TYPE contract_item
(* SCHEMA step_merged_ap_schema; *)
-- DIFF IN AP214
-- DIFF IN AP203e2
-- DIFF IN Deprecated AP203e1
-- DIFF IN AP232
-- IN AP203e2/AP214/AP232/AP238 STEP-NC/AP242/Deprecated AP203e1
TYPE contract_item = SELECT
(action, -- AP232
action_directive, -- AP203e2/AP238 STEP-NC/AP242
action_method, -- AP242
action_method_relationship, -- AP242
alternate_product_relationship, -- AP203e2/AP238 STEP-NC/AP242
applied_action_method_assignment, -- AP242
applied_classification_assignment, -- AP242
applied_description_text_assignment, -- AP242
applied_external_identification_assignment, -- AP242
applied_identification_assignment, -- AP242
applied_organization_assignment, -- AP242
applied_person_and_organization_assignment, -- AP242
directed_action, -- AP203e2/AP238 STEP-NC/AP242
drawing_revision, -- AP214/AP242
executed_action, -- AP203e2/AP214/AP242
information_usage_right, -- AP203e2/AP238 STEP-NC/AP242
interface_connector_as_planned, -- AP242
interface_connector_as_realized, -- AP242
interface_connector_design, -- AP242
organization, -- AP203e2/AP238 STEP-NC/AP242
organizational_project, -- AP242
person_and_organization, -- AP203e2/AP238 STEP-NC/AP242
product, -- AP203e2/AP238 STEP-NC/AP242
product_definition, -- AP232/AP242
product_definition_context, -- AP242
product_definition_formation, -- Common
product_definition_formation_relationship, -- AP242
product_definition_relationship, -- AP242
product_definition_with_associated_documents, -- AP232
product_group, -- AP242
product_group_relationship, -- AP242
product_identification, -- AP242
property_definition, -- AP232
requirement_assignment, -- AP242
requirement_source, -- AP242
security_classification, -- AP242
structured_message, -- AP242
validation, -- AP242
verification, -- AP242
versioned_action_request); -- AP242
Referenced By
Defintion contract_item is references by the following definitions:
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