The following functions help to create and manage STEP external identification data, which is used to create assemblies that reference external files for their individual piece parts. These functions are defined by the stix_extid.h header file.
char * stix_get_external_filename( stp_document_file * doc );
The stix_get_external_filename() function looks through the attributes of a document_file instance and any associated external ID and returns the string containing the filename. Expects StixMgrExternalID to be present.
class StixMgrDocumentRef
The StixMgrDocumentRef class is a RoseManager subtype that keeps a list of all applied document references that are attached to an object.
They are built by calling the static tag_design() function.
class StixMgrExternalID
The StixMgrExternalID class is a RoseManager subtype that keeps a list of all applied external identification assignments that are attached to an object.
They are built by calling the static tag_design() function.
class StixMgrRepExternalDef
The StixMgrRepExternalDef class is a RoseManager subtype that tracks when a representation has an external definition. It is applied to a representation and refers to a single document_file.
They are built by calling the static tag_design() function.