How often does the forum meet?
The forum meets when the ISO SC4 Working Group meets. A list of proposed meetings for SC4 can be found here (offsite).
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Which SC4 standards have commercial implementations?
There are commercial implementations of 10303-11, 10303-21, 10303-23, 10303-24, 10303-26, 10303-27, 10303-203, 10303-209, 10303-210, 10303-212, 10303-214, 10303-215, 10303-216, 10303-217, 10303-218, 10303-221, 10303-225, and 10303-227 forum meets when the ISO SC4 Working Group meets. A list of proposed meetings for SC4 can be found here (offsite).
What is STEP?
STEP is the STandard for the Exchange of Product model data. It is an ISO standard (10303) for the computer-interpretable representation and exchange of product data. The objective is to provide a mechanism that is capable of describing product data throughout the life cycle of a product, independent from any particular system. The nature of this description makes it suitable not only for neutral exchange, but also as a basis for implementing and sharing product databases and archiving. For more information on STEP, check out our STEP Library.
What is PDES?
PDES as the Product Data Exchange Specification which was the original US name for the successor standard to IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification). This is now a synonym for STEP and the acronym was changed to Product Data Exchange using STEP. There will be no PDES standard in and of itself. It should be noted that the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) published rendition of STEP (distributed by US Pro is named PDES (e.g. STEP Part 203 is PDES Part 203).
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What is PLIB?
PLIB is the standard for Parts LIBrary data. It is an ISO standard (13584) for the computer-interpretable representation and exchange of part library data. The objective is to provide a neutral mechanism capable of transferring parts library data, independent of any application that is using a parts library data system. The nature of this description makes it suitable not only for the exchange of files containing parts, but also as a basis for implementing and sharing databases of parts library data..
What is MANDATE?
MANDATE is the standard for Manufacturing Management Data. It is an ISO standard (15531) for the computer-interpretable representation and exchange of industrial manufacturing management data. The objective is to provide a neutral mechanism capable of describing industrial manufacturing management data throughout the production process within the same industrial company and with its external environment, independent from any particular system. The nature of this description makes it suitable not only for neutral file exchange, but also as a basis for implementing and sharing manufacturing management databases and archiving.
What is OIL & GAS?
Oil & GAS is an ISO standard (15926) for the representation of oil and gas production facility life-cycle information. The purpose of this International Standard is to facilitate integration of data to support the life-cycle activities and processes of oil and gas production facilities by specifying a data model that defines the meaning of the life-cycle information in a single context supporting all the views that process engineers, equipment engineers, operators, maintenance engineers and other specialists may have of the facility.
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Where can I get the actual documentation for SC4 Standards?
The documents of the SC4 standards (ISO 10303, 13584, 15531 and 15926) are copyrighted and published by ISO. They are not available electronically but can be procured from your countiry's standards organization or from US PRO (the U.S. organization that has been licensed to sell them).
How do I get in touch with SC4 or its committees?
SC4 and its subgroups have the following email exploders:
  • SC4 - sc4@cme.nist.gov
  • SC4 Enhancement and Discrepancy System Report Submission - seds@cme.nist.gov
  • Standard Data Access Interface Project - sdai@cme.nist.gov
  • System Engineering system - engineering@cme.nist.gov
  • Working Group 10 SC4 Architecture - wg10@cme.nist.gov
  • Working Group 11 EXPRESS, Implementation and Conformance Methods - wg11@cme.nist.gov
  • Working Group 12 Common Resources - wg12@cme.nist.gov
  • Working Group 3 Product Modeling - wg3@cme.nist.gov
  • Working Group 8 Manufacturing Managemen t- wg8@cme.nist.gov
  • Working Group 9 ISO/IEC/EE Application - jwg9@cme.nist.gov
  • JWorking Group 9 - jwg9-l@aticorp.org
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What is IGES?
IGES is the Initial Graphics Exchange Specification which is an US ANSI Standard for the exchange of geometry, drawings, piping and electrical information. This standard is used worldwide for geometry and drawing exchange.
What is VDA-FS?
VDA-FS is the German standard for transfer of surface data between dissimilar CAD/CAM systems. It was developed by the Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA) , the German Automobile Manufacturers Association as VDA-Flächenschnittstelle. It is a German National Standard published as DIN 66301.
What is SET?
SET (Standard d'Échange et de Transfert) is a French standard to exchange and archive CAD data. It was developed as a neutral file format for exchanging data between different CAD systems at Aerospatiale in 1983. The aim was to develop a more reliable alternative to IGES. It became an official French standard, AFNOR Z68-300, SET, in 1985.
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What is DXF(TM)?
DXF (Data eXchange Format) is a trademark of Autodesk and is a de-facto exchange standard for 2D and 3D data.
What is IDF?
Intermediate Data Format (IDF) provides a neutral representation for exchanging printed circuit assemblies among MCAD and ECAD systems. IDF was initially developed in a cooperative effort between SDRC and Mentor Graphics in 1992. IDF is based on a format which evolved from Racal-Redac in the late 1980s.
What is EDIF?
EDIF (Electronic Design Interchange Format) ) is a format used to interchange design data between CAD systems. The format has been standardized by the Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA), a US based industry association. EDIF Version 3 0 0 is also an ANSI standard and has recently completed the process of becoming IEC standard 61690-1. EDIF Version 4 0 0 is also already an EIA/ANSI standard and is currently completing the process of becoming IEC 61690-2.
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For more information, please send an e-mail to Martin Hardwick