ENTITY document_identifier_assignment
(* SCHEMA step_merged_ap_schema; *)
-- DIFF IN AP203e2
-- IN AP203e2/AP238 STEP-NC/AP242
ENTITY document_identifier_assignment
SUBTYPE OF (group_assignment);
SELF\group_assignment.assigned_group : document_identifier;
items : SET [1:?] OF document_identifier_assigned_item;
Explicit Attributes
Entity document_identifier_assignment has the following local and inherited explicit attributes:
Derived Attributes
Entity document_identifier_assignment has the following local and inherited derived attributes:
Inverse Attributes
No Inverse AttributesSupertypes
Entity document_identifier_assignment inherits from the following supertypes:
No subtypesReferenced By
Entity document_identifier_assignment and its supertypes are referenced by the following definitions:
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