The EXPRESS-G information tool expginfo is a command line utility that can extract information from an EXPRESS-G diagram.
Command Line
expginfo [options] <expg-file>
The EXPRESS-G Information tool accepts the following options. Without any options, the tool produces both size and index listings.
- -help
- Print this list of options. The tool performs no other action and ignores all other options.
- -i / -index
- Print an index listing for every definition in the EXPRESS-G diagram. The name of each definition is printed, along with the number of the page it is defined on.
- -s / -size
- Print page dimensions, page count, and grid arrangement of the EXPRESS-G diagram.
Without any options, the tool produces both size and index listings. The following example shows the contents of an AP-203 EXPRESS-G diagram:
% expginfo part-203.exg Pages are 7.5" wide by 10.0" high. There are 112 pages, arranged in a grid which is 16 pages wide by 7 pages high. action,65 action_assignment,76 action_execution,65 action_method,84 action_request_assignment,73 action_request_status,104 action_status,105 address,58 advanced_brep_representation,61 ahead_or_behind,87 alternate_product_relationship,94 application_context,71 application_context_element,72 [ . . . ]