Source and output

Print Session Model

This is a simple program that can print out the contents of the various parts of the session model, such as the repositories, models, and the session object itself.

The C program has been set up so that it can be compiled with either ANSI or K&R C compilers.

Build Instructions

  1. Source the "Rose_Logicals" file to define environment variables. Make sure you replace "/usr/steptools" with the ST-Developer installation directory for your site.
       % source /usr/steptools/Rose_Logicals
       % set path=($PATH $ROSE_BIN)
  2. Compile the program and link against the SDAI and ROSE libraries.
       % cc -I$ROSE_INCLUDE tSession.c -L$ROSE_LIB -lsdai -lrose
  3. Run the program with a dataset name, and entity name. It will display abundant information about the session status and print information about the testdata model and the "line" folder within it.
       % tSession testdata line