective() function converts a selective workplan back to being a regular workplan.
- plan_id:
- The identity of the workplan that is to be converted to a selective.
Related Functions
- WorkplanToSelective: Function to convert a regular workplan into a selective workplan.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The plan_id does not identify a selective workplan.
void WorkplanSetup( System::Int64 plan_id, double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k, double a, double b, double c ); void WorkplanSetup( int plan_id, double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k, double a, double b, double c );
The WorkplanSetup() function defines a coordinate system for both the toolpaths in the workplan and the workpiece models of that workplan. Different workplans can have different setups so that for example one workplan mills the top face of a part and another workplan mills the bottom face.
- plan_id:
- The identity of the workplan.
- x, y, z:
- The origin of the placement.
- i, j, k:
- The Z axis direction of the placement.
- a, b, c:
- The X axis direction of the placement.
Related Functions
- PutWorkpiecePlacement: Function used to define the placement of a workpiece.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The plan_id does not identify a workplan.
void WorkplanSetupDelete( System::Int64 plan_id ); void WorkplanSetupDelete( int plan_id );
The WorkplanSetupDelete() function deletes a workplan setup and any associated data such as the placement of the workpiece on the fixture and the fixture on the machine tool.
- plan_id:
- The identity of the workplan that contains the setup that is to be deleted.
Related Functions
- WorkplanSetup: Function to define the setup of a workplan.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The plan_id does not identify a workplan with a setup.
void WorkplanSetupFixture( System::Int64 plan_id, System::String^ file_name );
The WorkplanSetupFixture() function defines the geometry of the fixture from an STEP CAD file. The function assumes that all of the geometry in the file is to make up the fixture. Any STEP file can be used provided it is compatible with AP-203. It is quite common for a fixture to be defined as an assembly of parts such as four bolts. If the file is an AP-203 Edition 2 file then the geometry may include dimensions and tolerances.
The fixture is placed in the coordinate system defined by the setup which defaults to the origin if undefined.
- file name:
- The name of the STEP file that defines the fixture.
- plan_id:
- The identify of the workplan that is to contain the fixture.
Related Functions
- WorkplanSetup: Defines the coordinate system to be used by a setup.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad File: The API was unable to open a file with the given name or it was not a valid STEP file.
- Bad name: The fixture cannot have the same name as the project.
- Bad id: The plan_id does not identify a workplan
void WorkplanSetupFixtureMountGet( System::Int64 plan_id, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %a, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %b, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %c ); void WorkplanSetupFixtureMountPut( System::Int64 plan_id, double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k, double a, double b, double c );
The WorkplanSetupFixtureMountGet() function gets the coordinates of the fixture mount.
The WorkplanSetupFixtureMountPut() function defines where to put the fixture on the machine. This function completes the chain of connections by defining where the fixture is to be placed on the machine tool.
- plan_id:
- The identity of the workplan.
- x, y, z:
- The origin of the placement.
- i, j, k:
- The Z axis direction of the placement.
- a, b, c:
- The X axis directionof the placement.
Related Functions
- The WorkplanSetupPut function defines the coordinate system of the workplan. For example, the workpiece may be turned over so that the bottom face is milled in this setup.
- The WorkplanSetupFixtureWorkpiecePut function places the workplan/workpiece onto the fixture. For example, the workpiece maybe clamped into the middle of the fixture vice.
- The WorkplanSetupFixtureMountPut function places the fixture onto the machine tool. For example, the fixture may be placed in the middle of the machine tool bed.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The plan_id does not identify a workplan.
void WorkplanSetupFixtureWorkpieceGet( System::Int64 plan_id, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %a, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %b, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %c ); void WorkplanSetupFixtureWorkpiecePut( System::Int64 plan_id, double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k, double a, double b, double c );
The WorkplanSetupFixtureWorkpieceGet() function gets the coordinates where the workpiece is placed on the fixture.
The WorkplanSetupFixtureWorkpiecePut() function completes the chain of connections by defining where the workpiece is to be placed on the fixture.
- wp_id:
- The identity of the workplan.
- x, y, z:
- The origin of the placement.
- i, j, k:
- The Z axis direction of the placement.
- a, b, c
- The X axis direction of the placement.
Related Functions
- The WorkplanSetupPut function defines the coordinate system of the workplan. For example, the workpiece may be turned over so that the bottom face is milled in this setup.
- The WorkplanSetupFixtureWorkpiecePut function places the workplan/workpiece onto the fixture. For example, the workpiece maybe clamped into the middle of the fixture vice.
- The WorkplanSetupFixtureMountPut function places the fixture onto the machine tool. For example, the fixture may be placed in the middle of the machine tool bed.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The wp_id does not identify a workplan.
void WorkplanSetupGet( System::Int64 plan_id, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %a, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %b, [System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %c ); void WorkplanSetupPut( System::Int64 plan_id, double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k, double a, double b, double c );
The WorkplanSetupGet() function gets the coordinates of a Workplan setup and WorkplanSetupPut() function changes the coordinates the setup. The placement is given by a origin coordinate and direction vectors for the Z axis and X axis.
See PutWorkplanSetup and GetWorkplanSetup for the equivalent node functions.
- plan_id:
- The identity of the workplan.
- x, y, z:
- The origin of the placement.
- i, j, k:
- The Z axis direction of the placement.
- a, b, c:
- The X axis direction of the placement.
Related Functions
- WorkplanSetup: Define the setup of a workplan.
- GetPlacement: Function used to define the placement of a workpiece.
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The plan_id does not identify a workplan.
void WorkplanToolpathOrientation( int64: plan_id, double x, double y, double z, double i, double j, double k, double a, double b, double c );
The WorkplanToolpathOrientation() function defines a coordinate transformation for the toolpaths in a selected workplan.
If the workplan is in a setup then it should be defined first because the WorkplanToolpathOrintation function will place the toolpaths onto the desired coordinates after the setup has been applied.
- x, y, z:
- The origin of the placement.
- i, j, k:
- The Z axis direction of the placement.
- a, b, c:
- The X axis direction of the placement.
Related Functions
Common Errors
- No project open: An AP-238 file must be open - see the NewProject function.
- Bad identity: The plan_id does not identify a workingstep.
void WorkplanToolpathOrientationDelete( System::Int64 [lan_id );
The WorkplanToolpathOrientationDelete() function deletes the toolpath orientation of a workplan so that the toolpaths will appear at their defined (native) coordinates.
- plan_id:
- The identity of the workplan.