
This chapter provides an alphabetical reference to the functions provided by the SDAI C programming library.


Each function's description begins with the function's prototype. After the prototype, there is a description of the function's purpose and its parameters. This section also describes any side effects that the function may have, and what value, if any, is returned by the function.

The Errors section lists the errors, and gives a brief explanation of what conditions can cause each error to be flagged.

The Example section shows how the code may be used. Unless otherwise indicated, this example is neither a complete program nor function, but rather an outline which briefly demonstrates how the function may be used.

The See Also section provides cross reference to related functions in the SDAI binding, provides a reference to the clauses in the SDAI standard (both Part 22 and Part 24) which define the function.

Conformance Class

The SDAI implementation described in this document supports the following conformance classes:

This means that the this implementation provides the support required by implementation class 1 and class 2 except for scope support. It conforms to Implementation Class 4, with the exception of session recording support.

The following table is derived from Table 7 from ISO 10303-22. It shows what functionality is required by which implementation class (Y means the functionally is required, N means it is not; D or E means that a subset of the functionality is required). The table cells that are highlighted are identify the functionality that is present or exceeded in this implementation.

Operation Implementation Class
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Open Session Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Record error N* N* N* Y Y Y Y
Start event recording N* N* N* Y Y Y Y
Stop event recording N* N* N* Y Y Y Y
Close session Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Open repository Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Start transaction read-write access N* N* N* N* Y Y Y
Start transaction read-only access N* N* N* N* Y Y Y
Commit N* N* N* N* Y Y Y
Abort N* N* N* N* Y Y Y
End transaction access and commit N* N* N* N* Y Y Y
End transaction access and abort N* N* N* N* Y Y Y
Create non-persistent list Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Delete non-persistent list Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
SDAI query N* N* Y N* N* Y Y
Create SDAI -model Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Create schema instance Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Close repository Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Delete schema instance Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Rename schema instance Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Add SDAI-model D* D* Y* D* D* Y* Y*
Remove SDAI-model Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Validate uniqueness rule N* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Validate instance reference domain N* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Validate schema instance N* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Is validation current N* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
SDAI -model operations (not Save Undo, get dictionary) Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Get entity definition N* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Save and Undo N* N* N* Y* N* N* N*
Scope operations N* Y Y N* N* N* Y
Get complex entity definition N* N* N* N* N* N* Y*
Is subtype of Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Is SDAI subtype of Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Is domain equivalent with N* N* Y N* Y Y Y
Get population dependent bound N* E E E E E Y
Get attribute E* E* E* E* E* E* Y
Get instance type N* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Entity instance operations Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Find entity instance users N* N* Y* N* N* Y* Y*
Find entity instance usedin N* N* Y* N* N* Y* Y*
Get attribute value bound E E E E E E Y
Find roles played N* N* N* N* N* N* Y*
Find data types N* N* N* N* N* N* Y*
Copy application instance D* D* Y D* D* Y Y
Application instance operations except validation and label Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Application instance operations: persistent label operations N* N* N* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Get description Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Application instance operations: simple validation N* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*
Application instance operations: validation N* E* E* E* E* E* Y*
Entity and application instance bound related aggregate operations N* E* E* E* E* E* Y*
All entity and application instance non-bound related aggregate operations Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y* Y*

Unimplemented Functions

There are a number of functions defined in Part 22, but not documented here. These functions are not included in the conformance class that this SDAI implementation provides, and will generate the error FN_NAVL (function is not available) if they are called. These unimplemented functions consist of the following:



SdaiModel sdaiAccessModel(
	SdaiModel model, 
	SdaiAccessMode mode

The sdaiAccessModel() function makes the instances in an SDAI model available for access as either real-only or read-write. Until this function is called, any attempt to access the contents of a model results in an error. The parameter mode must be specified as sdaiRW (for read-write) or sdaiRO (for read only).

This function causes model.contents, model.underlying_schema andmodel.mode to be set. This function returns the parameter model unless there was an error in which case it returns sdaiNULL.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	NULL or invalid model
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	repository not open
    sdaiMX_RO    	model is already open in read-only mode
    sdaiMX_RW    	model is already open in read-write mode


    SdaiModel mod;
    sdaiAccessModel (mod, sdaiRW);

See Also

sdaiAccessModelBN();sdaiEndModelAccess(); ISO 10303-22-10.7.3, 10.7.6; ISO 10303-24-6.5.3


SdaiModel sdaiAccessModelIBN(
	SdaiRep repository,
	SdaiString modelName, 
	SdaiAccessMode mode

The sdaiAccessModelBN() function makes the instances in an SDAI model available for access as either real-only or read-write. Until this function is called, any attempt to access the contents of a model will result in an error.

the repository containing the model to be accessed. This repository must be opened for access.
The name of the model to be opened. This can be obtained by examining repository.contents.models.
sdaiRW (for read-write) or sdaiRO (for read only) access

This function causes model.contents, model.underlying_schema and model.mode to be set. This function returns the model accessed unless there was an error in which case it returns sdaiNULL.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	NULL or invalid model
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	repository not open
    sdaiRP_NEXS    	NULL repository {this error is not in p22/24}
    sdaiMX_RO    	model is already open in read-only mode
    sdaiMX_RW    	model is already open in read-write mode


    SdaiModel mod;
    SdaiSession sess = sdaiOpenSession();
    SdaiRep rep = sdaiOpenRepositoryBN (sess, "standard_3.0");
    mod = sdaiAccessModelBN (rep, "data", sdaiRW);

See Also

sdaiAccessModel(); sdaiEndModelAccess(); ISO 10303-22-10.7.4, 10.7.6; ISO 10303-24-6.5.3


void sdaiAdd(
	SdaiUnorderedAggr unorderedAggr, 
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType,
	<TYPE> value

The sdaiAdd() function adds a value to an unordered aggregate. The valueType parameter identifies the type of the value parameter and should be sdaiINTEGER, sdaiREAL, sdaiBOOLEAN, sdaiLOGICAL, sdaiSTRING, sdaiBINARY, sdaiENUM, sdaiINSTANCE, sdaiAGGR or sdaiADB.


    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is internal or is not unordered
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model is not writable
    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	value type cannot be converted to type of aggregate

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.14.1; ISO 10303-24-6.12.1


void sdaiAddModel(
	SdaiSchemaInstance schemaInstance, 
	SdaiModel model

The sdaiAddModel() function adds a new model to a schema instance.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiSI_NEXS    	schema instance does not exist
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	model does not exist, or NULL value passed in
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	model's repo is not open
    sdaiMX_NDEF    	model not open

See also

ISO 10303 - 22- 10.6.3; ISO 10303 - 24- 6.4.3


void sdaiAddModelBN (
	SdaiSchemaInstance schemaInstance,
	SdaiRep repository,
	SdaiString modelName

The sdaiAddModelBN() function adds a model to an existing schema instance. The model is identified by name in a repository.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open 
    sdaiSI_NEXS    	schema instance does not exist 
    sdaiMO_NEXT    	model does not exist, or NULL value passed in 
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	model's repo is not open
    sdaiMX_NDEF    	model not open


    sdaiAddModelBN (si, rep, "aModel");

See Also

ISO10303-22-10.6.3; ISO10303-24-6.4.3


void sdaiBeginning(
	SdaiIterator iterator

The sdaiBeginning() function moves an iterator to the beginning of the aggregate. The current value of the iterator is then unset. The next sdaiNext() call will set the iterator to the aggregate's first element.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist or is empty

See Also

sdaiNext(); ISO 10303-22-10.12.5; ISO 10303-24-6.10.5


void sdaiCloseRepository(
	SdaiRep repository,

The sdaiCloseRepository() function closes a repository and all of the models contained in it. Any further attempts to access the repository will generate errors, and any attempt to access any instance, in any model in the closed repository is undefined.


    sdaiRP_NEXS    	sdaiNULL repository
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	repository not open

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.5.3; ISO 10303-24-6.3.3


void sdaiCloseSession(
	SdaiSession session

The sdaiCloseSession() function ends the SDAI session. No further SDAI operations may be performed after a session is closed.

This function takes a parameter session, which identifies the session to be closed. This parameter should be the return value from the most recent call to sdaiOpenSession().


    sdaiSS_NOPN    :	 the session was not open.


    SdaiSession sess;
    sess = sdaiOpenSession();
        .  /* SDAI Operations here */

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.4.5; ISO 10303-24-6.2.4


SdaiADB sdaiCreateADB(
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType,
	<TYPE> value

The sdaiCreateADB() function creates an Attribute Data Block (ADB). An ADB is a typed union which can contain any SDAI data type. The Part 22 specification does not permit an ADB to be passed to this function, however, this implementation will permit it, copying the type and value of the ADB into the newly created ADB.

The parameter valueType identifies the type of parameter value, and should be one of the following: sdaiINTEGER, sdaiREAL, sdaiBOOLEAN, sdaiLOGICAL, sdaiSTRING, sdaiBINARY, sdaiENUM, sdaiINSTANCE, sdaiAGGR, or sdaiADB. The value parameter identifies the data to be stored in the new ADB.

This function returns the handle of the newly created ADB. This ADB should be freed by calling sdaiDeleteADB() after you are finished using it.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	valueType is not a legal type for this function.


    SdaiADB adb1, adb2, adb3;
    SdaiInstance inst;

    adb1 = sdaiCreateADB (sdaiINTEGER, 12);
    adb2 = sdaiCreateADB (sdaiSTRING, "String in an ADB");
    adb3 = sdaiCreateADB (sdaiINSTANCE, inst);

See Also

sdaiCreateEmptyADB(); sdaiDeleteADB(); ISO 10303-24-


SdaiAggr sdaiCreateAggr(
	SdaiAppInstance instance, 
	SdaiExplicitAttr attribute

The sdaiCreateAggr function() creates a new, empty aggregate as the value of an attribute in an instance. This function is used to set attributes that have aggregate slot types.

This function returns the newly created aggregate.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not writable
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	NULL attribute
    sdaiED_NVLD    	entity object is not an entity
    sdaiVA_NSET    	attribute is unset
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	attribute is not an aggregate

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.5; ISO 10303-24-6.9.6


SdaiAggr sdaiCreateAggrADB (
	SdaiAppInstance instance, 
	SdaiExplicitAttr attr,
	SdaiADB block

The sdaiCreateAggrADB() function creates a new, empty aggregate as the value of an attribute. This function is used to set the values of attribute that have aggregate types. The block parameter is used to identify the type of the attribute in the event that it is a SELECT.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open 
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance 
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not writable
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	NULL attribute
    sdaiED_NVLD    	entity object is not an entity
    sdaiVA_NSET    	attribute is unset 
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	attribute is not an aggregate

See Also

ISO 10303-24-6.9.6; ISO 10303-22-10.11.5


SdaiAggr sdaiCreateAggrBN(
	SdaiAppInstance instance, 
	SdaiString attributeName

The sdaiCreateAggr() function creates a new, empty aggregate as the value of an attribute in an instance. The parameter attributeName identifies the attribute where the aggregate is created.

This function returns the newly created aggregate.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not writable
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	NULL attribute
    sdaiED_NVLD    	entity object is not an entity
    sdaiVA_NSET    	attribute is unset
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	attribute is not an aggregate
    sdaiED_NDEF    	entity definition NULL or not defined

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.5; ISO 10303-24-6.9.6


SdaiAggr sdaiCreateAggrADBBN ( 
	SdaiAppInstance instance, 
	SdaiString attributeName,   
	SdaiADB adb

The sdaiCreateAggrBNADB() function creates a new, empty aggregate as the value of an attribute. This function is used to set the values of attribute that have aggregate types. The block parameter is used to identify the type of the attribute in the event that it is a SELECT.


In past releases, this function was named sdaiCreateAggrBNADB(). This function was omitted from earlier drafts of Part 24, and when it was added the name was changed to be is sdaiCreateAggrADBBN().


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance 
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not writable 
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	NULL attribute 
    sdaiED_NVLD    	entity object is not an entity 
    sdaiVA_NSET    	attribute is unset 	
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	attribute is not an aggregate

See Also

ISO 10303-24-6.9.6; ISO 10303-22-10.11.5


SdaiAppInstance sdaiCreateComplexInstance(
	SdaiModel model, 
	SdaiNPL entityList

The sdaiCreateComplexInstance() function creates an instance of a complex (AND-OR) entity. The entity must be in the working set for the compiled EXPRESS schema. The entityList parameter is an NPL, filled with entity_definition instances, which define the supertypes of the requested complex type.

This is a convenience function which basically calls sdaiGetComplexEntity() followed by sdaiCreateInstance(). If you need to create several complex instances of the same type, it is more efficient to call sdaiGetComplexEntity() once, then use sdaiCreateInstance() to create the individual instances.

This function returns the handle of the newly created instance. If there was an error, sdaiNULL is returned.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiED_NDEF    	NPL is not valid or NULL or list is empty, entity not in schema
    sdaiED_NVLD    	an entity in the list is not valid
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	model does not exist, or NULL value passed in 
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	model's repo is not open
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not read-write

See Also

sdaiCreateInstance(); sdaiGetComplexEntity(); sdaiCreateComplexInstanceBN(); ISO 10303-24-


SdaiAppInstance sdaiCreateComplexInstanceBN(
	SdaiModel model,
	SdaiInteger nameNumber
	SdaiString * nameVector

The sdaiCreateComplexInstanceBN() function creates an instance of a complex (AND-OR) entity by name. The complex entity must be in the working set for the compiled EXPRESS schema. The parameter nameVector is an array of strings (size is the parameter nameNumber) containing entity names for the supertypes of the complex entity.

This is a convenience function which calls sdaiGetComplexEntityBN() followed by sdaiCreateInstance(). If you need to create several complex instances of the same type, it is more efficient to call sdaiGetComplexEntityBN() once, then use sdaiCreateInstance() to create the individual instances.

This function returns the handle of the newly created instance. If there was an error, sdaiNULL is returned.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	NULL or invalid model
    sdaiED_NDEF    	entity not in EXPRESS
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	model's repo is not open
    sdaiED_NVLD    	entity is not in model's schema 
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not read-write

See Also

sdaiCreateInstance(); sdaiGetComplexEntity(); ISO 10303-24-


SdaiADB sdaiCreateEmptyADB();

The sdaiCreateEmptyADB() creates an empty Attribute Data Block (ADB). The type and value of the newly created ADB are unset, and any attempt to retrieve the value from the ADB will generate an error until it is populated.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open


    SdaiADB adb;
    adb = sdaiCreateADB();

See Also

sdaiCreateADB(); sdaiDeleteADB(); ISO 10303-24-


SdaiAppInstance sdaiCreateInstance(
	SdaiModel model, 
	SdaiEntity entity

The sdaiCreateInstance() function creates a new instance of the specified entity in a specified model. The entity must be defined in the model's schema or an error is generated.

This function returns a handle to the newly created instance. On error, sdaiNULL is returned.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	model does not exist, or NULL value passed in
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	model's repo is not open
    sdaiED_NDEF    	entity definition NULL or not defined
    sdaiED_NVLD    	entity is not in model's schema


    SdaiSession sess;
    SdaiRep repo;
    SdaiModel mod;
    SdaiEntity ent;    
    SdaiAppInstance inst;
    sess = sdaiOpenSession();
    repo = sdaiOpenRepository (sess, "standard_3.0");
    mod = sdaiAccessModelBN (repo, "modname", sdaiRW);
    ent = sdaiGetEntity (mod, "cartesian_point");
    inst = sdaiCreateInstance (mod, ent);

See Also

sdaiCreateInstanceBN(); ISO 10303-22-10.7.9; ISO 10303-24-6.5.7


SdaiAppInstance sdaiCreateInstanceBN(
	SdaiModel model, 
	SdaiString entityName

The sdaiCreateInstanceBN() function creates a new instance in a specified model, of the type whose name is specified by the parameter entityName.

This function returns a handle to the newly created instance. On error, sdaiNULL is returned.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	NULL or invalid model
    sdaiMX_NDEF    	model not accessible
    sdaiED_NDEF    	cannot find entity or NULL name 
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	model's repo is not open


    SdaiSession sess;
    SdaiRep repo;
    SdaiModel mod;
    SdaiEntity ent;    
    SdaiAppInstance inst;    :
    sess = sdaiOpenSession();
    repo = sdaiOpenRepository (sess, "standard_3.0");
    mod = sdaiAccessModelBN (repo, "modname", sdaiRW);
    inst = sdaiCreateInstanceBN (mod, "cartesian_point");

See Also

sdaiCreateInstance(); ISO 10303-22-10.7.9; ISO 10303-24-6.5.7


SdaiIterator sdaiCreateIterator(
	SdaiAggr aggregate

The sdaiCreateIterator() function creates an iterator over an aggregate specified by parameter aggregate. An iterator is an object that permits access to the elements in an aggregate one element at a time. This is the preferred way to access the elements of an aggregate.

If successful, this function returns the handle of the newly created iterator, otherwise, it returns sdaiNULL.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NULL aggregate

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.12.3; ISO 10303-24-6.10.3


sdaiModel sdaiCreateModel(
	SdaiRep repository,
	SdaiString modelName,
	SdaiSchema schema

The sdaiCreateModel() function creates a new SDAI model. The model is associated with a single repository (repository) and a single schema (schema). The repository must be open, and requested modelName must be unique within the repository. It returns a handle for the new model. The new model will be saved as a STEP Part 21 file, by default.

In this implementation, the sdaiCreateModel() function does not effect any persistent changes (e.g. no files are created) in the repository until the model is saved.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiRP_NEXS    	repository is sdaiNULL or not repository
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	rep not open
    sdaiMO_DUP    	model with name already exists
    sdaiSD_NDEF    	schema is NULL or in invalid


    SdaiSession sess;
    SdaiRep repo;
    SdaiSchema sch;
    SdaiModel mod;    

    sess = sdaiOpenSession ();
    repo = sdaiOpenRepositoryBN (sess, "standard_3.0");
    sch = sdaiGetSchema ("configuration_controlled_design");
    mod = sdaiCreateModel (repo, "newmod", sch);

See Also

sdaiOpenRepository(); sdaiOpenRepositoryBN(); sdaiCreateModelBN(); ISO 10303-22-10.5.1; ISO 10303-24-6.3.1


SdaiModel sdaiCreateModelBN(
	SdaiRep repository,
	SdaiString modelName,
	SdaiString schemaName

The sdaiCreateModel() function creates a new SDAI model. The model is associated with a single repository (parameter repository) and a single schema. The schema is specified by in the schemaName parameter. The new model will be saved as a STEP Part 21 file, by default.The repository must be open, and requested model name must be unique within the repository.

In this implementation, this function does not effect any persistent changes (e.g. no files are created) in the repository until the model is saved.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiRP_NEXS    	repository is sdaiNULL or not repository
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	rep not open
    sdaiMO_DUP    	model with name already exists
    sdaiSD_NDEF    	cannot find requested schema


    SdaiSession sess;
    SdaiRep repo;
    SdaiSchema sch;
    SdaiModel mod;    

    sess = sdaiOpenSession ();
    repo = sdaiOpenRepositoryBN (sess, "standard_3.0");
    mod = sdaiCreateModel (repo, "newmod", 

See Also

sdaiOpenRepository(); sdaiOpenRepositoryBN(); sdaiCreateModel(); ISO 10303-22-10.5.1; ISO 10303-24-6.3.1


SdaiAggr sdaiCreateNestedAggr(
	SdaiUnorderedAggr aggregate

The sdaiCreateNestedAggr() function creates a new aggregate and adds it to the unordered aggregate of aggregates specified by parameter aggregate.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is internal and thus not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model is not writable

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.14.2; ISO 10303-24-6.12.2


SdaiAggr sdaiCreateNestedAggrADB(
	SdaiUnorderedAggr aggregate, 
	SdaiADB selaggrInstance

The sdaiCreateNestedAggr() function creates a new aggregate and adds it to the unordered aggregate specified as parameter aggregate. An ADB is provided to specify the type of the aggregate in case the function is dealing with an aggregate of SELECTs.

This function returns the newly created aggregate, and the ADB contains the newly created aggregate.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is internal and thus not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model is not writable
    sdaiAB_NEXS    	NULL ADB

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.14.2; ISO 10303-24-6.12.2


SdaiAggr sdaiCreateNestedAggrByIndex(
	SdaiOrderedAggr aggregate,
	SdaiAggrIndex index

The sdaiCreateNestedAggrByIndex() function creates a nested aggregate at a specific index of the aggregate instance specified by parameter aggregate.

This function returns the newly create aggregate instance.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is invalid
    sdaiMX_NRW     	model is not writable
    sdaiIX_NVLD    	index is invalid

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.16.2; ISO 10303-24-6.14.2


SdaiAggr sdaiCreateNestedAggrByIndexADB(
	SdaiOrderedAggr aggregate,
	SdaiAggrIndex index,
	SdaiADB selaggrInstance

The sdaiCreateNestedAggrByIndexADB() function creates a nested aggregate at a specific index of a specified aggregate instance. An ADB is used to specify the type of the aggregate when the members of the aggregate are SELECT typed objects.

This function returns the newly created aggregate instance. The ADB's value is set to the new aggregate.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is invalid
    sdaiMX_NRW     	model is not writable
    sdaiIX_NVLD    	index is invalid

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.16.2; ISO 10303-24-6.14.2


SdaiAggr sdaiCreateNestedAggrByItr(
	SdaiIterator current

The sdaiCreateNestedAggrByItr() function creates a new nested aggregate in an aggregate instance. The new aggregate replaces the current value at the iterator current.

This function returns the newly created aggregate.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL
    sdaiMX_NRW    	write permission denied, or iterator is not writable
    sdaiIR_NSET    	Iterator not at a valid index
    sdaiVA_NSET    	Aggregate cannot be populated with an aggregate

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.13.1; ISO 10303-24-6.11.1


SdaiAggr sdaiCreateNestedAggrByItrADB(
	SdaiIterator current, 
	SdaiADB selaggrInstance

The sdaiCreateNestedAggrByItrADB() function creates a new nested aggregate in an aggregate instance. This function should be used instead of sdaiCreatedNestedAggrByItr() when the aggregate consists of SELECT type attributes to disambiguate the type of the new aggregate.

This function returns the newly created aggregate. The new aggregate is also placed into the ADB specified by the parameter selaggrInstance.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL
    sdaiMX_NRW    	write permission denied, or aggregate is not writable. sdaiIR_NSET		Iterator not at a valid index
    sdaiVA_NSET    	Aggregate cannot be populated with an aggregate
    sdaiAB_NEXS    	NULL ADB

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.13.1; ISO 10303-24-6.11.1


SdaiNPL sdaiCreateNPL();

The sdaiCreateNPL() function creates a non-persistent list. A non-persistent list is an SDAI aggregate which contains entity instances. The list may not be assigned to an attribute (e.g. with sdaiPutAttrBN) and will be automatically deleted when the session is closed. A non-persistent list (NPL) handle may be used in any SDAI function that takes a list as an argument.

This function returns a handle for a newly created non-persistent list. When you are finished using it, you should call sdaiDeleteNPL() to release the memory consumed by the NPL.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open


    SdaiNPL list;
    list = sdaiCreateNPL ();
    sdaiDeleteNPL (list);

See Also

sdaiDeleteNPL;ISO 10303-22-10.4.12;ISO 10303-24-6.2.8


sdaiSchemaInstance sdaiCreateSchemaInstance(
	SdaiString schemaInstanceName,
	SdaiSchema schema,
	SdaiRep repository

The sdaiCreateSchemaInstance() function create a new schema instance. A schema instance is a collection of models which may have reference between them. Support for schema instances is very limited in this implementation currently. They are non-persistent, and only a single model may be added to a schema instance. This will be changed when ROSE has full domain interoperability support.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiSD_NDEF    	schema not defined 

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.5.1; ISO 10303-24-6.3.2


SdaiSchemaInstance sdaiCreateSchemaInstanceBN(
	SdaiString schemaInstanceName,
	SdaiString schemaName,
	SdaiRep repository

The sdaiCreateSchemaInstanceBN() function creates a schema new schema instance. A schema instance is a collection of models (not necessarily of the same underlying schema) which may have references between them.

Support for schema instances is very limited. They are non-persistent and do not support domain equivalence. This will be changed after ROSE has full domain interoperability support


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiSD_NDEF    	schema not defined 

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.5.1; ISO 10303-24-6.3.2


void sdaiDeleteADB(
	SdaiADB block,

The sdaiDeleteADB() function releases the internal storage associated with an Attribute Data Block(ADB). Any attempt to refer to the ADB handle after calling this function is undefined.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiAB_NEXS    	adb is sdaiNULL

See Also

ISO 10303-24-


void sdaiDeleteInstance(
	SdaiAppInstance instance

The sdaiDeleteInstance() function deletes the entity instance specified by parameter instance. Any access to the instance after it has been deleted is undefined.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not writable

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.2; ISO 10303-24-6.9.3


void sdaiDeleteIterator(
	SdaiIterator iterator

The sdaiDeleteIterator() function deletes an iterator. Any attempts to access the iterator after it has been deleted are undefined.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.12.4; ISO 10303-24-6.10.4


void sdaiDeleteModel(
	SdaiModel model

The sdaiDeleteModel() function removes a model and all its contents from memory, then permanently removes the model from its repository.

In the "standard_3.0" filesystem repository, the rose or step file is deleted.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	NULL or invalid model


    SdaiModel mod;
    sdaiDeleteModel (mod);

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.7.1; ISO 10303-24-6.5.1


void sdaiDeleteNPL(
	SdaiNPL list

The sdaiDeleteNPL() function deletes a non-persistent list (NPL). After this function is called, the list handle specified is invalid, and any attempts to use it in any other function are undefined.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	a sdaiNULL handle was passed 


see sdaiCreateNPL;

See Also

sdaiCreateNPL();ISO 10303-22-10.4.13; ISO 10303-24-6.2.9


void sdaiDeleteSchemaInstance(
	SdaiSchemaInstance schemaInstance

The sdaiDeleteSchemaInstance() function deletes a specified schema instance from its repository. Any attempt to use a deleted schema instance in undefined.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiSI_NEXS    	schema instance does not exist

See also

ISO 10303-22-10.6.1; ISO 10303-24-6.4.1


void sdaiDeleteSchemaInstanceBN (
	SdaiString schemaInstanceName,
	SdaiRep repository

The sdaiDeleteSchemaInstanceBN() function deletes a schema instance from a repository. The schema instance to be deleted is identified by a name in an open repository. The schema instance is then permanently removed from both memory and from the repository


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiSI_NEXS    	schema instance does not exist 


     sdaiDeleteSchemaInstanceBN ("unwanted", repo);

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.6.1; ISO 10303-24-6.4.1


void sdaiEnd(
	SdaiIterator iterator

The sdaiEnd() function positions an iterator at the end of an aggregate. The iterator's current value in unset. The next call to sdaiPrevious() will set the iterator to the aggregate's last element. This function may only be used on iterators that are traversing ordered aggregates.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	iterator is not rewindable   

See Also

sdaiBeginning(); sdaiPrevious(); ISO 10303-22-10.15.2; ISO 10303-24-6.13.2


void sdaiEndModelAccess(
	SdaiModel model

The sdaiEndModelAccess() ends access to a model. The instances in the model may no longer be accessed after this call. Accessing any of the model's instances after this call is undefined. This function does not save the model. If you want the changes to be saved, you must save the model yourself with sdaiSaveChanges() before ending access.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	NULL or invalid model
    sdaiMX_NDEF    	model not accessible


    SdaiSession sess;
    SdaiRep repo;
    SdaiModel mod;
    sess = sdaiOpenSession();
    repo = sdaiOpenRepository (sess, "standard_3.0");
    mod = sdaiAccessModelBN (repo, "modname", sdaiRO);
    sdaiSaveChanges (mod);
    sdaiEndModelAccess (mod);

See Also

sdaiSaveChanges(); ISO 10303-22-10.7.5, 10.7.7; ISO 10303-24-6.5.5


SdaiErrorCode sdaiErrorQuery();

SdaiErrorQuery() returns the error code of the most recent SDAI function to generate an error, then clears the error code. If a session is not open, the function returns sdaiSS_NOPN. If there is no error, it then returns sdaiNO_ERR.

The error code is not cleared by a successful SDAI function call. The only way to clear the error code is to call sdaiErrorQuery().


    sdaiSS_NOPN     	session is not open


    sdaiErrorQuery () /* clear error code */
    sdaiGetAttrBN (inst, "att", sdaiINTEGER, &intval);
    errcode = sdaiErrorQuery();     /* Get the error code */
    newcode = sdaiErrorQuery();    /* new code == sdaiNO_ERR since
    the error was cleared by the previous line*/

See Also

ISO 10303-24-;


SdaiAppInstance sdaiFarCopyInstance(
	SdaiAppInstance instance, 
	SdaiModel model

The sdaiFarCopyInstance() function creates a new instance within the model identified by parameter model, with the same attribute values as the instance specified by parameter instance.

This function returns a handle to the newly created instance.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance	
    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	model does not exist, or NULL value passed in
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	model's repo is not open
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not read-write 

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.2; ISO 10303-24-6.9.2


SdaiNPL sdaiFindInstanceRolesOf(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiNPL domain, 
	SdaiNPL resultList

The sdaiFindInstanceRolesOf() function determines in which attributes a specified instance is referenced as a value from another objects. It then adds the attribute to a specified NPL (resultList).

The domain parameter is ignored by this implementation, int the future it will be used to specify the schema instances over which the search is to be performed.

If an error occurs, this function returns sdaiNULL, otherwise it returns the resultList parameter.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NPL is not valid or NULL
    sdaiED_NDEF    	NPL is not valid or NULL (is isComplex is true) 	

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.10.11; ISO 10303-24-6.8.11


SdaiNPL sdaiFindInstanceTypeOf(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiNPL resultList

The sdaiFindInstanceTypeOf() finds all the types that an instance belongs to. This set of types includes the instance's entity, any supertypes, any SELECT types the entity (or any supertype) belongs to, and any defined types of the selects.

the instance whose types are to be found
an existing NPL to which the types will be appended. This list will have instances of type entity_definition or defined_type added to it.

If there is no error, this function returns the resultList parameter. If an error occurs sdaiNULL is returned.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NPL is not valid or NULL
    sdaiED_NDEF    	NPL is not valid or NULL (is isComplex is true)

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.10.12; ISO 10303-24-6.8.12


SdaiNPL sdaiFindInstanceUsedIn(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiAttr role,
	SdaiNPL domain, 
	SdaiNPL resultList

The sdaiFindInstanceUsedIn() function finds the instances which reference a specified entity instance from a specified attribute. This function searches the instances in the model containing specified instance.

This function searches all instances of the type that have role as an attribute. If that attribute has value instance (or contains instance, where the attribute is an aggregate), then the instance is added to resultList.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity not Application instance
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NPL is not valid or NULL
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	NULL attribute
    sdaiED_NVLD    	attribute object is not an attribute 

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.10.9; ISO 10303-24-6.8.9


SdaiNPL sdaiFindInstanceUsedInBN(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiString roleName, 
	SdaiNPL domain, 
	SdaiNPL resultList

The sdaiFindInstanceUsedInBN() function finds the instances which reference a specified entity instance from a specified attribute. This function searches the instance in the model containing specified instance.

This function searches all instances of the type that have rolename as an attribute. If that attribute has value instance (or contains instance, where the attribute is an aggregate), then the instance is added to resultList.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity not Application instance
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NPL is not valid or NULL
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	NULL attribute
    sdaiED_NVLD    	attribute object is not an attribute 
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	attribute not found, cannot parse roleName

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.10.9; ISO 10303-24-6.8.9


SdaiNPL sdaiFindInstanceUsers(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiNPL domain,
	SdaiNPL resultList

The sdaiFindInstanceUsers() function finds the instances which reference a specified entity instance. This function searches the instance in the model containing the specified instance. The instance are placed into the specified non-persistent list, resultList.

If the call was successful, this function returns the save value as the parameter resultList. If there is an error, it returns sdaiNULL.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity or entity not SdaiAppInstance
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NPL is not valid or NULL

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.10.8; ISO 10303-24-6.8.8


SdaiPrimitiveType sdaiGetADBType(
	SdaiADB block

This function returns the type of the value in an Attribute Data Block.


    SS_NOPN    	session not open
    VT_NVLD    	cannot convert type
    VA_NSET    	ADB is empty or sdaiNULL value passed in
    AB_NEXS    	adb is sdaiNULL


    SdaiADB adb;

    switch (sdaiGetADBType(adb)) {
    case sdaiINTEGER:
    /* value is an integer */
    case sdaiREAL:
    /* value is a real */

See Also

ISO 10303-24-


SdaiString * sdaiGetADBTypePath(
	SdaiADB block, 
	SdaiInteger * typeNameNumber

The sdaiGetADBTypePath() retrieves the type path in an ADB. This function returns an array of strings containing the type path. The length of this list is placed in the typeNameNumber parameter. The array will persist until the next call to sdaiGetADBTypePath().


    sdaiAB_NEXS    	NULL ADB
    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open 


    SdaiADB adb;
    int i;
    SdaiString * typenames;
    SdaiInteger nrtypes = 0;
    sdaiGetADBTypePath (adb, &nrtypes);
    for (i=0; i<nrtypes; i++) {
        SdaiString type = typenames[i];
        /* Process the type */

See Also

ISO 10303-24-6.18


void* sdaiGetADBValue(
	SdaiADB block,
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType,
	void *value);

The sdaiGetADBValue() function gets, converts and returns the value in an Attribute Data Block (ADB). The block parameter specifies the ADB whose value is being retrieved; valueType is the type of the value being retrieved; value is the address where the function will place the value.

If there is an error, this function returns sdaiNULL, otherwise, if the requested type is a primitive, the function returns the parameter value, otherwise, it returns the handle of the instance or aggregate.


    sdaiVT_NVLD    	ADB value not converted to the requested type
    sdaiAB_NEXS    	ADB is NULL
    sdaiVA_NSET    	ADB is empty or value is NULL


    SdaiADB adb;
    SdaiReal val;
    SdaiInstance instl
    /* Do something to set the ADB value */    
    sdaiGetADBValue (adb, sdaiREAL, &val);
    /* Get an instance value */
    sdaiGetADBValue (adb, sdaiINSTANCE, &inst);

See Also

ISO 10303-24-


void* sdaiGetAggrByIndex(
	SdaiOrderedAggr aggregate, 
	SdaiAggrIndex index, 
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType, 
	void *value

The sdaiGetAggrByIndex() function retrieves the value from an ordered aggregate by index. This function may only be called on arrays and lists. For other types of aggregates, use an iterator.

The valueType specifies the type of the value parameter. This should be sdaiINTEGER, sdaiREAL, sdaiBOOLEAN, sdaiLOGICAL, sdaiSTRING, sdaiBINARY, sdaiENUM, sdaiINSTANCE, sdaiAGGR, or sdaiADB.

If there is an error, this function returns sdaiNULL, otherwise, if the requested type is a primitive, the function returns the parameter value, otherwise, it returns the handle of the instance or aggregate.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is not ordered
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	 type is invalid 
    sdaiIX_NVLD    	 bad index  

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.15.1; ISO 10303-24-6.13.1


void* sdaiGetAggrByIterator(
	SdaiIterator iterator,
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType,
	void *value

The sdaiGetAggrByIterator() function returns the current element from an iterator in an aggregate. This is the preferred way to extract data from an aggregate, since it will work on any type of aggregate unlike sdaiGetAggrByIndex().

The valueType parameter specifies the type of the value parameter. Its value should be should be sdaiINTEGER, sdaiREAL, sdaiBOOLEAN, sdaiLOGICAL, sdaiSTRING, sdaiBINARY, sdaiENUM, sdaiINSTANCE, sdaiAGGR or sdaiADB

If there is an error, this function returns sdaiNULL, otherwise, if the requested type is a primitive, the function return the parameter value, otherwise, it returns the handle of the instance or aggregates.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator does not exist
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist or is empty
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	type cannot be converted
    sdaiIR_NSET    	ADB is not set to a value

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.12.7; ISO 10303-24-6.10.7


SdaiADB* sdaiGetAllAttrs(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiInteger *numberAttr

The sdaiGetAllAttrs() function retrieves all the explicit attributes from an entity instance. This function is only supported for application instances. The attribute are returned as a array of ADB's. The size of this array is placed into the integer referred to by the numberAttr parameter.

This function returns an array of ADBs. The size of the array is returned in the parameter numberAttr. This array and its contents will remain valid until the next call to sdaiGetAllAttrs. Do not call sdaiDeleteADB() on the elements of this array, since they are automatically deleted.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not read-write 

See Also

ISO 10303-24-


void* sdaiGetAttr(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiAttr attribute,
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType, 
	void *value

The sdaiGetAttr function() returns the value of one of the explicit attributes of an entity instance. The valueType parameter identifies the type of the value parameter. This should be sdaiINTEGER, sdaiREAL, sdaiBOOLEAN, sdaiLOGICAL, sdaiSTRING, sdaiBINARY, sdaiENUM, sdaiINSTANCE, sdaiAGGR, or sdaiADB.

If an error was generated, this function returns sdaiNULL, otherwise, if valueType is sdaiINSTANCE, sdaiAGGR, or sdaiADB, a handle for the requested object is returned. Otherwise, the return value is the same pointer as the value parameter.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	entity instance is NULL
    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	NULL attribute
    sdaiED_NVLD    	attribute object is not an attribute
    sdaiVA_NSET    	value is not set
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	invalid type
    sdaiFN_NAVL    	derived attribute is not supported
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	attribute is not in instance


    SdaiInstance inst;
    SdaiAttribute attr;
    SdaiInteger intval;
    sdaiGetAttr (inst, att, sdaiINTEGER, &intval);

See Also

sdaiGetAttrBN(); ISO 10303-22-10.10.1; ISO 10303-24-6.8.1


void* sdaiGetAttrBN(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiString attributeName, 
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType, 
	void *value

This function returns the value of one of the explicit attributes of an entity instance. To avoid repeated name lookups, you should use sdaiGetAttr() instead of this function if you will be processing large numbers of objects.

The valueType parameter specifies the type of the value parameter. This should be sdaiINTEGER, sdaiREAL, sdaiBOOLEAN, sdaiLOGICAL, sdaiSTRING, sdaiBINARY, sdaiENUM, sdaiINSTANCE, sdaiAGGR, or sdaiADB.

If an error was generated, this function returns sdaiNULL, otherwise, if valueType is sdaiINSTANCE, sdaiAGGR, or sdaiADB, a handle for the requested object is returned. Otherwise, the return value is the same pointer as the value parameter.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiEI_NEXT    	entity instance is NULL
    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	NULL attribute
    sdaiED_NVLD    	attribute object is not an attribute
    sdaiVA_NSET    	value is not set
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	invalid type
    sdaiFN_NAVL    	derived attribute is not supported
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	attribute is not in instance 

See Also

sdaiGetAttr(); ISO 10303-22-10.10.1; ISO 10303-24-6.8.1


SdaiAttr sdaiGetAttrDefinition(
	SdaiEntity entity, 
	SdaiString attrName

The sdaiGetAttrDefinition() function returns one of the attribute definitions of an entity type. The attribute to be found is passed specified in the attrName parameter.

The function returns the attribute definition if found, otherwise sdaiNULL.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open.
    sdaiED_NDEF    	entity not defined.
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	attribute not defined for the entity.

See Also

sdaiGetAttrDefinitionBN(); ISO 10303-24-


SdaiAttr sdaiGetAttrDefinitionBN(
	SdaiString schemaName, 
	SdaiString entityName,
	SdaiString attrName

The getGetAttrDefinitionBN() function returns one of the attribute definitions of an entity type.

the name of the schema in which to find the entity.
the name of the entity containing the attribute.
the name of the attribute within the entity type.

This function returns attribute definition if found, otherwise sdaiNULL.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open.
    sdaiSD_NDEF    	schema is not defined.
    sdaiED_NDEF    	entity not defined.
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	attribute not defined for the entity.

See Also

sdaiGetAttrDefinition(); ISO 10303-24-


void sdaiGetAttrs(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiInteger numberAttr, 
	SdaiAttr attribute, 
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType,
	void *value, 

The sdaiGetAttrs() function gets the values of one or more attributes from an entity instance.

the entity instance from which the attribute are to be retrieved.
the number of attribute to be read.
the first attribute to be read
the type of the first attribute.
pointer to an object of type specified in valueType where the first value is placed.
the parameters attribute valueType and value are repeated for every attribute that is to be read. There must be as many attribute triples as numberAttr.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	entity instance is NULL
    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	NULL attribute
    sdaiED_NVLD    	attribute object is not an attribute
    sdaiVA_NSET    	value is not set
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	invalid type
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	attribute is in instance


    sdaiGetAttrs (inst, 3, 
        	att1, sdaiINTEGER, &intval, 
        	att2, sdaiSTRING, 		&strval, 
        	att3, sdaiINSTANCE, &instval);

See Also

sdaiGetAttrsBN(); ISO 10303-24-


void sdaiGetAttrsBN(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiInteger numberAttr, 
	SdaiString attributeName, 
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType,
	void *value,

The sdaiGetAttrsBN() function gets the values of one or more attributes from an entity instance specified by parameter instance.

the number of attributes to be read.
the name of the first attribute to be read
the type of the first attribute.
pointer to an object of type specified in valueType where the first value is placed.
the parameters attributeName, valueType and value are repeated for every attribute that is to be read. There must be as many attribute triples as numberAttr.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	entity instance is NULL
    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	NULL attribute
    sdaiED_NVLD    	attribute object is not an attribute
    sdaiVA_NSET    	value is not set
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	invalid type
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	attribute is in instance

See Also

sdaiGetAttrs(); ISO 10303-24-


SdaiEntity sdaiGetComplexEntity(
	SdaiNPL entityList

The sdaiGetComplexEntity() searches a schema for a complex (AND_OR) entity definition and returns it. The complex type must be declared in the working set when the schema is compiled into the ROSE schema file.

The entityList parameter specifies a non-persistent list consisting of entity_definition instances that represent the supertypes of the complex entity.

This function returns an instance handle to an instance of type entity_definition, where entity_definition identifies the requested complex instance.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiED_NDEF    	NPL is not valid or NULL or list is empty, entity not in schema
    sdaiED_NVLD    	an entity in the list is not valid

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.9.1; ISO 10303-24-6.7.1


SdiaEntity sdaiGetComplexEntityBN(
	SdaiString schemaName,
	SdaiInteger nameNumber, 
	SdaiString *nameVector

The sdaiGetComplexEntityBN() function returns the entity_definition, if any, for the entity data type composed of the entity types whose names are supplied. The entity type to be returned must have been compiled into the ROSE schema using the working set option of expfront. This function will not construct a complex entity "on the fly".

the name of the schema in which to find entity definitions.
the number of entity names supplied in the nameVector argument.
pointer to a vector of entity names.

This function returns the corresponding entity definition if it exists, otherwise sdaiNULL.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open.
    sdaiSD_NDEF    	schema is not defined.
    sdaiED_NDEF    	list of names is NULL or empty, or entity is not in the schema. 
    sdaiED_NVLD    	an entity name in the list is not valid.

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.9.1; ISO 10303-24-6.7.1


SdaiString sdaiGetDescription(
	SdaiAppInstance instance,
	SdaiString descriptionBuffer

The sdaiGetDescription() function gets a human-readable description of an entity instance specified by parameter instance. In this implementation, this function returns the instance's type. The description is a NULL terminated string, and is placed into descriptionBuffer. This buffer should be at least 1024 characters.

This function returns the descriptionBuffer parameter.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.8; ISO 10303-24-6.9.9


SdaiEntity sdaiGetEntity(
	SdaiModel model, 
	SdaiString name

The sdaiGetEntity() function finds an entity definition by name in a model's schema. This function looks in the model's schema for an entity_definition instance with the specified name.

This function returns an instance of entity_definition, if the instance could be found. Otherwise, it returns sdaiNULL and flags an error.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	NULL or invalid model
    sdaiMX_NDEF    	model not accessible
    sdaiED_NDEF    	cannot find entity or NULL name


    SdaiSession sess;
    SdaiRep repo;
    SdaiModel mod;
    SdaiEntity ent;    
    sess = sdaiOpenSession();
    repo = sdaiOpenRepository (sess, "standard_3.0");
    mod = sdaiAccessModelBN (repo, "modname", sdaiRO);
    ent = sdaiGetEntity (mod, "cartesian_point");

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.7.8; ISO 10303-24-6.5.6


SdaiSet sdaiGetEntityExtent(
	SdaiModel model,
	SdaiEntity entity

The sdaiGetEntityExtent() function gets an entity extent for a model. An entity extent is the set of all instances of a specified entity (or its subtypes). The entity extents may also be obtained by examining model.contents.folders, however this function is more convenient.

This function returns an object of type SdaiSet containing all the objects of the requested type.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	model does not exist, or NULL value passed in
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	model's repo is not open
    sdaiED_NDEF    	entity definition NULL or not defined
    sdaiMX_NDEF    	model access not defined

See Also

ISO 10303-24-; sdaiGetEntityExtentBN()


SdaiSet sdaiGetEntityExtentBN(
	SdaiModel model, 
	SdaiString entityName

The sdaiGetEntityExtentBN() function gets an entity extent for a model. An entity extent is the set of all instances of a specified entity (or its subtypes). The entity extents may also be obtained by examining model.contents.folders. The type is specified by name as the parameter entityName.

This function returns an object of type SdaiSet containing all the objects of the requested type.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	model does not exist, or NULL value passed in
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	model's repo is not open
    sdaiED_NDEF    	entity definition NULL or not defined
    sdaiMX_NDEF    	model access not defined

See Also

ISO 10303-24-; sdaiGetEntityExtent();


SdaiModel sdaiGetInstanceModel(
	SdaiInstance instance

The sdaiGetInstancemodel() function returns the model containing the instance specified by parameter instance.

This functions returns a handle for the instance's model. If there is an error, it returns sdaiNULL.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	entity instance does not exist
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	instance has no model

See Also

ISO 10303-22-6.8.3; ISO 10303-24-10.10.3


SdaiEntity sdaiGetInstanceType(
	SdaiInstance instance

The sdaiGetInstanceType() function returns the type (entity_definition) on an entity instance.

This function returns a handle to an instance of type SdaiEntity.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.10.4; ISO 10303-24-6.8.4


SdaiInteger sdaiGetLowerIndex(
	SdaiArray array

The sdaiGetLowerIndex() function determines the lower index in an array. EXPRESS allows arrays to have user-defined upper and lower bounds, and this function returns the lower bound of an array. In this implementation, arrays always begin at zero, and so this function always returns 0.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is not an array

ISO 10303-22-10.17.3; ISO 10303-24-6.15.3


SdaiInteger sdaiGetMemberCount(
	SdaiAggr aggregate

The sdaiGetMemberCount() function returns a count of the number of elements in an aggregate.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open.
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	the aggregate does not exist.

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.12.1; ISO 10303-24-6.10.1


SdaiString sdaiGetPersistentLabel(
	SdaiAppInstance instance,
	SdaiString labelBuffer

The sdaiGetPersistentLabel() function returns a persistent identifier for an application instance. The persistent label is a string of at most 256 characters, and is placed into the memory pointed to by the labelBuffer parameter.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open.
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	the aggregate does not exist.

See also

sdaiGetSessionId(); ISO 10303-22-10.11.6; ISO 10303-24-6.9.7


SdaiAppInstance sdaiGetSessionId(
	SdaiRep repository,
	SdaiString label

The sdaiGetSessionId() function finds that instance which has a specific persistent label in the repository specified by the parameter repository.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	entity instance was not found

See also

sdaiGetPersistentLabel(); ISO 10303-22-10.11.7; ISO 10303-24-6.9.8


SdaiSchema sdaiGetSchema(
	SdaiString schemaName

The sdaiGetSchema() function finds and returns a schema definition by name. If the dictionary does not exist, this function generates it from the rose schema file, and possibly the EXPRESS parse data. It returns the appropriate schema_definition object from the dictionary model.

If successful, this function returns the handle of the appropriate schema_definition entity. Otherwise, it returns sdaiNULL.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiSD_NDEF    	cannot find schema or NULL value
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	repository is not open


    SdaiSchema sch;
    sch = sdaiGetSchema (schemaName);

See Also

ISO 10303-24-


SdaiSchemaInstance sdaiGetSchemaInstance(
	DdaiString schemaInstanceName,
	SdaiRep repository

The sdaiGetSchemaInstance() function finds a schema instance by name in a repository.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open 
    sdaiRP_NEXS    	NULL or invalid repo 
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	repository is not open 
    sdaiSI_NEXS    	could not find schema instance


    SdaiSchemaInstance si; 
    si = sdaiGetSchemaInstance ("siname", rep);

See Also

ISO 10303-24-


SdaiInteger sdaiGetUpperIndex(
	SdaiArray array

The sdaiGetUpperIndex() function returns the maximum index value in an array. This function returns the highest index at which an element may be placed. (In this implementation, the upper index is one less than the size of the array.)


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is not an array

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.17.4; ISO 10303-24-6.15.4


void sdaiInsertAfter(
	SdaiIterator iterator, 
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType,
	<TYPE> value);

The sdaiInsertAfter() function inserts a value into an ordered aggregate after the current position of an iterator.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate/iterator not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW    	write permission denied
    sdaiIR_NSET    	iterator has no current member
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is invalid
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	invalid type

See also

ISO 10303-22-10.19.2; ISO 10303-24-6.17.2


void sdaiInsertBefore(
	SdaiIterator iterator, 
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType,
	<TYPE> value

The sdaiInsertBefore() function inserts value into an ordered aggregate before the current value in an iterator.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate/iterator not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW:   write permission denied
    sdaiIR_NSET    	iterator has no current member
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is invalid
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	invalid type

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.19.1; ISO 10303-24-6.17.1


void sdaiInsertByIndex(
	SdaiList list, 
	SdaiAggrIndex index, 
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType, 
	<TYPE> value);

The sdaiInsertByIndex() function inserts a value into a list at the specified index.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is internal and thus not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW     	model is not writable
    sdaiIX_NVLD    	index not valid
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate not valid
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	type invalid

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.19.3; ISO 10303-24-6.17.3


SdaiAggr sdaiInsertNestedAggrAfter(
	SdaiIterator iterator

The sdaiInsertNestedAggrAfter() function creates a nested aggregate and inserts a value into an aggregate after the current value.

This function returns the newly created aggregate


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate/iterator not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW:   write permission denied

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.19.5; ISO 10303-24-6.17.5


SdaiAggr sdaiInsertNestedAggrAfterADB(
	SdaiIterator iterator,
	SdaiADB selaggrInstance

The sdaiInsertNestedAggrAfterADB() function creates and inserts an aggregate into an aggregate after the current value of an iterator. The selaggrInstance is an ADB identifying the type of the aggregate to be created in the event the elements of the aggregates are SELECTS. This ADB is also populated with the newly created aggregate.

This function returns the newly created aggregate


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate/iterator not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW:   write permission denied

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.19.5; ISO 10303-24-6.17.5


SdaiAggr sdaiInsertNestedAggrBefore(
	SdaiIterator iterator

The sdaiInsertNestedAggrBefore() function creates and inserts a new aggregate instance into the aggregate specified by the iterator before the current value of the iterator.

This function returns the newly created aggregate.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate/iterator not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW:   write permission denied

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.19.4; ISO 10303-24-6.17.4


SdaiAggr sdaiInsertNestedAggrBeforeADB(
	SdaiIterator iterator, 
	SdaiADB selaggrInstance

The sdaiInsertNestedAggrBeforeADB() function creates and inserts a new aggregate instance into an aggregate before the current value.

The selaggrInstance parameter is an ADB which identifies the type of the aggregate to be created in the event the elements of the aggregates are SELECTS. This ADB is also populated with the newly created aggregate.

This function returns the newly created aggregate.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate/iterator not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW    	write permission denied

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.19.4; ISO 10303-24-6.17.4


SdaiAggr sdaiInsertNestedAggrByIndex(
	SdaiList list, 
	SdaiAggrIndex index

The sdaiInsertNestedAggrByIndex() function creates and inserts a new aggregate instance into an existing aggregate.

The function returns new newly created aggregate.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is internal and thus not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW     	model is not writable

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.19.6; ISO 10303-24-6.17.6


SdaiAggr sdaiInsertNestedAggrByIndexADB(
	SdaiList list, 
	SdaiAggrIndex index,
	SdaiADB selaggrInstance

The sdaiInsertNestedAggrByIndexADB() function creates and inserts a new aggregate instance into an existing aggregate.

The selaggrInstance parameter specifies an ADB identifying the type of the aggregate to be created in the event the elements of the aggregates are SELECTS. This ADB is also populated with the newly created aggregate.

The function returns the newly created aggregate.


    sdaiAB_NEXS    	NULL ADB
    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is internal and thus not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW     	model is not writable

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.19.6; ISO 10303-24-6.17.6


SdaiBoolean sdaiIsInstanceOf(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiEntity entity

The sdaiIsInstanceOf() function determines whether an instance is of a specified type. For this function to return true, the instance must be an instance of the specified entity definition (parameter entity), and not a subtype.

If instance is an instance of entity this function return sdaiTRUE, otherwise it returns sdaiFALSE. If an error occurs, it returns sdaiFALSE.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.10.5; ISO 10303-24-6.8.5


SdaiBoolean sdaiIsInstanceOfBN(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiString entityName

The sdaiIsInstanceOfBN() function determines whether an instance is of a specified type. For this function to return true, the instance must be an instance of the type, and not a subtype.

If instance is an instance of the entity specified by parameter entityName this function returns sdaiTRUE, otherwise it returns sdaiFALSE. If an error occurs, it returns sdaiFALSE.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity
    sdaiED_NDEF    	entity definition NULL or not defined 

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.10.5; ISO 10303-24-6.8.5


SdaiBoolean sdaiIsEqual(
	SdaiInstance inst1,
	SdaiInstance inst2

The sdaiIsEqual() function determines if two instance handles refer to the same underlying entity instance.


    SdaiInstance foo;
    SdaiInstance bar;
    if (sdaiIsEqual(foo, bar)) {
        printf ("Equal\n"); 

See Also

ISO 10303-24-


SdaiBoolean sdaiIsKindOf(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiEntity entity

The sdaiIsKindOf() function determines whether an instance is of a specified type or one of its subtypes.

the instance to be tested
the type to compare.

This function returns sdaiTRUE if instance is an instance of entity of is one of its subtypes. Otherwise, it returns sdaiFALSE.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.10.6; ISO 10303-24-6.8.6


SdaiBoolean sdaiIsKindOfBN(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiString entityName

The sdaiIsKindOfBN() function determines whether an instance is of a specified type or one of its subtypes.

the instance to be tested
name of the type to compare.

This function return sdaiTRUE if instance is an instance of entity of is one of its subtypes. Otherwise, it returns sdaiFALSE.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity
    sdaiED_NDEF    	entity definition NULL or not defined 

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.10.6; ISO 10303-24-6.8.6


SdaiBoolean sdaiIsMember(
	SdaiAggr aggregate, 
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType, 
	<TYPE> value

The sdaiIsMember() function determines whether a given value is present as an element of a given aggregate.

This function returns sdaiTRUE if the given value is present in the aggregate, sdaiFALSE if not or if error.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open.
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	the given value could not be converted appropriate type
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	the aggregate does not exist.

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.12.2; ISO 10303-24-6.10.2


SdaiBoolean sdaiIsSDAIKindOf(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiEntity entity

The sdaiIsSDAIsKindOf() function determines whether an instance is of a specified type or one of its subtypes. This function also considers the type hierarchy is in SDAI population schema.

This function return sdaiTRUE if instance is an instance of entity of is one of its subtypes. Otherwise, it returns sdaiFALSE.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.10.7; ISO 10303-24-6.8.7


SdaiBoolean sdaiIsSDAIKindOfBN(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiString entityName

The sdaiIsSDAIKindOfBN() function determines whether an instance is of a specified type or one of its subtypes. This function also considers the type hierarchy is in SDAI population schema. (That is, the inheritance hierarchy is rooted at entity_instance, rather than an entity without any supertypes.)

This function return sdaiTRUE if instance is an instance of entity of is one of its subtypes. Otherwise, it returns sdaiFalse.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity
    sdaiED_NDEF    	entity definition NULL or not defined 

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.10.7; ISO 10303-24-6.8.7


SdaiBoolean sdaiIsSDAISubtypeOf(
	SdaiEntity subtype, 
	SdaiEntity supertype

This function determines whether an entity is a subtype of (or the same as) another entity. SDAI-specific entities are allowed. (That is, the inheritance hierarchy is rooted at entity_instance, rather than an entity without any supertypes.)

The function returns sdaiTRUE if the types are the same or if subtype is a subtype of supertype; sdaiFALSE otherwise.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open.
    sdaiED_NDEF    	an entity is not defined.

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.9.3; ISO 10303-24-6.7.3


SdaiBoolean sdaiIsSDAISubtypeOfBN(
	SdaiString schemaName, 
	SdaiString subName, 
	SdaiString superName

The sdaiIsSDAISubtypeOfBN() function determines whether an entity is a subtype of (or the same as) another entity. SDAI-specific entity names are allowed.

This function returns sdaiTRUE if the types are the same or if subName names a subtype of superName; sdaiFALSE otherwise.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open.
    sdaiSD_NDEF    	schema is not defined.
    sdaiED_NDEF    	an entity is not defined.

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.9.3; ISO 10303-24-6.7.3


SdaiBoolean sdaiIsSubtypeOf(
	SdaiEntity subtype, 
	SdaiEntity supertype

This function determines whether an entity is a subtype of (or the same as) another entity.

This function returns sdaiTRUE if the types are the same or if subtype is a subtype of supertype, sdaiFALSE otherwise.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open.
    sdapED_NDEF    	an entity is not defined.

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.9.2; ISO 10303-24-6.7.2


SdaiBoolean sdaiIsSubtypeOfBN(
	SdaiString schemaName, 
	SdaiString subName,
	SdaiString superName

The sdaiIsSubtypeOfBN() function determines whether an entity is a subtype of (or the same as) another entity.

This function returns sdaiTRUE if the types are the same or if subName names a subtype of superName, otherwise it returns sdaiFALSE.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open.
    sdaiSD_NDEF    	schema is not defined.
    sdaiED_NDEF    	an entity is not defined.

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.9.2; ISO 10303-24-6.7.2


int sdaiLogicalCompare(
	SdaiLogical value1,
	SdaiLogical value2

sdaiLogicalCompare() compares two logical values. Logical values are defined such that

sdaiFALSE < sdaiUNKNOWN < sdaiTRUE

The function returns 0, +1 or -1 according to the following:

    value1 < value2    		-1
    value1 == value2    		 0
    value1 >  value2    		+1

Unlike most other SDAI functions, sdaiLogicalCompare() can be called when there is no open session.


This function does not generate SDAI errors under any conditions.


The following call:

    val = sdaiLogicalCompare (sdaiFalse, sdaiUNKNOWN);

Returns the value -1

See Also

ISO 10303-24-


SdaiAppInstance sdaiNearCopyInstance(
	SdaiAppInstance instance

The sdaiNearCopyInstance() function creates a new instance within the same model and with the same attribute values as an instance.

This function returns a handle to the newly created instance.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance	

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.1; ISO 10303-24-6.9.1


SdaiBoolean sdaiNext(
	SdaiIterator iterator

The sdaiNext() function advances an iterator to the next element. In a newly created iterator, or after sdaiBeginning() has been called, the first call to sdaiNext will advance the iterator to the first element.

This function returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the iterator was advanced to the next element. This allows sdaiNext() to be easily used in a while loop to iterate over all the aggregate's elements.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator does not exist
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist or is empty


    /*To iterate over every element in an aggregate: */
    SdaiIterator itor;
    itor = sdaiCreateIterator (aggr);
    while (sdaiNext (itor)) {
        /* Get the value (replace TYPE with the aggregate type) */
        sdaiGetAggrByIterator (itor, TYPE, &value);
        /*  Now process the element */

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.12.6; ISO 10303-24-6.10.6


SdaiRep sdaiOpenRepository(
	SdaiSession session
	SdaiRep repository

The sdaiOpenRepository() function opens a repository and makes it possible to create and access models in that repository. The repository handle may be obtained from the session object in the attribute known_servers. If you know the name of the repository to open, it may be more convenient to use sdaiOpenRepositoryBN.

The function returns the handle of the newly opened repository.


    sdaiSS_NOPN     	session is not open
    sdaiRP_NEXS    	repository specified is sdaiNULL, or is not a repository


    /* This code finds and opens the first non-system repository found in
    the system */

        SdaiSession sess = sdaiNULL;
        SdaiAggr reposet = sdaiNULL;
        SdaiIterator itor;    
        SdaiString reponame;
        SdaiInstance repo;

        sess = sdaiOpenSession ();

        sdaiGetAttrBN (sess, "known_servers", sdaiAGGR, &reposet);

        itor = sdaiCreateIterator (reposet);
        sdaiNext (itor);

        do {
        sdaiGetAggrByIterator (itor, sdaiINSTANCE, &repo);
        sdaiGetAttrBN (repo, "name", sdaiSTRING, &reponame);
        } while (!strcmp(reponame, "SDAI_INTERNAL") && sdaiNext(itor));
        repoval =  sdaiOpenRepository (sess, sdaiNULL);

See Also

sdaiOpenRepositoryBN(); ISO 10303-22-10.4.5;ISO 10303-24-6.2.4


SdaiRep sdaiOpenRepositoryBN(
	SdaiSession session,
	SdaiString repositoryName

The sdaiOpenRepositoryBN() function opens a repository by name. In this implementation the filesystem repository ($ROSE_DB) is named "standard_3.0". This function takes two parameters, this first, session, is the current SDAI session object, the second, repositoryName is the name of the repository to be opened.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiRP_NEXS    	repository specified does not exist

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.4.5; ISO 10303-24-6.2.4


SdaiSession sdaiOpenSession();

The sdaiOpenSession() function initializes the internal SDAI data structures for further SDAI calls. This function must be called before any other SDAI function.

If there was no error, sdaiOpenSession() returns a handle to an instance of sdai_session, otherwise it returns sdaiNULL.


    sdaiSS_OPN    	session is already open


    SdaiSession sess;
    sess = sdaiOpenSession();

See Also

sdaiCloseSession() ; ISO 10303-22-10.3.1; ISO 10303-24-6.1.1


SdaiBoolean sdaiPrevious(
	SdaiIterator iterator

The sdaiPrevious() function positions an iterator, iterator to the previous element. This function may only be used on iterators that are traversing ordered aggregates.

This function returns a boolean value indicating whether the aggregate was successfully positioned.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	iterator is not rewindable   

See Also

sdaiNext(); ISO 10303-22-10.15.3; ISO 10303-24-6.13.3


void sdaiPromoteModel(	SdaiModel model

The sdaiPromoteModel() function converts a read-only model to a read-write model. The model must be open in read-only mode. After a successful call to this function, the model will be open in read-write mode, and model.mode is set to read_write.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	sdaiNULL or invalid model
    sdaiMX_NDEF    	model not accessible
    sdaiMX_RW    	model access is read-write


    SdaiModel mod;
    sdaiAccessModel (mod, sdaiRO);
    sdaiPromoteModel (mod);

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.7.4; ISO 10303-24-6.5.4


void sdaiPutADBTypePath(
	SdaiADB block, 
	SdaiInteger typeNameNumber, 
	SdaiString * typeNameVector

The sdaiPutADBTypePath() sets the type path in an ADB. This is a list of strings that specify a path through a hierarchy of nested SELECT types.

the ADB whose type path is set.
number of strings in the type list
an array of strings (size given in previous parameter)


    sdaiAB_NEXS    	NULL ADB
    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open 

See Also

ISO 10303-24-6.18


void sdaiPutADBValue(
	SdaiADB block,
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType,
	<TYPE> value

This functions sets the type and value of an Attribute Data Block (ADB). The type is specified as valueType, and the value is in the parameter value.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	cannot convert type
    sdaiAB_NEXS    	adb is sdaiNULL


    SdaiADB adb;
    adb = sdaiCreateEmptyADB();
    sdaiPutADBValue (adb, sdaiINTEGER, 12);

See Also

ISO 10303-24-


void sdaiPutAggrByIndex (
	SdaiOrderedAggr aggregate, 
	SdaiAggrIndex index,
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType, 
	<TYPE> value

The sdaiPutAggrByIndex() function sets the value of a specified element of an aggregate to a specified index.

The value parameter is an object of the type specified in valueType that indicates the value to be put in the aggregate.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is invalid
    sdaiMX_NRW     	model is not writable
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	type of value is not compatible with the type of the aggregate
    sdaiIX_NVLD    	index is invalid

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.16.1; ISO 10303-24-6.14.1


void sdaiPutAggrByIterator(
	SdaiIterator iterator,
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType,
	<TYPE> value

The sdaiPutAggrByIterator() function sets the current value of an element of an aggregate referenced by the specified iterator.

The value parameter is an object of the type specified in valueType that indicates the value to be put in the aggregate.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL
    sdaiMX_NRW    	write permission denied, or iterator is not writable 
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	invalid type
    sdaiIR_NSET    	iterator is unset
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate is NULL or missing
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate/iterator not writable

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.13.2; ISO 10303-24-6.11.2


void sdaiPutAllAttrs(
	SdaiAppInstance appInstance, 
	SdaiInteger numberAttr, 
	SdaiADB *values

The sdaiPutAllAttrs() function updates all the attributes in an application instance.

the instance whose attributes are being set
number of attributes to be set. This is the size of the values array.
array of ADBs containing the values to be set. The parameters are in the same order as they are in a part 21 file. (i.e. attribute in the order they are defined in EXPRESS, supertypes first, redefined attributes where they are first defined)


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not writable

See Also

ISO 10303-24-; _sdaiGetAllAttrDefinitions ()


void sdaiPutAttr(
	SdaiAppInstance instance, 
	SdaiExplicitAttr attribute, 
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType,
	<TYPE> value

The sdaiPutAttr() function sets the value of the attribute specified by parameter attribute in the instance specified by parameter instance. The value parameter is an object of the type specified in valueType that indicates the value to be put in the attribute.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not writable
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	type of attribute cannot be converted to requested type
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	attribute is invalid

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.3; ISO 10303-24-6.9.4


void sdaiPutAttrBN(
	SdaiAppInstance instance, 
	SdaiString attributeName, 
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType, 
	<TYPE> value

The sdaiPutAttrBN() function sets the value of the attribute specified by name in parameter attributeName in the instance specified by parameter instance. The value parameter is an object of the type specified in valueType that indicates the value to be put in the attribute.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	entity instance does not exist
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	instance has no model
    sdaiED_NDEF    	entity definition NULL or not defined 
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	NULL or bad attribute
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not writable
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	type of attribute cannot be converted to requested type
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	attribute is invalid

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.3; ISO 10303-24-6.9.4


void sdaiPutAttrs(
	SdaiAppInstance appInstance, 
	SdaiInteger numberAttr, 
	SdaiExplicitAttr attribute, 
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType, 
	<TYPE> value,

The sdaiPutAttrs() function sets the value of one or more attributes in an instance to the user specified value.

the instance to be updated
the number of attributes to be updated
the first attribute to be updated
the type the first value
an object of the type indicated in valueType. This is the first value to be put.
Parameters attribute, valueType, and value repeated numberAttr times for every attribute up be updated.


    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL instance
    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not writable
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	type of attribute cannot be converted to requested type
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	attribute is invalid  	

See Also

ISO 10303-24-


void sdaiPutAttrsBN(SdaiAppInstance appInstance, 
	SdaiInteger numberAttr, 
	SdaiString attributeName, 
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType, 
	<TYPE> value,

The sdaiPutAttrs() function sets the value of one or more attributes in an instance to user specified values.

the instance to be updated
the number of attribute to be updated
the name of the first attribute to be set
the type the first value
an object of the type indicated in valueType. This is the first value to be put.
Parameters attributeName, valueType, and value repeated numberAttr times for every attribute up be updated.


    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL instance
    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not writable
    sdaiVT_NVLD    	type of attribute cannot be converted to requested type
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	attribute is invalid  	

See Also

ISO 10303-24-


void sdaiRemove(
	SdaiUnorderedAggr unorderedAggr, 
	SdaiPrimitiveType valueType,
	<TYPE> value

The sdaiRemove() function removes a value from an unordered aggregate. If the aggregate contains more than one instance, a single instance is removed.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is internal and thus not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW     	model is not writable
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	Invalid aggregate
    sdaiVA_NEXS    	element of specified value does not exist in aggregate

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.14.3; ISO 10303-24-6.12.3


void sdaiRemoveByIndex(
	SdaiList list, 
	SdaiAggrIndex index

The sdaiRemoveByIndex() function removes a specified element from an aggregate at the index specified by parameter index.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is internal and thus not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW     	model is not writable
    sdaiIX_NVLD    	index is invalid

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.19.7; ISO 10303-24-6.17.7


void sdaiRemoveByIterator(
	SdaiIterator iterator

The sdaiRemoveByIterator() removes the current element from an aggregate as referenced by an iterator.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL
    sdaiIR_NSET    	iterator is at beginning or end
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate/iterator not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW:   write permission denied, or iterator is not writable (and 

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.13.3; ISO 10303-24-6.11.3


void sdaiRemoveModel(
	SdaiSchemaInstance schemaInstance, 
	SdaiModel model

The sdaiRemoveModel() function removes a model from a specified schema instance.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiSI_NEXS    	schema instance does not exist
    sdaiMO_NEXS    	model does not exist, or NULL value passed in
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	model's repo is not open
    sdaiMX_NDEF    	model not open

See also

ISO 10303-22-10.6.4; ISO 10303-24-6.4.4


void sdaiRemoveModelBN (
	SdaiSchemaInstance schemaInstance,
	SdaiRep repository,
	SdaiString modelName

The sdaiRemoveModelBN() function removes a model from a schema instance. The model is identified by name in a repository.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open 
    sdaiSI_NEXS    	schema instance does not exist 
    sdaiMO_NEXT    	model does not exist, or NULL value passed in
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	model's repo is not open


     sdaiRemoveModel (si, rep, "modName");

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.6.4; ISO 10303-24-6.4.4


void sdaiRenameModel(

SdaiModel model,

SdaiString modelName


The sdaiRenameModel() function permanently renames a model in a repository.

See Also

ISO 10303-22-7.210.; ISO 10303-24-6.5.2


void sdaiRenameSchemaInstance(
	SdaiSchemaInstance schemaInstance,
	SdaiString schemaInstanceName

The sdaiRenameSchemaInstance() function renames a schema instance to a new name.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiSI_NEXS    	schema instance does not exist

See also

ISO 10303-22-10.6.2; ISO 10303-24-6.4.2


void sdaiRenameSchemaInstanceBN ( 
	SdaiString schemaInstanceOldName, 
	SdaiRep  repository,
	SdaiString schemaInstanceName                                );

The sdaiRenameSchemaInstanceBN() function renames a schema instance in a repository. The schema instance is identified by name.


     sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
     sdaiSI_NEXS    	schema instance does not exist
     sdaiSI_DUP    	duplicate name


    sdaiRenameSchemaInstance ("oldname", repo, "newname");

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.6.2; ISO 10303-24-6.4.2


void sdaiResetArrayIndex(
	SdaiArray array, 
	SdaiAggrIndex lower, 
	SdaiAggrIndex upper

The sdaiResetArrayIndex() resizes an array by resetting the upper an lower bounds. In this implementation, the lower bound must be zero, and the upper bound must >= 0.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is internal and thus not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW     	model is not writable
    sdaiSY_ERR    	bounds are invalid

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.18.4; ISO 10303-24-6.16.4


SdaiErrorHandler sdaiRestoreErrorHandler();

The sdaiRestoreErrorHandler() function pops a handler off the stack that was pushed on by a call to sdaiSetErrorHandler(). The return value is the function pointer that was popped off the stack. If the stack was empty, NULL is returned.


See sdaiSetErrorHandler()

See Also

sdaiSetErrorHandler(); ISO 10303-24-


void sdaiSaveChanges(
	SdaiModel model

The sdaiSaveChanges() function causes a model and all its associated instances to be saved. Any call to sdaiUndoChanges() after a call to sdaiSaveChanges() will restore the model to the state it was in at the time the model was last saved.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiMO_NEXT    	model does not exist, or NULL value passed in
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	model's repository is not open

See Also

sdaiUndoChanges(); ISO 10303-22-10.7.11; ISO 10303-24-6.5.9


void SdaiErrorHandler function(
	SdaiErrorProc handler

The sdaiSetErrorHandler() function replaces the default error handler with one provided by the user. The previous handler is pushed onto an internal stack and may be restored by calling sdaiRestoreErrorHandler().

The error handler must conform to the following prototype:

    void error_fn (SdaiErrorCode errcode);

You may push the default error handler onto that stack by passing NULL as the handler function.


    void handler (SdaiErrorCode)
        printf ("Oops, we got an error!\n");

    sdaiSetErrorHandler (handler);
    sdaiRestoreErrorHandler ();  /* restore original handler */

See Also

sdaiRestoreErrorHandler(); ISO 10303-24-


SdaiBoolean sdaiTestArrayByIndex(
	SdaiArray array, 
	SdaiAggrIndex index

The sdaiTestArrayByIndex() function tests if an element of an array is set.

This function returns sdaiTRUE if the index was set, otherwise, it returns sdaiFALSE.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is invalid

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.17.1; ISO 10303-24-6.15.1


SdaiBoolean sdaiTestArrayByItr(
	SdaiIterator iterator

The sdaiTestArrayByItr() function tests whether the current value of an iterator is set.

This function returns sdaiTRUE if the element in the iterator was set, otherwise, it returns sdaiFALSE.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL 

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.17.2; ISO 10303-24-6.15.2


SdaiBoolean sdaiTestAttr(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiAttr attribute

The sdaiTestAttr() function tells whether an attribute of an instance has a value. In this implementation, this function always returns sdaiTRUE on an attribute of type SdaiInteger, SdaiReal, SdaiBoolean, or SdaiLogical, since these types do not have a valid unset value.

This function returns sdaiTRUE if the attribute has a value in the entity instance, otherwise sdaiFALSE.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	entity instance does not exist
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	att is not explicit attribute
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	NULL attribute
    sdaiED_NVLD    	attribute object is not an attribute

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.10.2; ISO 10303-24-6.8.2; sdaiTestAttrBN()


SdaiBoolean sdaiTestAttrBN(
	SdaiInstance instance, 
	SdaiString attributeName

The sdaiTestAttrBN() function tells whether an attribute in an entity instance has a value. This function always returns sdaiTRUE on an attribute of type SdaiInteger, SdaiReal, SdaiBoolean, or SdaiLogical, since these types do not have a valid unset value.

This function returns sdaiTRUE if the attribute has a value in the entity instance, otherwise it returns sdaiFALSE.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	entity instance does not exist
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	att is not explicit attribute
    sdaiAT_NDEF    	NULL attribute
    sdaiED_NVLD    	attribute object is not an attribute

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.10.2; ISO 10303-24-6.8.2;sdaiTestAttr()


void sdaiUndoChanges(
	SdaiModel model

The sdaiUndoChanges() function restores a model to the state it was in when it was last saved. Any changes made since that time are undone. In this implementation, the model's instances are reassigned, so any access to handles before the calling sdaiUndoChanges() are undefined.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiMO_NEXT    	model does not exist, or NULL value passed in
    sdaiRP_NOPN    	model's repository is not open

See Also

sdaiSaveChanges(); ISO 10303-22-10.7.10; ISO 10303-24-6.5.8


void sdaiUnsetADB(
	SdaiADB block

The sdaiUnsetADB() function clears the value stored in an ADB. The result will be the same as an ADB created by sdaiCreateEmptyADB(). Any attempt to get the value in the ADB after calling this function will result in an error.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiAB_NEXS    	adb is sdaiNULL


    SdaiADB adb;
    sdaiUnsetADB (adb);

See Also

ISO 10303-24-


void sdaiUnsetArrayByIndex(
	SdaiArray array, 
	SdaiAggrIndex index

The sdaiUnsetArrayByIndex() function unsets an element of an aggregate. The element to be unset is specified by index as the parameter index.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate is internal and thus not writable
    sdaiMX_NRW     	model is not writable   

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.18.1; ISO 10303-24-6.16.1


void sdaiUnsetArrayByItr(
	SdaiIterator iterator

The sdaiUnsetArrayByItr() function unsets the current value of an aggregate referenced by an iterator.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiIR_NEXS    	iterator NULL
    sdaiAI_NVLD    	aggregate/iterator not writable
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	aggregate does not exist or is empty
    sdaiMX_NRW     	model is not writable

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.18.2; ISO 10303-24-6.16.2


void sdaiUnsetAttr(
	SdaiAppInstance instance, 
	SdaiExplicitAttr attribute

The sdaiUnsetAttr() function removes the value from an attribute. After an attribute in unset, all future attempts to access it will result in an error.


    sdaiAT_NDEF    	NULL attribute
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	att is not explicit attribute or attribute cannot be unset 
    sdaiED_NVLD    	entity object is not an entity
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not writable
    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.4; ISO 10303-24-6.9.5


void sdaiUnsetAttrBN (
	SdaiAppInstance instance, 
	SdaiString attributeName

The sdaiUnsetAttrBN() function removes the value of an attribute.


    sdaiAT_NDEF    	NULL attribute
    sdaiAT_NVLD    	att is not explicit attribute or attribute cannot be unset
    sdaiED_NVLD    	entity object is not an entity 
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance
    sdaiMX_NRW    	model not writable
    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open


    sdaiUnsetAttrBN (inst, "attrname");

See Also

sdaiUnsetAttr(); ISO 10303-22-10.11.4; ISO 10303-24-6.9.5


SdaiLogical sdaiValidateAggrSizes (
	SdaiAppInstance instance,
	SdaiNPL list

The sdaiValidateAggrSizes() function checks that all aggregate typed attributes are of legal sizes.

Any attributes that do not conform to the constraint are appended to the NPL provided as the list parameter.

This function return sdaiTRUE if the instance conforms to the rule; sdaiFALSE if it violates the constraint; and sdaiUNKNOWN is there is an error, or the system is unable to determine if it conforms.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open    
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance 
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NPL is not valid or NULL

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.13; ISO 10303-24-6.9.14


SdaiBoolean sdaiValidateAggrUni (
	SdaiAppInstance instance,
	SdaiNPL list

The sdaiValidateAggrUni() function checks that all aggregates declared to have unique elements (e.g. sets) do not have any duplicates.

Any attributes that do not conform to the constraint are appended to the NPL provided as the list parameter.

This function return sdaiTRUE if the instance conforms to the rule; sdaiFALSE if it violates the constraint; and sdaiUNKNOWN is there is an error, or the system is unable to determine if it conforms.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open    
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance  
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NPL is not valid or NULL

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.14; ISO 10303-24-6.9.15


SdaiBoolean sdaiValidateArrayNotOptional (
	SdaiAppInstance instance, 
	SdaiNPL list

The sdaiValidateArrayNotOptional() function checks that all array-typed attributes in the specified instance that require it, have values. (That is, that the arrays contains no empty slots.)

Any attributes that do not conform to the constraint are appended to the NPL provided as the list parameter.

This function return sdaiTRUE if the instance conforms to the rule; sdaiFALSE if it violates the constraint; and sdaiUNKNOWN is there is an error, or the system is unable to determine if it conforms.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open    
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance 
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NPL is not valid or NULL

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.15; ISO 10303-24-6.9.16


SdaiLogical sdaiValidateAttrTypes(
	SdaiAppInstance instance, 
	SdaiNPL list

The sdaiValidateAttrTypes() function determines if the attributes of an instance are of the correct types. In this implementation, the types of attribute are validated when the attribute is set (e.g by sdaiPutAttr()), and the put function generates the sdaiVT_NVLD error is the type is invalid. Because of this behavior in the put functions, that attribute always have the correct types, so this function always returns sdaiTRUE.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open

See also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.13; ISO 10303-24-6.9.14


SdaiLogical sdaiValidateBinaryWidth (
	SdaiAppInstance appInstance,
	SdaiNPL list

The sdaiValidateBinaryWidth() function checks that all binary typed attributes in an instance are of a length allowed by the information model.

Any attributes that do not conform to the constraint are appended to the NPL provided as the list parameter.

This function return sdaiTRUE if the instance conforms to the rule; sdaiFALSE if it violates the constraint; and sdaiUNKNOWN is there is an error, or the system is unable to determine if it conforms.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open 
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance   
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NPL is not valid or NULL

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.17; ISO 103030-24-6.9.18


SdaiBoolean sdaiValidateInverseAttrs (
	SdaiAppInstance instance,
	SdaiNPL list

The sdaiValidateInverseAttrs() function validates that the constraints defined by inverse attribute are met.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance 
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NPL is not valid or NULL

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.11; ISO 10303-24-6.9.12


SdaiLogical sdaiValidateRealPrecision(
	SdaiAppInstance appInstance,
	SdaiNPL list

The sdaiValidateRealPrecision() function determines if the real attributes in an instance have sufficient precision as defined by the EXPRESS. In this implementation, this function always return sdaiTRUE because ST-Developer always uses doubles to store real values.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open.

See also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.18; ISO 10303-24-6.9.19


SdaiLogical sdaiValidateReferenceDomain(
	SdaiSchemaInstance schemaInstance, 
	SdaiAppInstance appInstance,     
	SdaiNPL list

The sdaiValidateReferenceDomain() function determines if all the attribute of an instance occur within a specified schema instance.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiSI_NEXS    	schema instance does not exist
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NPL is not valid or NULL

See also

ISO 10303-22-10.6.7; ISO 10303-24-6.4.7


SdaiBoolean sdaiValidateRequiredAttrs(
	SdaiAppInstance instance, 
	SdaiNPL list

The sdaiValidateRequiredAttrs() function determines if all the required attributes (e.g. those attribute not flagged as OPTIONAL in the EXPRESS code) are set. Any required attribute that was not set is added to the non-persistent list specified by the parameter list. In this implementation, the function will never flag an attribute of type integer, real, boolean or logical as unset, since there is no valid unset value.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open 
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NPL is not valid or NULL

See also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.10; ISO 10303-24-6.9.11


SdaiLogical sdaiValidateSchemaInstance (
	SdaiSchemaInstance schemaInstance

The sdaiValidateSchemaInstance() function validates a schema instance. The validation includes

The schemaInstance parameter, as an extension to part 24, may be a model in addition to a schema instance.

The function returns sdaiTRUE if the schema instance conforms to all the constraints. It returns sdaiFALSE, if one or more of the constraints are not met, and it returns sdaiUNKNOWN if there is an error, or if it is unable to determine is the constraints are met.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open 
    sdaiSI_NEXS    	schema instance does not exist 


    if (sdaiValidationSchemaInstance(si)) 
        printf ("Schema instance OK\n");

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.5.8; ISO 10303-24-6.4.8


SdaiLogical sdaiValidateStringWidth (
	SdaiAppInstance appInstance, 
	SdaiNPL list

The sdaiValidateStringWidth() function checks that all string typed attributes in an instance are of a length allowed by the information model.

Any attributes that do not conform to the constraint are appended to the NPL provided as the list parameter.

This function return sdaiTRUE if the instance conforms to the rule; sdaiFALSE if it violates the constraint; and sdaiUNKNOWN is there is an error, or the system is unable to determine if it conforms.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open  
    sdaiEI_NEXS    	NULL entity/entity not an application instance   
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NPL is not valid or NULL

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.11.16; ISO 10303-24-6.9.17


SdaiLogical sdaiValidateTypePath(
	SdaiAppInstance appInstance,
	SdaiNPL list

The sdaiValidateTypePath() function determines if the attributes of an instance have valid types. In this implementation, the function always returns sdaiTRUE, since the type checking is done when the attribute is set.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open

See also

ISO 10303-24-6.18.3


SdaiLogical sdaiValidateUniqueness(
	SdaiSchemaInstance schemaInstance,
	SdaiUniRule uniRule, 
	SdaiNPL list 

the sdaiValidateUniqueness() function evaluates a uniqueness rule over a schema instance (or model).

The schemaInstance parameter, as an extension to part 24, may be a model in addition to a schema instance.

The list parameter must be a preexisting NPL. Any instance which contains duplicated values is appended to the list.

The function returns sdaiTRUE if the schema instance conforms to all the constraints. It returns sdaiFALSE, if one or more of the constraints are not met, and it returns sdaiUNKNOWN if there is an error, or if it is unable to determine is the constraints are met.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session is not open 
    sdaiSI_NEXS    	schema instance does not exist 
    sdaiRU_NDEF    	rule NULL or bad object
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NPL is not valid or NULL


    SdaiNPL list = sdaiCreateNPL();
    sdaiValidateUniqueness (si, rule, list);

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.6.6; ISO 10303-24-6.4.6


SdaiLogical sdaiValidateUniquenessBN (
	SdaiSchemaInstance schemaInstance,
	SdaiString entityName,
	SdaiString uniRuleName, 
	SdaiNPL list 	

the sdaiValidateUniquenessBN() function evaluates the uniqueness rule over a schema instance (or model). The rule is identified by name within an entity.

The schemaInstance parameter, as an extension to part 24, may be a model in addition to a schema instance.

The list parameter must be a preexisting NPL. Any instance which contains duplicated values is appended to the list.

The function returns sdaiTRUE if the schema instance conforms to all the constraints. It returns sdaiFALSE, if one or more of the constraints are not met, and it returns sdaiUNKNOWN if there is an error, or if it is unable to determine is the constraints are met.


    sdaiSS_NOPN    	session not open
    sdaiRU_NDEF    	invalid or NULL scheme def 
    sdaiSI_NEXS    	schema instance does not exist
    sdaiAI_NEXS    	NPL is not valid or NULL 


    SdaiNPL list = sdaiCreateNPL();
    sdaiValidateUniquenessBN (si, "entity", "rule", list);

See Also

ISO 10303-22-10.6.6; ISO 10303-24-6.4.6