
Service Pack One updates Version 19 of the STEP Tools® software to include the latest STEP AP242e2 additions, improvements to the faceters and underlying libraries.

STEP Improvements

Updated the STEP EXPRESS class library with the recent minor revision of AP242e2, which adjusts some of the definitions published in 2020. This revision adds the following new definitions, some of which improve PMI capabilities, and others which are used for electrical wire harness modeling:

The revision also removes the three following definitions, which were added in 2020 but subsequently replaced with better definitions:

IFC Improvements

The IFC mesher now supports face voids when specified with a IfcIndexedPolygonalFaceWithVoids.

Mesh With IfcIndexedPolygonalFaceWithVoids

Core Improvements

The Expat XML parser has been moved out of the ROSE library and consolidated with other XML handling in a new library called rosexml. This replaces the p28e2 library and holds the Mesh XML reading routines previously provided by the ROSE Math library. The new ROSE XML library uses Expat version 2.4.4.

To update applications that previously used the p28e2 library, simply replace p28e2.lib with rosexml.lib and link in the rosemath library if you are not already doing so.

The ROSE Math library has new functions to slice a mesh, and get and fill the intersection loops with parallel lines, such as for additive manufacturing toolpaths

Mesh Slicing For Additive Planning

Continued to improve our geometry faceting code. Improved handling of surfaces bounded by a complex trimmed spline curve, where quasi-periodic surfaces such as screws not faceting property. As part of this we improved NURBS curve solving. Corrected another problem where the additional facets outside the bounding curve were being generated, due to surface patch corner appearing very close to the bounding curve.

Continued to improve our mesh boolean calculation code. Fixed an issue that detected a false positive for an impossible case, and another where edges were incorrectly getting merged.

Platforms and Compilers

The STEP Tools® software is available for the operating systems and compiler combinations shown below. In Service Pack One we have combined MacOS Arm (Apple Silicon, M1) and Intel 64bit support into a single Universal Mach-O library. Support for Intel 32bit on the Mac has been retired.

Platform Supported Compilers
Windows 10 32bit Visual Studio 2019 (VC++ 16), Visual Studio 2017 (VC++ 15), Visual Studio 2015 (VC++ 14), Visual Studio 2013 (VC++ 12), Visual Studio 2012 (VC++ 11), with the /MD option. Library versions for static and DLL linking.
Windows 10 64bit Visual Studio 2019 (VC++ 16), Visual Studio 2017 (VC++ 15), Visual Studio 2015 (VC++ 14), Visual Studio 2013 (VC++ 12), Visual Studio 2012 (VC++ 11), with the /MD option. Library versions for static and DLL linking.
MacOS 11+, Arm 64bit and Intel 64bit Clang (Xcode 12.0). Library versions for plain and position-independent static linking, and dynamic linking.
Linux 64bit GCC-7+ and GCC 3.4/4.x and newer. Library versions for plain and position-independent static linking, and dynamic linking.
Linux 32bit GCC 3.4/4.x and newer. Library versions for plain and position-independent static linking, and dynamic linking.
Contact us to arrange other platforms or configurations. See the installation notes for Windows, MacOS, and UNIX for details on each platform, library versions, C++ compilers and build flags.

The STEP Tools® libraries use several open source packages.

Versions and Installers

Service Pack One was released on 2022-02-01, and the installers and versions for the Core, STEP, IFC, and other packages are listed below.

Package		Version		Installer
-------		-------		---------
Core SDK	v19.1		stdev_core_19_1_*
STEP Stack	v19.1		stdev_stpstack_19_1_
IFC Stack	v19.1		stdev_ifcstack_19_1_

IGES Library	v19.1		igeslib_19_1_*
CIS/2 Library	v19.1		cislib_19_1_*
STP_ed1 Stack	v19.1		stdev_stp_e1stack_19_1_*