STEP is a standard for product model data and IFC is a standard for building model data. Both are very widely supported by CAD, CAM and BIM systems.
STEP-NC AP238 used to make 1,000,000 parts in 2019
STEP AP242 Edition 2 is finished
IFC very popular for building models
STEP reduces the cost of manufacturing by allowing products, processes and machines to be assembled digitally for testing before delivery. IFC does the same for building construction.
If you own a CAD, CAM or BIM system, then we can help you extend and maintain your STEP and IFC interfaces with the latest libraries and visualization systems. Our librares are used by many of the leading CAD vendors, including NX and Autodesk, because they are the fastest and most reliable.
If your are a leader in manufacturing or construction, then we can help you use STEP and IFC to make better products. We are leading the deployment of 3D product models in manufacturing automation. There are many savings including a reduction in the cost of tooling of 15% or more.